Can I Start A Membership With A Small Audience?

By Jennie Lyon / June 4, 2024

Starting a membership program can seem daunting. Especially when your audience size is small. You might ask, “Can I start a membership with a small audience?” The answer is a resounding yes. A small audience can be a powerful asset. It allows for a more personal connection. It fosters a sense of community. This blog will guide you through the process. It will provide actionable insights on leveraging a small audience for membership growth. Let’s get started! Understanding the Power of a Small AudienceDefining Your Value PropositionCreating Exclusive Content for MembersLeveraging Social Proof to Attract MembersEmail Marketing: Converting Subscribers to…

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Navigating Pitfalls When Creating An Online Course + Free Guides

By Jennie Lyon / August 29, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Pitfalls when Creating An Online Course

Welcome, course creators! Whether you’ve always been thinking about creating an online course or you’ve already started an expedition into the exciting world of online course development, I’m not just here to guide you through the process! I’m here to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and wisdom you need to conquer the challenges and pitfalls that await on this exhilarating journey. Online courses represent a world of opportunity – a means to share your expertise, make a meaningful impact, and generate income. Yet, as with any grand adventure, there can be treacherous paths to navigate, unexpected twists to overcome,…

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