Unlocking the Potential of LinkedIn Marketing for Business Growth

By Jennie Lyon / November 7, 2023

Hey there, my entrepreneurial friends! Let’s dive into why LinkedIn Marketing has become an absolute must-have for small business owners and go-getter entrepreneurs. With its robust features and expansive network, LinkedIn brings a world of opportunities to the table – think brand building, valuable connections, powerful partnerships, and the creation of a thriving business community. Now, let’s talk about LinkedIn marketing and boy, it has taken center stage! It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their influence and connect with those industry leaders. Imagine being able to showcase your skills, experience, and expertise to a global audience. And the…

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How to Double Your Income by Working Less

By Jennie Lyon / July 11, 2023

Over the last year, did it ever feel like you’re working much more for less income? For many people, their dream is to work from home. They believe that it will give them freedom! No more commuting in the morning and evening, they can have lunch in their own kitchen, if their kids need them, they can be there. Here is the thing, though… It’s a trap! Haha!  Working from home isn’t the pleasure cruise that many people think it is. When you work from an office, quitting time really is quitting time. Believe me, I know! I’m always a…

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10 Things to NEVER Do On Instagram and How To Fix Them

By Jennie Lyon / June 20, 2023

Wait! Stop! Don’t post that photo of your dog on your Instagram! Maybe I was overreacting slightly (it’s not like the internet can’t use a few dogs). But you should know that countless small business owners are making simple mistakes when using Instagram to promote themselves and their businesses. Instagram is my current favorite of all the social media networks. It actually reminds me a lot of Facebook before Facebook became “FACEBOOK!”  It’s a place where you can enjoy your friend and followers’ content. No spammy games, random news stories, and other kinds of unwanted content. Instead, you follow people…

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Collecting First Party Data – The Future Of Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / December 27, 2022
First Party Data - The Future of Marketing

While most people would agree that in order to succeed as a business, you need to grow your customer base, how you actually grow and monetize is a different story. This leads us to the concept of first-party data and how important it is for businesses of all shapes and sizes. First-party data is a term that refers to the specific data you need to acquire from your customers in order for them to become valuable. For example, if you run an online store and a customer buys something from you, they have just given you their email address. This…

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8 Hot Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2023

By Jennie Lyon / October 11, 2022
8 Hot Digital Trends to Watch for in 2023

As we move into the new year, it’s time to start thinking about the latest digital marketing trends. What will the next year bring? Which trends should you be on the lookout for? It’s exciting but also confusing. I get that. That’s why I am continuously tracking trends, testing things out in my own business, and making sure the team and I are on top of what’s hot and what’s not. Keep an eye on these trends, and you’ll be ahead of the curve. Here are eight of the hottest digital marketing trends to watch for in 2023: Influencer Relationships…

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4 Proven Strategies To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

By Jennie Lyon / September 20, 2022
4 Proven Strategies To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Even if you have the best products or services out there, you will still experience some level of shopping cart abandonment. You can use proven strategies to reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase sales. In this article, we’ll share 4 of the most effective strategies for reducing shopping cart abandonment that will increase your bottom line in Q4.  Use Scarcity Marketing Techniques Scarcity marketing is a marketing strategy based on the psychological principle that we tend to want what is in demand and hard to attain. When we, as humans, feel FOMO, impulse buying kicks in. When customers see that…

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How Getting Real on Social Media Can Grow Your Business (+ Free Social Media Bundle)

By Jennie Lyon / July 19, 2022

Are You Sharing Your Authentic Self With Your Audience? Followers online are fickle creatures, and they can sense when they are being sold inauthenticity. To maintain trust with your audience, you must learn to bring your most authentic self to everything you post on social media. People don’t like being kept at arm’s length and do not like being lied to. So is it possible to cultivate authenticity for your audience when sharing yourself so openly online might not be second nature to you? Absolutely! Today’s Blog Overview  Today we’re going to cultivate authenticity online and show you how to…

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My Best 5 Grow-Your-Business Tips From 100 Episodes of Digital Marketing Made Simple!

By Jennie Lyon / May 31, 2022

A 100 Episode Retrospective  Business advice is EVERYWHERE. What advice is worth listening to? Which advice is appropriate to consider for your specific business? I’m celebrating 100 episodes of Digital Marketing Made Simple! I’ve gone back through my previous podcasts to find the advice that resonated with the broadest pool of you beautiful listeners for a bit of a retrospective of the top advice I can give you to triage your business today! Podcast Overview  Today I’m going to highlight some of my absolute best business advice from my past 100 episodes of Digital Marketing Made Simple. You can click…

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How the iOS15 Update will Impact Email Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / October 26, 2021
How The iOS 15 Update Will Impact Email Marketing

Apple has done it again. Every small business owner and entrepreneur is well aware of the iOS14 updates and its impact on tracking paid marketing. Now, it’s time for email marketers to feel the same pain and panic that ensued between media buyers and ad agencies with the iOS15 update. We all remember the scramble to change our marketing plans and figure out the new way to have insights into our audience’s preferences and actions. Apple is taking it to the next level.  According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Apple believes that privacy is “one of the top issues of the…

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5 Surprising Ways a Graphic Designer Can Boost Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / March 16, 2021
JLVAS-5 Surprising Way a Graphic Designer Can Boost Your Business

Do you have any art hanging in your home? From the time when you’re a teenager, putting up posters of bands and movies, to when you’re an adult, putting up paintings, we all love being surrounded by lovely visuals! That’s certainly true in digital marketing. Every ad (even ones that are 95% text) uses graphic design to make them attractive to the eye. That’s the whole reason why we have different kinds of fonts! As a copywriter, believe me, Times New Roman can get a bit boring after a while… Most small business owners obviously can’t afford a full-time graphic…

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