Over the past 22 years, we’ve worked with thousands of small business owners, helping them craft the perfect free offer! And while having a fantastic free offer is the first step in capturing and converting leads, it’s only one small piece of the puzzle. Lead conversion isn’t just about getting eyes on your website; it’s about grabbing their attention (and email address!), nurturing them, and converting them into paying customers. It’s about creating an incredible customer journey and user experience that’s so compelling that leads can’t help but come back for more! Before you can get into converting a visitor…
Read MoreIn today’s chaotic and crowded world, it is imperative to have an effective webinar strategy. Webinars will continue to have a place in marketing campaigns over the next decade, but only if you stay on top of what works now and what doesn’t. Let’s take a look at some key trends we expect to see more of next year. But the question I often hear around the water cooler is if webinars will still be all the rave in 2023. In short, the answer is yes – let’s look at a few quick stats: Blog Overview: Webinars Will Become More…
Read MoreYou hear me talk about it all the time. An excellent marketing strategy ensures that you target the right audience. Period. Not only does it allow you to build your brand organically, but it also creates a community of loyal customers. Webinars got a bad rap at one time; it was serious overkill. BUT, they are not to be discarded just yet. So let me ask you, when planning your marketing strategy did you include webinars? If not, you need to. Here’s why. With COVID restrictions, remote working conditions, and a need to stay informed, webinars’ popularity grew over the…
Read MoreWhen was the last time you attended an in-person seminar or event? I’m going to take a wild guess and say it was sometime before March 2020! Personally, I don’t much miss them because a much more powerful, targeted, and accessible tool has taken their place. A successful webinar! For years, remote seminars and events were a staple in the business world. The problem was that they were expensive and somewhat inconvenient affairs. Though potentially informative to certain people, they usually only attracted limited audiences. Using real-time video software like Zoom or my favorite Demio, small business owners and entrepreneurs can…
Read MoreHave you ever attended a live webinar? I’m guessing you have, they are everywhere! Personally, I’m a huge fan! While I never really enjoyed traveling to attend in-person seminars because of expensive travel, hotels, and food, webinars are a completely different story. All you need to pay for a webinar is the cost of “entry.” You can safely stay comfy at home and learn everything you’d get from an in-person seminar for a fraction of the cost and time investment. If you’re a small business owner, I’m sure that the idea of putting on your own webinar has occurred to…
Read MoreDo you ever worry that no one will show up at your webinar? Don’t worry; it’s a super common fear. Performers, speakers, politicians, and others who do public speaking always worry that, after weeks of preparation, that there will be no one in their audience. It’s the same for small business owners who decide to put together their very first webinar. But that doesn’t need to happen. With adequate webinar launch planning, a digital marketing strategy that includes content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing and advertising, you can fill your webinars with prospective clients, just waiting to be…
Read MoreHave you ever given a webinar? For some small business owners, the idea of presenting a webinar is almost crazy. It’s simply not in their frame of reference as far as marketing strategies go. But I’m here to tell you that webinars are one of the most effective marketing techniques for positioning yourself as an expert online! The trick is that webinars are a ton of work, especially if you’ve never created one before. If that’s the case, a virtual assistant can be worth their weight in gold, especially if they have experience working on a ton of webinars in…
Read MoreRecently, I’ve been creating a lot of different types of content that allow me to get closer to my audience. I don’t just want you to read my words, but also hear my voice. I believe that this will create a stronger connection with you! (Is it working?) To get started, I’ve obviously picked podcasting. It’s a fantastic way to get your name and content out there, but it’s also entirely audio, with no visuals. Excellent if your audience is going out for a walk or running errands, but less so if you need to communicate complex ideas that require…
Read MoreAre you worried about your revenue stream? Right now, small business owners everywhere are wondering how they can increase their revenue (or hold it even) during the coronavirus crisis. We currently don’t know how long this period of social distancing will last or if things will get even worse. What we do know is that most physical locations are closed, meaning that many small businesses have needed to pivot to online only. Thankfully, there are some ways you can create multiple online streams of income. It might require you to go slightly out of your comfort zone, but these strategies…
Read MoreHave you ever taken a webinar? In the last few years, webinars have exploded from being a niche piece of content to being a significant boost to any digital content strategy. There’s no other piece of content that gives you the same opportunity to talk directly to your audience. Providing them with valuable information, boost your sales, and better position you as an expert. There are a lot of secrets that go into creating a successful webinar (which we cover in our free Ultimate Webinar Launch Planner Workbook). I would like to focus on one of the most challenging and…
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