How To Create A Core Lead Magnet That Your Audience Can’t Ignore?

By Jennie / June 25, 2024

You only have a few moments to capture the attention of your audience. Once you have their attention, how do you keep it? Enter the core lead magnet. A lead magnet is your secret weapon to grab their attention with a value-packed free offer they can’t ignore. And you can keep their attention by nurturing those relationships.  How do you create a lead magnet that resonates? It’s a combination of items, including an irresistible offer with compelling messaging, beautiful design, and a call to action they can’t ignore.  Today, let’s explore the blueprint for crafting a lead magnet that embodies…

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TikTok Ban? It’s Time To Build An Email List

By Jennie Lyon / March 19, 2024
TikTok Ban? It's Time To Build An Email List

The pending TikTok ban has caused quite a stir among small business owners who have relied heavily on the platform to build their businesses.  With the potential loss of a significant marketing channel, it has become even more critical for small business owners to diversify their marketing strategies and explore other options.  One such option is email marketing, which has been a reliable and effective way to reach customers for decades. Businesses can maintain direct customer communication and drive sales by building a solid email list and developing engaging email campaigns.  Additionally, email marketing can be personalized and tailored to…

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The Roadmap to a Successful 5-Day Email Challenge

By Jennie Lyon / January 9, 2024
The Roadmap to a Successful 5-Day Email Challenge

I’m thrilled to dive into a crucial topic today: lead generation and conversion. We all know that generating leads is the first step to growing your business, but the real magic happens when you can successfully turn those leads into paying customers. It’s the ultimate challenge, right? Well, guess what? If you’re feeling a bit stuck or overwhelmed when it comes to converting your leads into sales, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there at some point. But today, I’ve got something special for you – a game-changer in your business strategy. I’m excited to introduce you to our transformative…

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Steps To Automate Your Email Marketing & Why It’s So Important!

By Jennie Lyon / December 12, 2023
How to Automate Your Email Marketing & Why It's So Important

Life is busy, even busier if you’re a small business owner! One of the first steps to having a successful online business is having a robust email list full of raving fans and paying customers. If you’re like me, finding time to stay on top of your email marketing can feel very time intensive and overwhelming! What’s a small business owner to do? Automate your email marketing, of course!  When you automate your email marketing, you not only save time but, more importantly, you boost engagement with your ICA (ideal client avatar), nurture those relationships by building the know, like,…

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How To Choose A Lead Magnet That Brings In A Steady Stream of Leads

By Jennie Lyon / June 27, 2023
How To Choose A Lead Magnet That Brings In A Steady Stream of Leads

Creating a lead magnet t hat Brings in a steady stream of leads is a great way to generate MONEY for your business. If you’ve been in business any amount of time, you already know this. So I am not revealing some industry-hidden secret here. However, choosing the right lead magnet is something of huge value. If done the right way, and is also something that is often done wrong.  These days customers are not so quick to give up their information. With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. Well, today’s…

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3 Steps To Capturing And Converting Leads + Free Downloads

By Jennie Lyon / May 16, 2023
3 Steps To Capturing And Converting Leads

Over the past 22 years, we’ve worked with thousands of small business owners, helping them craft the perfect free offer! And while having a fantastic free offer is the first step in capturing and converting leads, it’s only one small piece of the puzzle.  Lead conversion isn’t just about getting eyes on your website; it’s about grabbing their attention (and email address!), nurturing them, and converting them into paying customers. It’s about creating an incredible customer journey and user experience that’s so compelling that leads can’t help but come back for more! Before you can get into converting a visitor…

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Top 10 Proven Strategies to Build Your Email List + Freebies

By Jennie Lyon / April 18, 2023
Top 10 Proven Strategies to Build Your Email List + Freebies

How often do you sign up for a brand’s emails? If you’re like me, you most likely only subscribe to an email list if you KNOW you’re going to get VALUE from the emails. Because let’s face it, there are certain brands that I absolutely adore, but I’m only signing up for their newsletters if I believe in what they promote and the stories that they tell in their emails. BONUS, if their emails make me smile.  Email marketing is a highly effective way to reach out to customers, build relationships, and boost sales. In fact, email marketing has the…

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6 Powerful Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Conversion Funnel

By Jennie Lyon / April 11, 2023

Have you ever been sitting in traffic thinking to yourself, Dang, I wish I could get traffic like this to my website? If you are stuck at stagnant levels of growth or if you’re searching for ways to get more traffic into your ecosystem, you are not alone! There are a lot of things you can do to drive more traffic into your world, but more importantly, once you get the traffic, you need to convert it to boost those bottom-line profits!  Today, I’ll discuss what conversion funnels are and how they impact your customer journey. Then, you’ll learn how…

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How To 10x Your Email List This Year Using Social Media

By Jennie Lyon / February 21, 2023
How To 10x Your Email List This Year Using Social Media

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage with your target audience. You need a solid email list, and social media can be a powerful tool if you’re looking to increase your list. In this episode, I’ll show you how to 10x your email list using exclusive strategies and expert tips to attract and retain more subscribers.  Blog Overview:  Grow Your Subscribers  What first comes to mind when you have to reach someone? Your phone, right? And then, you commonly reach out directly or via social media. Why? That’s because it’s the easiest and fastest…

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6 Great Email Sequences That Nurture Leads To Conversion

By Jennie Lyon / February 14, 2023
6 Great Email Sequences That Nurture Leads To Conversion

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and convert them into customers. I keep hearing email marketing is dead or dying. However, this is far from the case. You can build trust and credibility with your audience by sending targeted, personalized messages to the right people at the right time. And ultimately drive more sales for your business. Email marketing has the highest ROI (return on investment) of all digital marketing, so if you aren’t actively building an email list, stop everything you’re doing and get started! An email list of raving fans and engaged…

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