Increase Client Lifetime Value With A World-Class Experience

By Jennie Lyon / January 25, 2022

Studies show that a huge percentage of businesses spend more time and money finding new customers than keeping those they already have. Which, when you consider how much costlier acquiring new customers is than retaining existing ones, sounds like a massive mistake! To increase client lifetime value (CLV), you need to find ways to acquire customers inexpensively. You need to do this while also making sure that they stick around long enough for you to woo them. This might seem like a huge challenge, but don’t fret! All it takes is an irresistible product, service, or program (which you already have)…

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6 Steps to Capturing & Nurturing Leads to Conversion

By Jennie Lyon / January 11, 2022

Every user has their pain point, and they’re looking for products or services that can help them address that pain point. Make the right first impression, and you have a chance to convert your potential customer into an actual customer. But your efforts to build relationships with your leads don’t stop there. That’s how you begin to nurture your leads, so they buy from you when they are ready. I call this your lead generation strategy. A lead generation strategy is crucial for any level of business. Why? Because, without one, you’ll rely on your ICA to find you, and…

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The Art of Social Media Marketing: 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid + Free Hashtag Calendar

By Jennie Lyon / December 21, 2021
The Art of Social Media Marketing: 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are undoubtedly a lot of opportunities for an entrepreneur. I know; you’re probably overwhelmed with excitement! But the truth is, if you want to be successful in business, you’ll have to face one reality: social media is one of the most important tools in a modern entrepreneur’s marketing arsenal. Social media marketing has changed the way businesses reach their customers’ hands down. Social media marketing is the rocket fuel that makes your content go viral. The problem? It can be pretty difficult for many entrepreneurs to strike a balance between engaging consumers and to be focused on their core…

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How to Handle the Natural Slowdown of Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / December 14, 2021

It’s inevitable: at some point, every business experiences a natural slowdown. I have it happen myself, and to be honest, every single time it happens, I’m shocked! My husband teases me saying, yes – it happens, use that extra time to your advantage!  Many people are navigating their business through what has become known as the “new economic landscape.” Some have seen a dramatic loss of traffic and sales; others have had to deal with other challenges that slow down or disrupt an organization’s productivity – but it doesn’t mean you can’t make lemonade out of these situations! Regardless if…

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7 Secret Steps to Successful Content + Free Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / December 7, 2021

If you want to become a successful content creator, you must write engaging content. Captivating readers and keeping them interested is key to continued and repeat traffic. Maybe this sounds overwhelming, or you hit writer’s block consistently, luckily writing content is easier than you think. It’s like riding a bike. Once you’ve got a system, you’ll never fret over it again.  Boosting productivity is an important goal for many e-commerce businesses and online entrepreneurs. Many of us know that by keeping it simple and focusing all our efforts on one thing at a time, we will streamline our outputs and…

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7 Holiday Marketing Tips to Increase Revenue + Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / November 23, 2021
7 Holiday Marketing Tips to Increase Revenue

Is your business ready for the holiday season? It’s here! Whether your business is large or small, you need to be prepared for one day (hello, Black Friday!) or the entire holiday season. It’s not enough to have a “great product” or even a great price.” You must also be prepared to offer exceptional customer service and build long-term relationships if you expect to do well during this particular time of year. Now is the time to get serious about improving your marketing skills. In this issue, we’ve outlined seven powerful (but easy) strategies you can use to supercharge your…

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10 Time Management Tips to Help You Reach Your Goals

By Jennie Lyon / November 16, 2021

“I never have enough time”. Does this sound familiar? As business owners we often feel this way. Personally, it isn’t easy to accomplish my work goals and personal aspirations if I don’t manage my time wisely. Over the past 20 years I have learned that the more time I spend doing one thing, the less time I have to do other things. If you’re reading this, then the chances are that you’re feeling the same way. I believe time management is one of the most essential and valuable skills you can have in life. If you don’t use your time wisely,…

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Land More Clients with These 6 Discovery Call Strategies

By Jennie Lyon / November 9, 2021

A discovery call is the first step to building a solid relationship with clients. The conversation touches on goals, challenges, and priorities that you can address in future interactions. It’s an opportunity for both parties to learn about each other, find commonalities, and determine if there’s a good fit. The rise in discovery calls seems to happen in waves. Small businesses, like ours, see a surge of discovery calls right around certain times of the year, for example New Year’s, at the beginning of spring, and just before the end of summer. By understanding the pattern behind the trend, you…

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2022 Marketing Audit: 6 Things to do NOW to be Ready for the Future

By Jennie Lyon / November 2, 2021
2022 Marketing Audit: 6 Things to do NOW to be Ready for the Future

Running a business means taking on a lot of hard work, and one way to stay aware and optimize poorly performing areas is with an audit. The scope of a business audit varies depending on what you’re looking for, from a social media audit to a more detailed operational audit. By implementing these strategies early, you’ll ensure that your business is ready to weather the storm and continue to grow in unexpected ways in 2022. Today I want to talk about marketing tune-ups. You can’t just set up a business and hope for the best. For companies to prosper, they…

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8 Steps to Automating Your Client Onboarding + Free Workbook!

By Jennie Lyon / September 28, 2021
8 Steps to Automating Your Client Onboarding Free Workbook

When growing your business, probably the most vital component, second to, say, your product or service, is your clients. Where would you be without them? Home alone with a great coaching program you’ve rehearsed to yourself in the mirror countless times, that’s where! However, the process of getting and onboarding clients is a big undertaking, requiring savvy marketing and outreach to draw them to you. But let’s say you’ve done that part (as if you’ve been listening to my advice throughout my many, many blogs!) Clients are coming to you consistently. Great! So, now what? Well, if you’re going to…

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