Expert Marketing Strategies to Set Up New Offers for Success

By Jennie / July 16, 2024

Launching a new offer is a massive milestone in your business. No matter how much time and planning has gone into this new offer of yours, you’ve probably had a moment of worry about what happens if no one purchases it. So, today, I’m giving you some expert marketing strategies we implement for our clients, launching a new offer to set up for success. Let’s get into it.  Content Overview Create an Offer Your Customers WantEstablish Urgency and HypeCreate a FunnelOrganic MarketingPaid MarketingHow Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help Before the Launch DISCLAIMER: Launching a new offer should be a…

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Launch Failure? 6 Things To Do When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

By Jennie Lyon / February 1, 2022

Launches certainly feel like a rollercoaster ride, don’t they? Not only is an entire team involved (and invested) leading up to launch day, but the emotions are overwhelming! Whether you’re anxious, stressed, exhausted, or excited, it’s more than just a buzzkill when the launch doesn’t go exactly as planned. It’s a major setback, and even the most prepared teams can feel defeated. But there IS a silver lining in this story. My team and I have been working with clients for years to ensure that “launches” are a time of celebration. Today, let’s look at six of my favorite tips…

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Failure to Launch? The Secret Product Launch Formula

By Jennie Lyon / February 18, 2020
Failure to Launch? The Secret Product Launch Formula

There are few things more nerve-wracking for a small business than launching a new product. Believe me, I know how it feels! Since the early days of my digital marketing and virtual assistant business, I’ve expanded my offerings dozens of times. And every single time, I was filled with anxieties. I was worried that no one would be interested in that service, or that I spent all of that time and money for nothing.  Over time, I’ve come to realize that there is an art to launching a brand-new product or service. If you know the formula, you can significantly…

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Let Me Walk You Through A Product Launch!

By Jennie Lyon / February 11, 2019

Sure, I could just say that product launches are stressful, but that wouldn’t be the entire truth. The reality is that there are so many different levels of stress that go into a product launch! There is the stress of coming up with an idea, the stress of research and development, the stress of marketing… And then, of course, the stress of launch day! You might be tempted to try and take a few shortcuts, but that might not be the best idea. Don’t panic! I’m here to walk you through every stage of the process so you will come…

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Three, Two, One… Launch! Product Launches Are a Snap with a Virtual Assistant!

By Jennie Lyon / September 25, 2018

One of the most stressful times for a small business owner is when they’re about to launch a brand-new product. There’s so much that has to go into it, from product development, to branding, to announcing the product to the press, to simply getting it on your digital store shelves! Is there a way that you could simplify the entire process? You bet. A virtual assistant experienced in all of these areas can help make your product launch go smoother than you could possibly imagine! Branding and LogoAs a small business owner, few things as important as your brand. Your…

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The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

By Jennie Lyon / May 22, 2018
JLVAS The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

You’re launching a new product! Now what?Small businesses need to walk on the edge of innovation to keep up in the market nowadays. You can’t just sit back on your laurels, you need to keep providing your customers with new and updated products and services. You need to keep things fresh! When you are about to launch a new product, it’s a time of celebration. It’s exciting! But it can also be a tremendous amount of work. Designing and creating a new product already takes a massive time commitment, marketing it and getting the word out to your customers can…

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