How to Use Recession-Proof Marketing To Boost Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / November 21, 2023

Hey there, fellow business owners! Ever feel like you’re in a maze trying to keep your online ventures afloat when economic downturns hit? I get it. Just the hint of a recession can spark worries about whether our clients and customers will keep the cash flowing, which is why recession-proof marketing is so important! When the economy does a little dance, we sometimes find ourselves doing a balancing act. The thought of a recession might make us wonder if our clients will still be swiping those credit cards. But fear not! With the right strategies and tools at our disposal,…

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4 Simple Weekly Online Marketing Strategies to Attract Customers

By Jennie Lyon / October 24, 2023

Hey there, lovely entrepreneurs! Having a robust online presence is an absolute game-changer for any business eager to make waves and attract customers. Who doesn’t want to stand out in the digital crowd, right? And you need some solid online marketing strategies to make that happen! But let’s be real, my friend, the digital marketing universe is a vast, swirling galaxy of tactics and strategies. It’s like trying to choose your favorite flavor at an ice cream parlor with too many options.  The good news is, I’ve got your back! There are some tried-and-true techniques and weekly game plans that’ll help…

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How to Double Your Income by Working Less

By Jennie Lyon / July 11, 2023

Over the last year, did it ever feel like you’re working much more for less income? For many people, their dream is to work from home. They believe that it will give them freedom! No more commuting in the morning and evening, they can have lunch in their own kitchen, if their kids need them, they can be there. Here is the thing, though… It’s a trap! Haha!  Working from home isn’t the pleasure cruise that many people think it is. When you work from an office, quitting time really is quitting time. Believe me, I know! I’m always a…

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10 Things to NEVER Do On Instagram and How To Fix Them

By Jennie Lyon / June 20, 2023

Wait! Stop! Don’t post that photo of your dog on your Instagram! Maybe I was overreacting slightly (it’s not like the internet can’t use a few dogs). But you should know that countless small business owners are making simple mistakes when using Instagram to promote themselves and their businesses. Instagram is my current favorite of all the social media networks. It actually reminds me a lot of Facebook before Facebook became “FACEBOOK!”  It’s a place where you can enjoy your friend and followers’ content. No spammy games, random news stories, and other kinds of unwanted content. Instead, you follow people…

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Webinars: Live or Evergreen? How to Decide!

By Jennie Lyon / May 4, 2021
JLVAS New Blog Images-Webinars

Have you ever attended a live webinar? I’m guessing you have, they are everywhere! Personally, I’m a huge fan! While I never really enjoyed traveling to attend in-person seminars because of expensive travel, hotels, and food, webinars are a completely different story. All you need to pay for a webinar is the cost of “entry.” You can safely stay comfy at home and learn everything you’d get from an in-person seminar for a fraction of the cost and time investment.  If you’re a small business owner, I’m sure that the idea of putting on your own webinar has occurred to…

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5 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Boost Your Facebook Ads + Free Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / February 9, 2021
5 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help Boost Facebook Ads

The beauty of social media marketing is that a small business can make a major impact… with the right ads! Facebook has become one of the most indispensable digital marketing outlets for small businesses. Not only does it give them access to a potential audience of billions, but it’s also super cost-effective. Anyone can create a Facebook ad that can be seen by thousands of people every day; you only need to know how to do it effectively.  Or you could always hire a virtual assistant to do that work for you! Rather than needing to worry about researching your…

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5 Ways to Automate the Important Parts of Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / February 4, 2021
5 Ways to Automate Your Business

How often do you find yourself overwhelmed by your daily to-do list? As a small business owner, I know how quickly a to-do list can balloon to impossible lengths. There are always so many things to get done and only so much time to do them.  When you run a small business, countless small tasks are on your shoulders as you must likely wear several different hats. In larger organizations, these tasks would be the responsibility of dedicated employees, but you likely can’t accord a full-time worker to take care of your social media, for example. While hiring a virtual…

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How To Attract An Audience With The Best Copywriting Tips

By Jennie Lyon / September 22, 2020
How to attract an audience with the best copywriting tips

Copywriting is at the heart of most marketing strategies. Everything from writing ads to crafting webinars to coming up with taglines requires a certain amount of copywriting skill. As a small business owner, you need to effectively communicate your brand’s key messages through compelling copy that converts people to paying customers.  But how do you do this? If you don’t know the different types of copy, proven strategies to get customers to engage, and ways to deal with writer’s block ( a particular nightmare for all writers out there), you’re likely going to be stuck staring at a blank page…

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How to Create a 3-Month Content Marketing Calendar in 1 Hour (Free Template!)

By Jennie Lyon / August 4, 2020
How to Create a 3-Month Content Calendar in 1 Hour + Free Template

Want to know an online business secret? Content equals growth!  It’s true! Content creation has been the core of everything I’ve done with my businesses for the past 20 years. However, when I took my content creation to the next level that is when my business really took off.  Take my green lifestyle blog, Sweet Greens. Haha! Are you thinking, What? She has a green lifestyle blog too? Sweet Greens was born of my passion for environmental causes and green products. It started as a simple blog (I thought it would be a fun way to document the fun eco-friendly…

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How to Create a Month’s Worth of Social Media in 1 Day

By Jennie Lyon / June 23, 2020

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? That’s usually what I hear from most small business owners. They start the day ready to blow through their to-do lists, but still have half the list left at the end of hours. That’s usually because their time gets used up by small, time-consuming tasks like creating and scheduling social media as part of their digital marketing strategy. Personally, I write/design/schedule a month’s worth of social media content on Saturday or Sunday morning. I’ve developed a system over the years where I get up early and have it…

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