5 Ways to Automate the Important Parts of Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / February 4, 2021
5 Ways to Automate Your Business

How often do you find yourself overwhelmed by your daily to-do list? As a small business owner, I know how quickly a to-do list can balloon to impossible lengths. There are always so many things to get done and only so much time to do them.  When you run a small business, countless small tasks are on your shoulders as you must likely wear several different hats. In larger organizations, these tasks would be the responsibility of dedicated employees, but you likely can’t accord a full-time worker to take care of your social media, for example. While hiring a virtual…

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Hire a Virtual Assistant To Boost Your Social Media Engagement

By Jennie Lyon / December 1, 2020
Hire a Virtual Assistant to Boost Your Social Media Engagement

How much time every week do you spend on your social media? I’m not just talking about writing it. Creating compelling content is only one of the keys to social media marketing success. So much more needs to go into it if you genuinely want to build your audience and convert your followers into paying customers! Here’s an admission for you: I’ve been spending WAY too much time recently growing my Instagram! But I genuinely believe that it’s worth every second. Social media channels like Instagram and Facebook offer small businesses an invaluable (and remarkably cheap) advertising platform to reach…

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How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Batch Your Content

By Jennie Lyon / November 3, 2020
How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Batch Your Content

You want to know the real problem with content creation? It’s like being on a treadmill.  Every single week, you need to have a new blog or a new podcast ready. This is accompanied by social media posts, an email campaign, and all of your other digital marketing content. It never ends! That’s one of the reasons why so many small business owners fall off the content creation train after just a few weeks. They start out strong, keeping up with the pace. But soon, they start to fall behind, maybe missing a single week. Then it’s two weeks. And…

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How To Complete A Social Media Audit

By Jennie Lyon / September 15, 2020
How to Complete a Social Media Audit

Are you on social media? Of course you are! Who isn’t! Do you remember your very first exposure to social media? Oh my gosh, for me it was Classmates.com! Haha. But for many of you, it may have been MySpace! Do you remember what it felt like to, for the very first time, have unlimited reach? You could make friends and connect with anyone in the entire world. Communication was the way of the future. That was the promise of social media in the late 90s. But no one could have predicted what it would become in the 2010s! Facebook,…

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How to Create a 3-Month Content Marketing Calendar in 1 Hour (Free Template!)

By Jennie Lyon / August 4, 2020
How to Create a 3-Month Content Calendar in 1 Hour + Free Template

Want to know an online business secret? Content equals growth!  It’s true! Content creation has been the core of everything I’ve done with my businesses for the past 20 years. However, when I took my content creation to the next level that is when my business really took off.  Take my green lifestyle blog, Sweet Greens. Haha! Are you thinking, What? She has a green lifestyle blog too? Sweet Greens was born of my passion for environmental causes and green products. It started as a simple blog (I thought it would be a fun way to document the fun eco-friendly…

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How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / July 7, 2020
How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

So let me ask, how many years have you been building your email list? Time and time again on consultation calls, I hear from potential clients who want to focus ALL of their marketing efforts on social media. But here’s the thing: you don’t “own” your social media followers. I’ve tragically seen clients’ accounts closed down by Facebook & Instagram (sometimes for no reason, just a simple mistake), meaning that they lose those followers forever or at least until they can get a hold of someone who can help! Plus, as you know, Facebook likes to choose who sees your…

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Let’s Break Down a Strategic Marketing Plan with a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / January 21, 2020

Do you feel like you’re getting a little less “bang for your buck” from your marketing strategy plan lately? Digital marketing is one of the fastest moving targets on the internet. Things are constantly shifting and changing. New services appear and old ones disappear constantly. Google+, for example, was a “must” just a few years ago. Today? Uh, what’s Google+? This rapidly changing digital landscape means that you need to update your marketing plan every year (if not more often). If you’re basically doing the same thing you did in 2017, your digital marketing strategy is beyond ancient. But that’s…

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Hashtags 101: What They Are and How To Use Them

By Jennie Lyon / November 4, 2019

Do you know what a hashtag is? Or how to use them? Do you remember the very first time you heard the term “Hashtag?” Nowadays, if you are even slightly aware of social media, then you know what a hashtag is. Not only have they become a key component for getting your marketing message out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms, but the word has even been added to the Oxford English Dictionary!  You may know what hashtags are, but do you know how to use them? Well, here is a quick primer that will explain everything…

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How Facebook Makes it Easy for Small Businesses to Advertise to their Audience

By Jennie Lyon / September 24, 2019

How much time do you spend on Facebook every day? I’m not just talking about your personal account, but also your professional one. If you’re a small business owner, then you should absolutely have a significant professional presence on Facebook (and other social media networks). Facebook is one of the most popular social media channels in the world, with over 2.4 billion users and over 1.56 billion daily users. There are 9.3 million in Florida alone! That’s a lot of horn honking Floridians! Those kinds of numbers can give you a massive reach to connect with both current and potential…

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Watch Out Facebook! New Social Media Kids on the Block!

By Jennie Lyon / September 16, 2019
New Social Media kids on the block

Do you remember MySpace? How about Friendster? Or a more recent example, Google Plus? These were some major players in the social media scene but today? They’re gone, replaced with newer, better social networks. It’s incredible how even giants can be worn down by time and innovation. Perhaps even… Facebook? Facebook is still the king of social media and should be a key component of every small business’s social media strategy, but it isn’t the only one out there. Other social media networks are popping up every year, looking to dethrone the king. As a marketer, I need to be…

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