GROW Your Social Media Following in 20 Minutes a Day

By Jennie Lyon / August 13, 2019

Get as much work done in as little time. This is the overriding goal in your head when you’re a small business owner. Time is money. If you only have a few hours every day to get everything done, you’re going to need to be super-efficient. Unfortunately, there are a ton of little, but essential tasks that can get in the way of your efficiency. For example, social media. Why You NEED Social Media Social media is a crucial part of every digital marketing strategy. Being on all of the major social media networks is how you reach out to…

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Refresh Your Website and Blog Content With a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / July 10, 2018
Refresh Your Website and Blog Content With a Virtual Assistant

How many old blog posts do you have on your website? If you’ve been in business for a while, there is a good chance that you have a gigantic back library of blog posts that stretch back years. Blog posts that were written in 2015 or earlier, although still potentially valuable, can seem out-of-date and not relevant to your current business and services. But what if you could recycle and refresh them? What if you could take all of that valuable, old material you invested tremendous time and effort into and bring them back to life with a copywriting “punch-up”,…

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