The Best Free Tools to Monitor Your Blog’s Performance

By Jennie Lyon / February 19, 2019

How much engagement is your blog getting on your website? If you don’t know the answer to that question, then you might be in trouble. Many small business owners spend hours and hours every week writing the perfect blog that will get them clicks. If you’ve followed me in the past, then you know I am hugely in favor of this! Having a blog on your website is one of the best ways to keep it active and updated regularly. It also gives you lots of material to work with on social media and through email marketing. But here’s the…

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How Have Things Changed Over the Course of Your Year?

By Jennie Lyon / December 18, 2018

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching, and that means a brand-new year will be starting soon. Around this time, I tend to start looking back on everything that I’ve accomplished over the last 12 months and everything that has changed.

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What Email Marketing System is Right for Your Business?

By Jennie Lyon / October 16, 2018

Do me a favor? Check your junk mail. Seriously, go in and take a look at just how many well-crafted marketing emails from businesses that you know and frequent are mixed in with your junk mail. I am going to bet that there are tons of them. Even if you wanted to check out these emails, they are unfortunately surrounded by SPAM and scams, and it would be a huge pain to go through all of your junk mail to sort them out. Now, consider this. There is a pretty good chance that your own well-crafted marketing emails are sitting…

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Digital Marketing Methods get your Products and Services Seen!

By Jennie Lyon / September 18, 2018
Digital Marketing Methods get your Products and Services Seen!

Do you know what the most effective method of advertising was back in the golden age of “Main Street” America? The storefront window. Pedestrians would look in all of the storefront windows on main street to see the most interesting. And it worked! People would come in off the street to take a look around the stores. If the store owner was a particularly effective salesperson, they would walk out with a bag full of products. In the marketing world today, the storefront window is the internet and the pedestrians are the ones browsing online. If you want to sell…

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You’ve Given Your First Webinar! Now What?

By Jennie Lyon / August 7, 2018

Yay, you’ve given your first webinar! Putting together a really fantastic webinar is no laughing matter. You have to do tons of research, write a script, create graphics, get together all of your slides, actually sign people up, advertise, and then finally present it. It can take a few months to get through all of that work and finally reach the big day. And once you do… then what? Hopefully, you got lots of people into your webinar and they opt into some of your services or buy your programs, but what about the webinar itself? You’ve done all of…

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Content is Still King! 5 Pieces of Content You Should Be Sharing Online

By Jennie Lyon / June 26, 2018
JLVAS -content is still king

Providing your customers with value is what business is all about, and that also goes for your advertising. No one wants to read dry, boring copy going on and on about how great your business is. Customers are far more savvy than that, they know how advertising sounds and they know to ignore it. The way you can connect with your customers today is with content. If you provide them with authentic, personality infused, valuable content, like blog posts, free downloads, email campaigns, etc, then you can sneak in under the advertising radar (stealthy selling, anyone?) by giving them what…

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Top 5 Ways to Build Up Your Small Business’ Email List

By Jennie Lyon / June 19, 2018
JLVAS-top 5 ways to build up your small business' email list

Do you have an email list of your customers on your computer? Most companies do, but few companies properly take advantage of them. There is a reason why every single lottery, freebie, or giveaway asks for your email, and it isn’t actually to get in contact with you if you win. They want your information. The more emails they have, the more people they can potentially contact. Your company should be utilizing this exact same model of gathering emails and informations of potential and current clients. Developing your email list is not only a fantastic email marketing tool, but also…

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What Exactly IS an Email Newsletter and Why Are They So Effective?

By Jennie Lyon / May 29, 2018
JLVAS What exactly is an email newsletter and why are they so effective

Let’s take a trip back in time for a minute… Direct mail marketing was an incredibly popular and effective form of advertising before the advent of the internet. Companies would send out printed newsletters or magazines that would keep their customers in the loop about any developments with their business, coupons or deals in the near future, and a personally written letter. Today, mailed physical newsletters have pretty much disappeared, but they’ve been replaced by something that is potentially much more effective and powerful: digital newsletters. [Tweet “An electronic newsletter, can help solidify your connection with your customers! Do you…

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The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

By Jennie Lyon / May 22, 2018
JLVAS The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

You’re launching a new product! Now what?Small businesses need to walk on the edge of innovation to keep up in the market nowadays. You can’t just sit back on your laurels, you need to keep providing your customers with new and updated products and services. You need to keep things fresh! When you are about to launch a new product, it’s a time of celebration. It’s exciting! But it can also be a tremendous amount of work. Designing and creating a new product already takes a massive time commitment, marketing it and getting the word out to your customers can…

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Try, Try Again: Why You Should Give Digital Advertising a Second Chance

By Jennie Lyon / March 27, 2018
JLVAS why you should give digital advertising a second chance

Digital advertising is easy. Effective digital advertising, that’s hard. One of the most common things I hear from many of my new clients is that they have always gotten poor results from their digital marketing efforts. It just “doesn’t work” for them, so they tend to fall back on more traditional advertising methods. But here is the problem: digital marketing IS the standard form of advertising these days. Nowhere else can offer you the same ROI for your advertising dollars. It’s completely understandable why so many companies get less than their desired ROI their first time designing an online marketing…

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