4 Simple Weekly Online Marketing Strategies to Attract Customers

By Jennie Lyon / October 24, 2023

Hey there, lovely entrepreneurs! Having a robust online presence is an absolute game-changer for any business eager to make waves and attract customers. Who doesn’t want to stand out in the digital crowd, right? And you need some solid online marketing strategies to make that happen! But let’s be real, my friend, the digital marketing universe is a vast, swirling galaxy of tactics and strategies. It’s like trying to choose your favorite flavor at an ice cream parlor with too many options.  The good news is, I’ve got your back! There are some tried-and-true techniques and weekly game plans that’ll help…

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10 Things to NEVER Do On Instagram and How To Fix Them

By Jennie Lyon / June 20, 2023

Wait! Stop! Don’t post that photo of your dog on your Instagram! Maybe I was overreacting slightly (it’s not like the internet can’t use a few dogs). But you should know that countless small business owners are making simple mistakes when using Instagram to promote themselves and their businesses. Instagram is my current favorite of all the social media networks. It actually reminds me a lot of Facebook before Facebook became “FACEBOOK!”  It’s a place where you can enjoy your friend and followers’ content. No spammy games, random news stories, and other kinds of unwanted content. Instead, you follow people…

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How To 10x Your Email List This Year Using Social Media

By Jennie Lyon / February 21, 2023
How To 10x Your Email List This Year Using Social Media

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage with your target audience. You need a solid email list, and social media can be a powerful tool if you’re looking to increase your list. In this episode, I’ll show you how to 10x your email list using exclusive strategies and expert tips to attract and retain more subscribers.  Blog Overview:  Grow Your Subscribers  What first comes to mind when you have to reach someone? Your phone, right? And then, you commonly reach out directly or via social media. Why? That’s because it’s the easiest and fastest…

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7 Engaging Ways To Double Your Social Media Growth

By Jennie Lyon / January 4, 2023
7 Engaging Ways To Double Your Social Media Growth

Creating scroll-stopping content for social media can be a challenge, but it is an important aspect of building a successful online presence. With so much competition for people’s attention on social media, finding ways to make your content stand out and capture people’s attention is crucial. Today’s blog will explore seven key strategies for creating scroll-stopping social media content to keep your followers engaged and coming back for more. Whether you are a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or a content creator, these tips will help you take your social media content to the next level. Blog Overview:  Step 1:…

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4 Proven Strategies To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

By Jennie Lyon / September 20, 2022
4 Proven Strategies To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Even if you have the best products or services out there, you will still experience some level of shopping cart abandonment. You can use proven strategies to reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase sales. In this article, we’ll share 4 of the most effective strategies for reducing shopping cart abandonment that will increase your bottom line in Q4.  Use Scarcity Marketing Techniques Scarcity marketing is a marketing strategy based on the psychological principle that we tend to want what is in demand and hard to attain. When we, as humans, feel FOMO, impulse buying kicks in. When customers see that…

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Do You Need to Be on TikTok?

By Jennie Lyon / August 23, 2022
Do You Need to Be on TikTok?

Let’s find out.  Unless you are still living in the stone age, you are likely already aware that TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world. The TikTok stats consistently outperform almost every other mobile app and social media platform. This explosive growth has diverted attention away from dependable platforms such as Google, Meta, and Snapchat, as TikTok is now the most downloaded app of 2022. TikTok’s triumph is attributable to its unique and compelling content, which has struck a chord with users globally. As the social landscape changes rapidly, TikTok has managed to keep up…

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How Getting Real on Social Media Can Grow Your Business (+ Free Social Media Bundle)

By Jennie Lyon / July 19, 2022

Are You Sharing Your Authentic Self With Your Audience? Followers online are fickle creatures, and they can sense when they are being sold inauthenticity. To maintain trust with your audience, you must learn to bring your most authentic self to everything you post on social media. People don’t like being kept at arm’s length and do not like being lied to. So is it possible to cultivate authenticity for your audience when sharing yourself so openly online might not be second nature to you? Absolutely! Today’s Blog Overview  Today we’re going to cultivate authenticity online and show you how to…

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How Growing And Cultivating Your Email List Generate New Leads

By Jennie Lyon / May 10, 2022

Time to Spice Up Your Email List!  An email list doesn’t have to feel boring to them: Everybody has one. Everyone’s asking you to sign up for theirs. They stuff our inboxes to the point where we wonder why we signed up in the first place.  Email lists are STILL one of the most direct and vital ways to connect with your audience. As well as grow your business. Even in this age of TikTok, most marketing these days hopes to funnel people into email lists!  So how is your email list? Do you have one? Do you know what…

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6 Social Media Trends For 2022 (And How To Use Them)

By Jennie Lyon / March 15, 2022

https://share.transistor.fm/s/1febbef6 Social media marketing is changing the nature of conversations between brands and their customers. It’s not just a matter of keeping up with the times anymore — if you want your brand to survive, you need to be at the forefront of social innovation. But how do you stay on top of trends and deliver the right tone of voice to your audience? Today, brands need to be human on social media more than ever. Empathy is the strongest form of marketing, and today’s customers demand it. Brands shouldn’t just be about products — they should be about the…

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How to Handle the Natural Slowdown of Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / December 14, 2021

It’s inevitable: at some point, every business experiences a natural slowdown. I have it happen myself, and to be honest, every single time it happens, I’m shocked! My husband teases me saying, yes – it happens, use that extra time to your advantage!  Many people are navigating their business through what has become known as the “new economic landscape.” Some have seen a dramatic loss of traffic and sales; others have had to deal with other challenges that slow down or disrupt an organization’s productivity – but it doesn’t mean you can’t make lemonade out of these situations! Regardless if…

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