6 Successful Ways to Batch Your Content Creation to Save Time and Money

By Jennie Lyon / June 18, 2024

Content creation helps people discover your brand, business, services, or products. It also helps you attract, engage and build a relationship with prospects and clients. Basically, it brings new eyes to your site and will ultimately generate revenue. So, if you aren’t creating content, you’ll get left in the dust of your competitors.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could finish all your content creation without ever breaking a sweat, and without feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Well, believe it or not – with content batching, that dream can become a reality. Batching is an incredibly…

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4 Types of Memberships That Will Make You More Money in Less Time (+ Free Download)

By Jennie Lyon / June 11, 2024

Is Your Audience Ready To Invest In Themselves Through You Imagine this: your audience of loyal subscribers all sign up for memberships to receive your advice, skillset, products, or content, providing you a steady stream of supplemental income you can use to fuel your business, your side hustles, and your wildest dreams. Is it possible? YOU BET! But how? Well, that’s where I come in! In this episode, we’ll unlock the truth behind tested and true membership models you can use to provide benefits to your audience at a monthly membership fee. I’m excited about this one, so let’s get…

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How to Use Social Media Stories in Your Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / April 30, 2024

One trend in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape has taken center stage: Social Media Stories. These fleeting, 24-hour posts have become a powerful tool for brands and businesses. But why are Stories so popular? The answer lies in their short-lived nature. Stories offer a fresh, engaging way to connect with audiences. They provide a sense of immediacy and exclusivity that traditional posts can’t match, leading to a surge in their use across various social media platforms. From Instagram to Facebook, TikTok to LinkedIn, Stories have become a staple of social media marketing. But how can you harness the power of…

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Segmentation Strategies: Targeting the Right Audience with Email Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / February 13, 2024
Segmentation Strategies: Targeting the Right Audience with Email Marketing

Email marketing rocks! Sending emails? Super effective. Segmentation matters! But guess what? Subscribers aren’t clones. They’re unique, with different tastes and habits. So, ditch the generic emails; it’s time to get personal because not all subscribers are cut from the same cloth. They’ve got different needs and vibes, affecting how they respond to your emails. Wondering how? Segmentation is the game-changer. This blog? Your easy guide to why it rocks, how to do it, and the necessary tools. Ready to level up your email game? Let’s dive right in! Content Overview 🔹Why Email List Segmentation?🔹Types of Segmentation🔹Crafting Segmentation Criteria🔹Personalization Techniques🔹Tools and…

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The Ultimate Guide to Evergreen Content: Strategies for Sustainable Growth

By Jennie Lyon / February 6, 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Evergreen Content: Strategies for Sustainable Growth

In a world where trends come and go like flickering candle flames, evergreen content is that steady beacon guiding your business’s journey. It’s not a quick story that vanishes; it’s a narrative echoing through time. So, why should you care about evergreen content for your business? It’s the solid ground where your brand story stands, unaffected by passing trends. We’ll explore the art of crafting enduring messages, meeting universal customer needs, and adopting a strategic mindset for content that weathers any storm.  Content Overview 🔹What is Evergreen Content?🔹The Art Of Messages That Stick Around 🔹Identifying What Customers Always Want🔹Strategies for Creating…

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Unlocking the Potential of LinkedIn Marketing for Business Growth

By Jennie Lyon / November 7, 2023

Hey there, my entrepreneurial friends! Let’s dive into why LinkedIn Marketing has become an absolute must-have for small business owners and go-getter entrepreneurs. With its robust features and expansive network, LinkedIn brings a world of opportunities to the table – think brand building, valuable connections, powerful partnerships, and the creation of a thriving business community. Now, let’s talk about LinkedIn marketing and boy, it has taken center stage! It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their influence and connect with those industry leaders. Imagine being able to showcase your skills, experience, and expertise to a global audience. And the…

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4 Simple Weekly Online Marketing Strategies to Attract Customers

By Jennie Lyon / October 24, 2023

Hey there, lovely entrepreneurs! Having a robust online presence is an absolute game-changer for any business eager to make waves and attract customers. Who doesn’t want to stand out in the digital crowd, right? And you need some solid online marketing strategies to make that happen! But let’s be real, my friend, the digital marketing universe is a vast, swirling galaxy of tactics and strategies. It’s like trying to choose your favorite flavor at an ice cream parlor with too many options.  The good news is, I’ve got your back! There are some tried-and-true techniques and weekly game plans that’ll help…

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Lights, Camera, Action: Elevating Your Digital Marketing with Short-Form Videos

By Jennie Lyon / October 10, 2023
Elevating Your Digital Marketing with Short Form Videos

Hello, dear readers! Short-form videos have taken the digital marketing world by storm in recent years. 🎥 Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have paved the way for you to captivate your audience with bite-sized content that’s both engaging and memorable. These videos allow businesses like yours to convey their brand messages quickly and effectively while leveraging the power of visual storytelling.  I’m absolutely thrilled to have you join me as we explore the power of short-form video and unlock its marketing potential – it’s time to take your brand’s online presence to new heights! Content Overview Why Short-Form Video…

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The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Email List: 10 Proven Strategies for Success

By Jennie Lyon / October 3, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Email List 10 Proven Strategies For Success

I’m a firm believer in the power of email. It’s not just about sending messages; it’s about building relationships, nurturing your audience, and ultimately, growing your business.

So, grab your favorite beverage, cozy up in your comfiest chair, and let’s unlock 10 proven strategies for growing your email list!

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Navigating Pitfalls When Creating An Online Course + Free Guides

By Jennie Lyon / August 29, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Pitfalls when Creating An Online Course

Welcome, course creators! Whether you’ve always been thinking about creating an online course or you’ve already started an expedition into the exciting world of online course development, I’m not just here to guide you through the process! I’m here to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and wisdom you need to conquer the challenges and pitfalls that await on this exhilarating journey. Online courses represent a world of opportunity – a means to share your expertise, make a meaningful impact, and generate income. Yet, as with any grand adventure, there can be treacherous paths to navigate, unexpected twists to overcome,…

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