Digital Marketing in the New Year: Your Options Explained

By Jennie Lyon / February 6, 2018
JLVAS - Digital marketing in the new year your options explained

The march of technology continues onwards! Every year, there is more and more innovation in the realm of digital marketing. With all of this changing technology comes new opportunities to get your advertising dollar to go a little further. A virtual assistant can help you take advantage of these digital marketing platforms and get the word about your business out to a wider audience using personality-infused storytelling and tested digital marketing techniques. Social Media MarketingSocial media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The increased engagement on platforms like Twitter means that 280 characters are more relevant than ever. Facebook has completely…

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How to Plan for the Upcoming New Year: Looking Ahead at Success

By Jennie Lyon / December 27, 2017
JLVAS How to Plan for the upcoming new year

The holidays are when everything can seem like it is spinning out of control for small businesses. Everyone wants to spend time with their family, but you still need to keep your customers happy while getting everything at the office finished by the end of the year. On top of all that, you should already be thinking ahead about the upcoming new year. By making some plans right now, you can get ahead of the game for your business and know exactly where you want to head starting January 1st. Here are a few ideas of things you can do…

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Plan Your Winter Vacation Now by Partnering with a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / November 4, 2017
Plan Your Winter Vacation Now by Partnering with a Virtual Assistant

Time flies. To me, it feels like the year just got started, but now we are rapidly approaching the end of it. With Thanksgiving in just a few weeks, you can soon expect to see holiday decorations everywhere, with “Jingle Bell Rock” playing every time you walk into a mall. Between the chaos of the holidays and the end of year work crunch, you might be worried that you won’t be able to find the time to spend with your family and friends, let alone make time for a winter vacation. The last thing you want to do is get…

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How to Grow Your Business and Sell Your Products with Facebook Ads

By Jennie Lyon / October 17, 2017

With the advent of social media, the world of advertising has been blown wide open. It used to be that small businesses would have to pay through the nose to get print ads in major publications. I mean, how else could they get the attention of new customers? But social media and the internet changed all that. Now, small businesses can run specifically targeted ads on social media platforms, and best of all, they can do it at a price point that is WAY cheaper than it used to be. One of the best advertising platforms today is an app…

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