Expert Marketing Strategies to Set Up New Offers for Success

By Jennie / July 16, 2024

Launching a new offer is a massive milestone in your business. No matter how much time and planning has gone into this new offer of yours, you’ve probably had a moment of worry about what happens if no one purchases it. So, today, I’m giving you some expert marketing strategies we implement for our clients, launching a new offer to set up for success. Let’s get into it.  Content Overview Create an Offer Your Customers WantEstablish Urgency and HypeCreate a FunnelOrganic MarketingPaid MarketingHow Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help Before the Launch DISCLAIMER: Launching a new offer should be a…

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5 Landing Page Tools Proven To Boost Your Conversion Rates

By Jennie Lyon / December 6, 2022
5 Landing Page Tools Proven To Boost Your Conversion Rates

A landing page design can be daunting. And, if you are an overachiever like me, you can spend countless hours tweaking and adjusting fonts, colors and layout. If you struggle with conversion, your landing page’s copy and design most likely need a boost. Thankfully there are quite a few landing page tools that can help increase your conversion rates. It all boils down to optimizing the landing page and UX experience. Because technically speaking, getting a higher conversion rate comes down to: These tools below have been proven to be front runners in boosting conversions. Blog Overview: Hotjar Hotjar is…

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How to Plan Your Online Course Content & Record It Quickly (+ Free Download)

By Jennie Lyon / August 2, 2022

Are You Ready To Create Your Online Course? So you’ve created content for a fantastic online course you want to put out into the world. There’s just one problem. How to plan and record the content in a way that’s not only going to educate anyone who purchases your online course, but that presents the information in a way that’s easy to understand and implement. Overall the key is to plan the online course content recording in a way that allows you to stay focused and quickly deliver the online course and NOT get stuck in the details.  We’ll unlock…

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How to Create a SIX Figure Business Using Leadpages

By Jennie Lyon / June 14, 2022

Time to Refresh Your Online Presence?  So you’re ready to build or scale your business. But you want something that will help you capture new clients, impress your existing ones, and build a strong brand presence (you know, lead generation!) Maybe your landing pages aren’t up to snuff and need a do-over? I know a thing or two about landing pages. Today’s Podcast Overview  Today, I will cover the ins and outs of Leadpages. And how you can use their powerful platform to transform your business’s online presence. You can click on the link below to jump to any section…

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How to Make a Winning Content Marketing Funnel + Free Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / March 28, 2022

Content marketing has changed how potential customers research and consider buying your products. The content marketing funnel visualizes people’s journey, and good content supports this journey. This strategy gives you a better chance of converting a potential customer into an actual customer. Creating content that converts is the number-one objective of the content marketing funnel.  Content marketing is a powerful way to interact with our target audiences. But, not all interactions are created equal. Before we can successfully optimize conversion points, we need to treat conversion as part of a larger customer journey and create an appropriate touchpoint for conversion.…

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Launch Failure? 6 Things To Do When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

By Jennie Lyon / February 1, 2022

Launches certainly feel like a rollercoaster ride, don’t they? Not only is an entire team involved (and invested) leading up to launch day, but the emotions are overwhelming! Whether you’re anxious, stressed, exhausted, or excited, it’s more than just a buzzkill when the launch doesn’t go exactly as planned. It’s a major setback, and even the most prepared teams can feel defeated. But there IS a silver lining in this story. My team and I have been working with clients for years to ensure that “launches” are a time of celebration. Today, let’s look at six of my favorite tips…

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How to Kick Your Income Into High Gear with a Sales Funnel!

By Jennie Lyon / February 23, 2021
JLVAS - Kick Income into high gear with sale funnel

Are you consciously aware of how you purchase products and conduct sales transactions?  I’m not talking about the process of paying for the items in your cart. I mean the process that begins the moment you become aware of a product or service to the moment that you use it. It’s known as a sales funnel, and you need to be mindful of it for any marketing strategy to work.  Sales funnels are essential for any business that sells its products or services online. They are one of the most important pieces of automation that you can invest in. They…

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How to Choose a Winning Webinar Topic

By Jennie Lyon / February 25, 2020
How to Choose a Winning Webinar Topic

Have you ever taken a webinar? In the last few years, webinars have exploded from being a niche piece of content to being a significant boost to any digital content strategy.  There’s no other piece of content that gives you the same opportunity to talk directly to your audience. Providing them with valuable information, boost your sales, and better position you as an expert.  There are a lot of secrets that go into creating a successful webinar (which we cover in our free Ultimate Webinar Launch Planner Workbook). I would like to focus on one of the most challenging and…

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Failure to Launch? The Secret Product Launch Formula

By Jennie Lyon / February 18, 2020
Failure to Launch? The Secret Product Launch Formula

There are few things more nerve-wracking for a small business than launching a new product. Believe me, I know how it feels! Since the early days of my digital marketing and virtual assistant business, I’ve expanded my offerings dozens of times. And every single time, I was filled with anxieties. I was worried that no one would be interested in that service, or that I spent all of that time and money for nothing.  Over time, I’ve come to realize that there is an art to launching a brand-new product or service. If you know the formula, you can significantly…

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Let Me Walk You Through A Product Launch!

By Jennie Lyon / February 11, 2019

Sure, I could just say that product launches are stressful, but that wouldn’t be the entire truth. The reality is that there are so many different levels of stress that go into a product launch! There is the stress of coming up with an idea, the stress of research and development, the stress of marketing… And then, of course, the stress of launch day! You might be tempted to try and take a few shortcuts, but that might not be the best idea. Don’t panic! I’m here to walk you through every stage of the process so you will come…

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