Balance Parenthood and Your Small Business with a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / September 11, 2018

Recently, there have been a number of stories in the news that a record number of pregnant women are running for political office, more than at any other point in our country’s history. This absolutely remarkable shift was foreshadowed just a few short months ago when the sitting Prime Minister of New Zealand gave birth to her daughter. Can you imagine being the leader of a country while at the exact same time balancing the responsibilities of being a new parent? For many small business owners out there, it’s easy because they are going through something very similar. It’s time…

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Find Extra Hours in your Day with the Help of a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / August 28, 2018

When was the last time that you got a really good night’s sleep? As a small business owner myself, I know what it’s like to have to have to work 12 to 14 hour days. Back when I first started my business, I would get up in the morning, work all day, and then go to sleep. It’s rewarding, no question, but also exhausting. And what choice do we have? As a small business owner, you’re responsible for everything and, if something doesn’t get done, the only person that you can blame is yourself. But what if it didn’t have…

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Starting a Business? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

By Jennie Lyon / August 21, 2018

I honestly think that one of the bravest things a person can do is start a small business. They have to overcome so many obstacles, even before they take their first official steps. They have to deal with family and friends doubting them. They have to worry about the potential loss of income from their current job. They have to consider the current economic climate and judge if it’s a good time to open a small business. That’s an awful lot to have on your mind! As someone who has gone through it all, trust me, I know how much…

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How a Professional Landing Page Can Boost Your Sales

By Jennie Lyon / August 14, 2018

Do you want to know my favorite part of flying? The landing. I love the moment when the plane suddenly touches the ground after hours in the air. It’s the last part of the journey and carries with it a sense of arrival. It’s the climax of the whole flight! Customers can actually get a very similar feeling when they are about to buy a product. If you’ve built your sales funnel correctly, your customers should have already gone through the steps of being aware of your product/service and are now interested. It’s time to close the deal with a…

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You’ve Given Your First Webinar! Now What?

By Jennie Lyon / August 7, 2018

Yay, you’ve given your first webinar! Putting together a really fantastic webinar is no laughing matter. You have to do tons of research, write a script, create graphics, get together all of your slides, actually sign people up, advertise, and then finally present it. It can take a few months to get through all of that work and finally reach the big day. And once you do… then what? Hopefully, you got lots of people into your webinar and they opt into some of your services or buy your programs, but what about the webinar itself? You’ve done all of…

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Kick Your Income Into High Gear with a Sales Funnel!

By Jennie Lyon / July 24, 2018
Kick Your Income Into High Gear with a Sales Funnel!

Are you consciously aware of how you purchase products? I’m not talking about the process of paying for it, I mean the process that begins the moment you become aware of a product to the moment that you use it. This is known as a sales funnel and you need to be aware of it for any marketing strategy to work. No matter what your chosen method of advertising, whether it be Facebook Ads, email marketing, or social media, you need to have a sales funnel in place. A virtual assistant can help you build a sales funnel, writing all…

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Facebook Ads Got You Down? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

By Jennie Lyon / July 17, 2018
Facebook Ads Got You Down? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

Facebook is king. Don’t take my word for it, just ask someone if they have a Facebook account. Chances are that they will say “Yes!” Facebook and other social media channels have replaced our address books, photo albums, and even started to replace more traditional forms of advertising. By using Facebook as a marketing platform, you will be able to reach out to a huge group of potential clients for a fraction of the cost it would have just a few years ago. So let’s take a look at the reach, power, and ROI (Return-On-Investment) of Facebook Ads! The Reach…

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Refresh Your Website and Blog Content With a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / July 10, 2018
Refresh Your Website and Blog Content With a Virtual Assistant

How many old blog posts do you have on your website? If you’ve been in business for a while, there is a good chance that you have a gigantic back library of blog posts that stretch back years. Blog posts that were written in 2015 or earlier, although still potentially valuable, can seem out-of-date and not relevant to your current business and services. But what if you could recycle and refresh them? What if you could take all of that valuable, old material you invested tremendous time and effort into and bring them back to life with a copywriting “punch-up”,…

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Is Your Small Business on Instagram? If Not, It’s Time!

By Jennie Lyon / July 3, 2018
JLVAS -is your small business on instagram

Do you have an Instagram account set up for your business? If not, you’re missing an incredibly valuable opportunity to connect with potential clients and customers in a way that is unique from every other social media channel. Instagram is currently the most used social media network out there today, with over 800 million monthly users. Even better, these are highly engaged users! They are actively looking for content, services, and products, all of which you and your small business could provide them with. So the 800 million dollar question is… Why aren’t you on Instagram yet? [Tweet “Is your…

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Getting Started: How a Virtual Assistant can Boost your Business

By Jennie Lyon / June 12, 2018
JLVAS how a virtual assistant can boost your business

Some of my favorite people in the world are small business owners. There is something I just love about an entrepreneurial spirit and a drive to succeed. I admire them for starting out with nothing but a dream, building that dream into a plan, and that plan into a successful business. The big question that I’m asked the most by new small business owners is, “How do I get started?” Well, I can help with that! Hiring a virtual assistant in the early days of your new small business can give you a huge advantage, getting things started in the…

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