Is Your Small Business on Instagram? If Not, It’s Time!

By Jennie Lyon / July 3, 2018
JLVAS -is your small business on instagram

Do you have an Instagram account set up for your business? If not, you’re missing an incredibly valuable opportunity to connect with potential clients and customers in a way that is unique from every other social media channel. Instagram is currently the most used social media network out there today, with over 800 million monthly users. Even better, these are highly engaged users! They are actively looking for content, services, and products, all of which you and your small business could provide them with. So the 800 million dollar question is… Why aren’t you on Instagram yet? [Tweet “Is your…

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Give Your Content Marketing a Boost with Professional Copywriting

By Jennie Lyon / March 6, 2018
JLVAS New Blog Images-give your content marketing a boost with professional copywriting

Content marketing is the name of the game when it comes to promoting engagement with your posts and ezines. By hiring a great virtual assistant who does copywriting, you can develop an entire editorial calendar of blogs that you can pull out at a moment’s notice whenever you need to provide your customers with quality and worthwhile content. Why Hire Someone Else to Write My Copy? Simple. Because you are too busy. Copywriting is simply a necessary component of a modern digital marketing plan. You need to be able to provide your customers with valuable, well-written content, especially if you…

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5 Tips for Utilizing Your B2B Relationships for Social Media Exposure

By Jennie Lyon / March 28, 2017
5 tips for utilizing your b2b relationships for social media

Business to business (B2B) relationships can be valuable assets for a small business, especially when it comes to gaining exposure on social media. Cross promotion through social platforms is a great way to attract new followers and new clients. It’s an “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” deal, though. You won’t get exposure for nothing; whoever you’re working with will expect to be given similar exposure in return. This is great because it can strengthen a whole network of independent businesses and form long-lasting partnerships! [Tweet “Social media isn’t just for marketing to clients. Use it for connecting…

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8 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account This Month + 15 Free Graphics

By Jennie Lyon / March 7, 2017

For small businesses, Instagram represents an incredible opportunity to reach out to new potential clients. However, in order to successfully take advantage of what the app has to offer, you’re going to need to build up your follower list. Instagram is currently the hottest social media platform out there because it allows people to connect with more than just friends. Celebrities and companies are just as easy to access on Instagram as on Twitter, and the platform offers a lot more engagement than Facebook. The trick for small business owners is to grow their number of followers and turn them…

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How to Decide Which Social Media Platforms Your Business Should Use + Free Checklist

By Jennie Lyon / February 25, 2017

Social media gives a small business the opportunity to get noticed like nothing else before it in the world of advertising. Social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram offer multiple ways to promote your business. Free options abound, like posting status updates and photos for your followers to see, and if you’ve made them really compelling, share them with their followers. Social media platforms also represent one of the most effective places to spend your advertising budget, thanks to their sophisticated targeting algorithms. I always recommend making social media marketing a pillar of any small business’ plans for attracting…

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Top 4 Tools for Engaging in Meaningful Conversation on Social Media

By Jennie Lyon / October 30, 2015
Top 4 tools for engaging in meaninful conversation

The days of simply reading and liking social media posts are over. The most active and engaged social media users spend time asking questions, starting conversations about topics that are important to them, and sharing content that is meaningful to them. If your business wants to engage in meaningful conversation on social media, you need these top 4 tools. 1. Be Professional But Not StiffThink of social networking as virtual cocktail parties: charm, wit, and jokes are encouraged while maintaining professional boundaries and keeping the conversation relevant to all involved. There is an element to this type of conversation that…

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Why Your Business’ Success Depends on Social Media

By Jennie Lyon / September 8, 2015

The impact social media has on online retails sales grows greater each year. While social shopping and sharing may only lead to a small percentage of sales, the number of sales is growing. Additionally, social media clicks, referrals, and shares accounts for more retail traffic than any other online route. Let’s take a look at the numbers to better understand how social media marketing and networking impacts your business. Facebook is the leading social commerce platform It is responsible for 50% of all social referrals and 64% of total social revenue. It is the #1 social platform for sharing articles,…

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4 B2B Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

By Jennie Lyon / May 15, 2015

One of the best ways to generate new business is by tapping into your target market through another business that caters to it. I am not talking about poaching clients from a fellow business, but strengthening your network of small businesses in your market so that together you can offer clients a complete package of services and/or products, which results in a win-win-win for you, your clients, and your fellow business owners. Business to business, or B2B, networking offers all kinds of benefits for entrepreneurs including increased brand exposure, greater professional credibility, and more efficient marketing leading to higher profits.…

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5 Unique Small Business Digital Marketing Tips

By Jennie Lyon / March 20, 2015

Small businesses need to utilize these digital marketing tips—period! In the days before the internet, companies spent huge sums on visual campaigns. Nowadays, this type of marketing is not only old-fashioned and expensive but becoming irrelevant, too. The majority of consumers read, shop, and communicate on their devices. The average adult’s attention span is around 6-8 seconds, so you have to grab their attention quickly. Today’s small business owners can benefit from a wide, growing variety of platforms to market their businesses. You now have the ability to learn so much more about your target audience and market specifically to…

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4 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Get More Out of Social Media

By Jennie Lyon / May 10, 2014

As the owner of a virtual assistant firm specializing in social media, implementing a strategy that engages my clients’ community while maximizing exposure is key.  Since social media management is very time consuming, busy business owners can literally spend all day building their communities on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and their blog! Most business owners don’t have time to stay on top of this vital way to grow their business.  When it comes to maintaining the social face of your business, a virtual assistant can be invaluable: a virtual assistant can handle all your social media marketing including…

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