How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / July 7, 2020
How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

So let me ask, how many years have you been building your email list? Time and time again on consultation calls, I hear from potential clients who want to focus ALL of their marketing efforts on social media. But here’s the thing: you don’t “own” your social media followers. I’ve tragically seen clients’ accounts closed down by Facebook & Instagram (sometimes for no reason, just a simple mistake), meaning that they lose those followers forever or at least until they can get a hold of someone who can help! Plus, as you know, Facebook likes to choose who sees your…

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4 Easy Steps to Pivoting Your Business Online

By Jennie Lyon / June 30, 2020
Step-by-Step Guide to Pivoting Online

How much of your business is currently online? I think we can all agree that the last few months have been incredibly hard for small businesses. As someone who works with entrepreneurs every day, I’ve seen this firsthand, and I’ve had the great privilege of standing alongside small businesses through this crisis! So, I wanted to share what I’ve seen over the past few months with my current and new clients. After this experience, I have a ton of tips about how your small business can survive, and even thrive, during a crisis by pivoting to online business models.  Now…

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How to Create a Month’s Worth of Social Media in 1 Day

By Jennie Lyon / June 23, 2020

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? That’s usually what I hear from most small business owners. They start the day ready to blow through their to-do lists, but still have half the list left at the end of hours. That’s usually because their time gets used up by small, time-consuming tasks like creating and scheduling social media as part of their digital marketing strategy. Personally, I write/design/schedule a month’s worth of social media content on Saturday or Sunday morning. I’ve developed a system over the years where I get up early and have it…

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10 Easy Ways to Write Instagram Captions that Win Customers

By Jennie Lyon / June 16, 2020

How much time are you focusing on Instagram for your business? Small businesses are always looking to make the most of their marketing dollars. Generally, their budgets aren’t huge, so they need to make the biggest impact possible for the lowest investment. That’s why you should be on Instagram! It’s one of the most effective, budget-friendly, and hottest platforms right now! Instagram will reach 112.5 million U.S. users this year! That’s a 5.4% increase over 2019! It’s the fastest-growing social media platform, with 37% of American adults using it. And the gender mix is pretty fantastic, with 52% of women…

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How to Use a Podcast to Grow Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / June 2, 2020

As a digital marketer, I have to admit that I’m a little surprised at how many people don’t know what a podcast is. Especially given their rapidly increasing visibility. The word “podcast” is a combination of the words “broadcast” and “iPod.” Over the last decade, podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of spoken-audio entertainment. Replacing radio as the background noise during our morning commutes.  There are countless podcasts out there in hundreds of different genres, including true crime, technology, fiction, comedy, and, of course, marketing. You can check out some of my favorite productivity podcasts here!  So,…

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6 Steps to Creating Viral Content

By Jennie Lyon / May 26, 2020

Have you ever been sent a viral video? Creating a piece of content that goes viral is every small business owner’s dream! Not only does the free exposure exponentially increase the ROI on that content, but it also will dramatically grow your audience and raise awareness of your brand. There’s no perfect formula for viral content, and frequently luck and timing play a huge part in a piece of content becoming popular. However, there are a few things that all popular content have in common!  If you’re here, you’re probably looking for some advice on how to make content that…

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Getting Back to Work with the Help of a Virtual Assistant!

By Jennie Lyon / May 19, 2020
Getting Back to Work with a Virtual Assistant

Finally, some good news! States all over the country are in various stages of reopening after more than two months of COVID-19 quarantine, including Florida. While physical distancing guidelines and the use of masks won’t be going away, this does mean that businesses of all sizes can reopen again!  But after being closed for weeks, you likely can’t just reopen your doors without doing a ton of prep. Things have changed. New health and safety policies are in place. Your physical location will likely need to go through some changes to make it ready for customers again. That’s going to…

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The Best U.S. Stimulus Package Options

By Jennie Lyon / May 12, 2020
The Best U.S. Stimulus Package Options

Is your small business ready for some financial help? Well, good news! Stimulus help is on its way! COVID-19 has disrupted almost every aspect of American life, and I’m not just talking about stay-at-home guidelines. Individuals, organizations, and businesses have unexpectedly run into the economic equivalent of a brick wall. Financial hard times are tough enough to deal with when everything else is calm. But during a pandemic, pulling yourself out of that hole and protecting your brand can feel impossible.  Thankfully at the end of March, the Federal government passed three landmark pieces of legislation to help Americans weather…

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The Best Remote Work Tips and Tools + Free Workflow

By Jennie Lyon / May 5, 2020
The Best Remote Work Tips & Tools

Are you experiencing remote work for the first time in your professional life? Maybe you’ve heard, there have recently been some significant changes in the way the average American does their job. With physical distancing rules in place, many small business storefronts needed to close for health reasons. And even though some of them are opening back up, it will still be months until things are close to normal. Moreover, some of the big changes will likely stick around indefinitely: working from home, for example. Before COVID-19, only 1-2% of people worked remotely. Now, businesses all over the country have…

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We’re Your One-Stop Digital Marketing Stop!

By Jennie Lyon / April 28, 2020
We're Your One-Stop Digital Marketing Stop!

What does the word “marketing” mean to you? Over the last few weeks, countless companies have been in a scramble. Trying to figure out a way to communicate with their customers during COVID-19. Their marketing used to be focused on big money spent on billboards, posters, and other traditional forms of marketing. Unfortunately, that would be money wasted while everyone is under stay-at-home orders. So, now they are putting their money into a highly-effective form of advertising that small businesses have been using for years: Enter digital marketing. Digital Marketing is an umbrella term that covers all aspects of marketing…

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