6 Key Email Sequences to a Successful Launch

By Jennie Lyon / February 15, 2022

You’ve done all the hard work to generate buzz, built your email list, and crafted the perfect offer. So now what?  One of the most critical aspects of planning your launch is your email sequences. The internet and every launch expert have their own strategy tips on how to convert your offer at the highest numbers possible. But, here’s the kicker… copying someone else’s offer has no value because your audience, you, and your offer are different. If you have been following me for any amount of time, then you have heard me talk about how your ideal customer should…

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Land More Clients with These 6 Discovery Call Strategies

By Jennie Lyon / November 9, 2021

A discovery call is the first step to building a solid relationship with clients. The conversation touches on goals, challenges, and priorities that you can address in future interactions. It’s an opportunity for both parties to learn about each other, find commonalities, and determine if there’s a good fit. The rise in discovery calls seems to happen in waves. Small businesses, like ours, see a surge of discovery calls right around certain times of the year, for example New Year’s, at the beginning of spring, and just before the end of summer. By understanding the pattern behind the trend, you…

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2022 Marketing Audit: 6 Things to do NOW to be Ready for the Future

By Jennie Lyon / November 2, 2021
2022 Marketing Audit: 6 Things to do NOW to be Ready for the Future

Running a business means taking on a lot of hard work, and one way to stay aware and optimize poorly performing areas is with an audit. The scope of a business audit varies depending on what you’re looking for, from a social media audit to a more detailed operational audit. By implementing these strategies early, you’ll ensure that your business is ready to weather the storm and continue to grow in unexpected ways in 2022. Today I want to talk about marketing tune-ups. You can’t just set up a business and hope for the best. For companies to prosper, they…

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5 Easy Ways to Use Video Content to Get Eyes on Your Business!

By Jennie Lyon / August 31, 2021
JLVAS-Blog - Using Video Content to Get Eyes on Your Business

Everywhere you look on the internet, you find information flung at you from every direction and medium. We are awash in stimuli for most of our day on our mobile devices, laptops, and computer monitors. When you consider marketing your business amidst this deluge of content, it can seem pretty overwhelming! Thankfully, you can use a digital marketing tool that provides some evergreen content options and is super easy to digest: video! While you can certainly invest your money into a commercial that streams on YouTube or TV, that isn’t always possible for a small business owner. In the beginning…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Earn Passive Income at Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / May 1, 2018
JLVAS-How a virtual assistant can help you earn passive income

There is a simple equation that drives most entrepreneurs: Hard work + time = money. If you want your business to grow, you need to invest a ton of time and energy into it. Being an entrepreneur can be super-exhausting, especially in the early days of starting your business. There are lots of entrepreneurs out there who dream of being able to build systems that will earn them passive income without them having to raise a finger. Well, with the help of a virtual assistant, you can make that dream a reality! [Tweet “If earning passive income is the dream,…

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How Efficient Organization is the Key to Small Business Growth

By Jennie Lyon / April 24, 2018
JLVAS-How Efficient Organization is the key to small business growth

Who doesn’t love spring cleaning? It’s a chance to get rid of all the clutter, and the same could be said for your business. For a small business, organization is key. There are a ton of little tasks that can take up way too much of your time, quickly filling up your schedule and pulling you away from the work that only you can do. Well, it’s spring cleaning time, so hire a virtual assistant to help create systems that will set your business up for success! Administration & Client ManagementOne place where you can find a lot of unnecessary…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can Help Kick Your Business into High Gear this Winter!

By Jennie Lyon / January 23, 2018
JLVAS - How a virtual assistant can help kick your business into high gear this winter

Has this winter given you the blues? It’s around this time of year when the winter weather can really start to wear you down. With stunningly cold temperatures all across the country, even in the states that are warmer during the winter, folks are really starting to miss the sunny days of the summer. Feelings of “hibernation” and depression are normal around the end of January/beginning of February. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder, and it can take a huge toll on your productivity and your business. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, you need to be able to give…

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Business Planning 101: A Simple Checklist to Ensure Success

By Jennie Lyon / January 16, 2018
JLVAS Business Planning-A simple checklist to ensure success

Do you have a comprehensive business plan? If you don’t have one in your drawer, you should get to work! I’m a big believer in planning ahead. A business plan can give you direction, something to aim towards throughout the year. If you already have a well-thought-out business plan, then the new year is a perfect time to update it with your new goals for the new year! If you are thinking about starting out on a new endeavor, then figuring out a plan for your proposed business is a must. Here is my personal updated 8-step process, along with…

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Winter is the Time to Plant the “Seeds” of Success for Growing Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / January 2, 2018
JLVAS winter is the time to plant seeds for growing your business

Who in their right mind would plant seeds in the dead of winter? Smart small business owners, that’s who! The biggest hope for a new year is growing your business. That’s what most New Year’s Resolutions are about, people want to grow. Grow their business, grow their income, personal growth. Growing your business doesn’t happen by accident though, you need to plant seeds. For an entrepreneur, the seeds of growth are plans for the future, and January is the perfect time to make them. Seed #1: Make a New Year Business Plan Do you have a business plan, written down…

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Scheduling for Your Health Equals More Wealth in Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / October 3, 2017

Having to work when you are suffering through an illness is a nightmare. Every step, every thought, every burst of energy requires so much effort that it can feel like you are trying to run through a swimming pool. Everyone has had to do it at one point or another, no one enjoys it. But when you don’t have a cold, flu, or easily identifiable illness, we don’t really think about the our health or the energy we expend. We simply go about our day, exerting the necessary energy to complete tasks. As small business owners, we often put our…

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