Find Extra Hours in your Day with the Help of a Virtual Assistant
When was the last time that you got a really good night’s sleep?
As a small business owner myself, I know what it’s like to have to have to work 12 to 14 hour days. Back when I first started my business, I would get up in the morning, work all day, and then go to sleep. It’s rewarding, no question, but also exhausting. And what choice do we have? As a small business owner, you’re responsible for everything and, if something doesn’t get done, the only person that you can blame is yourself.
But what if it didn’t have to be like this? What if you could get some of the work off your back, freeing up precious hours of the day where you could de-stress, exercise, or even (gasp!) sleep? With a virtual assistant, it’s very possible! You can put many of your recurring and non-vital tasks in my hands, allowing you to focus on the things that only you can do at your business.
[Tweet “With a virtual assistant, you can regain your downtime and boost your productivity!”]
Your First Step to Delegate Work to a Virtual Assistant
To get help, you first need to know exactly which tasks you feel that you can shift over to a virtual assistant. Go through the last two weeks of your to-do list and figure out which tasks took up the most time, which were the most annoying, and which you didn’t have to handle personally. Then make another list, putting all of these tasks in order of importance. With this list, you will clearly be able to see which tasks you could pass off to a virtual assistant that would make the biggest difference in your workday.
What Common Tasks Can You Delegate?
Although every small business is different, at their core, there are always many similarities. I often hear the same complaints and concerns from small business owners, along with tasks that are their least favorite to do.
Content Marketing
One of the biggest ones is blog writing. Writing long articles is a skill and one that many small business owners aren’t practiced in. For some, doing a weekly blog can eat up hours and hours of their week, coming up with the ideas, writing the first draft, editing it… It’s a real time eater.
Which is why you should hire a virtual assistant to do it for you. Instead of worrying about your blog, you can rest easy knowing that a professional copywriter will have one in your hands right on schedule. All you need to do is give it a read through. If you want some changes made, no problem, I would be happy to do a second draft!
Social Media Marketing
How many hours would you say that you spend on Facebook every week? How about Twitter? For many, these social media channels can eat up hours of their day, and that’s just their personal accounts. When you factor in their business’ channels, that number can rise exponentially. You need to write posts, respond to comments, and do whatever you can to boost engagement with your followers.
Or you could just hand off control of your social media accounts to me. I can write those posts for you. I can create compelling and targeted ads that will get your followers to your landing page. Even better, we can post those blog posts I mentioned above to get your content out there among your customers and clients without you having to do a thing.
Project Management
Running a small business is a little bit like juggling. You have to keep all of the balls in the air flawlessly. Drop one and they all might fall.
This is why I am such a firm believer in robust Project Management Systems. Being able to put all of your tasks, projects, and clients in one place, with due dates attached to everything, will make it much easier to keep track.
The problem is that, for an already overworked small business owner, a project management system can take way too much time to set up. So don’t worry about it and hire a virtual assistant to do it for you. After I’m done, all you need to do is take a look through everything to make sure no clients or tasks are missing. Once it’s completed, you will be able to better keep track of all the “balls,” reducing your stress and saving you a ton of time!
Are There Other Reasons to Hire a Virtual Assistant?
Too many to count, but I think the biggest reason to hire a virtual assistant is to avoid the risk of burnout.
As human beings, we only have so much gas in the task. Sure, we can drift on fumes for a while but eventually, we’re going to run out. When this happens, it doesn’t matter how much you want your business to succeed, you’re just not going to have enough energy to push through. This is called burnout and it’s a common problem among small business owners.
The trick to dealing with it is giving yourself time to relax. Daily exercise can help. So can mindless activities like watching TV. You need the time to do these things, even just an hour a night. But if you feel overwhelmed, downtime is the first thing to be put on the backburner. And that’s a big mistake.
By hiring a virtual assistant, you will be getting back your downtime. Compared to the small expense of outsourcing a few tasks, the money you’ll save boosting your productivity levels will more than cover it. Time off for a small business owner is almost unthinkable. And yet, it is entirely possible when you have a virtual assistant by your side, helping you daily with your workload.
[Tweet “Don’t you wish there were more hours in the day to get things done? A virtual assistant can help!”]
If you’d like to learn about more ways that I could free up hours in your day, I invite you to contact me for a free consultation. I understand where you are coming from, believe me, and I also know from experience just how helpful a virtual assistant can be. I can help you get past the panic so you can regain your productivity and downtime. You might even get a restful night’s sleep!
Don’t forget to check out my free download to help you free up some hours of your day! And course, if you are ready to partner with a virtual assistant, let’s chat!

[…] situation where having a virtual assistant shines! With a virtual assistant by your side, you can free up so much time and energy that you’ll wonder how you ever got along without […]
[…] together in no time. Plus, I can help you put similar systems in place for your own business and help you find even more hours in your day! Can’t wait to show you what I […]