How To 10x Your Email List This Year Using Social Media

By Jennie Lyon / February 21, 2023
How To 10x Your Email List This Year Using Social Media

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage with your target audience. You need a solid email list, and social media can be a powerful tool if you’re looking to increase your list. In this episode, I’ll show you how to 10x your email list using exclusive strategies and expert tips to attract and retain more subscribers.  Blog Overview:  Grow Your Subscribers  What first comes to mind when you have to reach someone? Your phone, right? And then, you commonly reach out directly or via social media. Why? That’s because it’s the easiest and fastest…

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6 Great Email Sequences That Nurture Leads To Conversion

By Jennie Lyon / February 14, 2023
6 Great Email Sequences That Nurture Leads To Conversion

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and convert them into customers. I keep hearing email marketing is dead or dying. However, this is far from the case. You can build trust and credibility with your audience by sending targeted, personalized messages to the right people at the right time. And ultimately drive more sales for your business. Email marketing has the highest ROI (return on investment) of all digital marketing, so if you aren’t actively building an email list, stop everything you’re doing and get started! An email list of raving fans and engaged…

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5 Great eCommerce Store Design Tips That Are Changing the Game in 2023

By Jennie Lyon / December 20, 2022
5 Great eCommerce Store Design Tips That Are Changing the Game in 2023

How do you think website design will change five years from now? With new frameworks, technologies, and trends emerging increasingly rapidly, it’s hard to keep up with all the changes. But to create the best websites today with an eye towards what will be popular in five years, you need a thorough understanding of how things are changing so you can anticipate how your client needs may shift.  In today’s episode, we’ll look at some of the biggest trends in website design that are set to define the early part of 2023. These trends will help you create better websites,…

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4 Proven Strategies To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

By Jennie Lyon / September 20, 2022
4 Proven Strategies To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Even if you have the best products or services out there, you will still experience some level of shopping cart abandonment. You can use proven strategies to reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase sales. In this article, we’ll share 4 of the most effective strategies for reducing shopping cart abandonment that will increase your bottom line in Q4.  Use Scarcity Marketing Techniques Scarcity marketing is a marketing strategy based on the psychological principle that we tend to want what is in demand and hard to attain. When we, as humans, feel FOMO, impulse buying kicks in. When customers see that…

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Customer-Centric Marketing: How To Use It To Your Advantage 

By Jennie Lyon / September 13, 2022
Customer Centric Marketing How To Use It To Your Advantage

Customer-Centric Marketing. You’ve probably heard about it online, on another podcast, or in your inbox. But what exactly does it mean?  Customer-centric marketing is a business philosophy that prioritizes the customer’s needs and experience above all else. This type of marketing is based on the belief that if a company focuses on providing a great customer experience, the customer will be loyal and become repeat customers. Essentially, by putting the customer first, we create a positive cycle of customer satisfaction and success. In today’s business environment, customer-centric marketing is more important than ever. Gone are the days of direct marketing…

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Stuck at 1k Email Subscribers? 5 Steps To Fix It! (+Free Download)

By Jennie Lyon / July 26, 2022

A Solid Core Lead Magnet  Picture this: You’ve spent hours and hours creating a core lead magnet that isn’t converting. Or it’s converting, but at a glacial pace. Either way, you’re stuck at 1,000 followers, or the people in your email list aren’t converting into paying customers. Let’s chat about how to fix that! In this episode of Digital Marketing Made Simple, we’ll unlock the mystery behind your email list growth strategy and teach you how to entice mountains of new subscribers to your list! Today’s Blog Overview  Today we’re going to unpack email subscriber growth strategies and find the best…

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How Growing And Cultivating Your Email List Generate New Leads

By Jennie Lyon / May 10, 2022

Time to Spice Up Your Email List!  An email list doesn’t have to feel boring to them: Everybody has one. Everyone’s asking you to sign up for theirs. They stuff our inboxes to the point where we wonder why we signed up in the first place.  Email lists are STILL one of the most direct and vital ways to connect with your audience. As well as grow your business. Even in this age of TikTok, most marketing these days hopes to funnel people into email lists!  So how is your email list? Do you have one? Do you know what…

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Earn More Money Quickly With a Targeted Sales Funnel!

By Jennie Lyon / May 3, 2022

Are You Ready To Capture More Clients?  You have a great product, and now you need to get it to the people who will benefit most from it! There are many different approaches to marketing products. You’ll need to discover the best method for you, but without a dedicated sales funnel, you’re missing out on who knows how many potential sales! Today’s Overview Today, I’ll explain the value of building a dedicated sales funnel and how it’s your responsibility to lead your potential clients from interest to purchase! You can click on the link below to jump to any section…

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How the iOS15 Update will Impact Email Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / October 26, 2021
How The iOS 15 Update Will Impact Email Marketing

Apple has done it again. Every small business owner and entrepreneur is well aware of the iOS14 updates and its impact on tracking paid marketing. Now, it’s time for email marketers to feel the same pain and panic that ensued between media buyers and ad agencies with the iOS15 update. We all remember the scramble to change our marketing plans and figure out the new way to have insights into our audience’s preferences and actions. Apple is taking it to the next level.  According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Apple believes that privacy is “one of the top issues of the…

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Marketing 101: Don’t Market to Everyone! Free Workbook!

By Jennie Lyon / August 10, 2021
JLVAS - Marketing 101 - Don't Cast a Wide Net You'll Catch Nobody

I have a theory that only a few digital marketing experts out there actually know anything about fishing. When you read something online about marketing, people often bring up fishing. There is a parallel between catching a big fish and landing a new customer. It’s an easy metaphor. That is why a lot of the advice you hear about how to fish for new clients is kind of terrible. They might know marketing, but they don’t know the first thing about fishing! Okay, so, for myself, I’ve been fishing countless times in my life! I grew up in Utah, and…

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