Studies show that a huge percentage of businesses spend more time and money finding new customers than keeping those they already have. Which, when you consider how much costlier acquiring new customers is than retaining existing ones, sounds like a massive mistake! To increase client lifetime value (CLV), you need to find ways to acquire customers inexpensively. You need to do this while also making sure that they stick around long enough for you to woo them. This might seem like a huge challenge, but don’t fret! All it takes is an irresistible product, service, or program (which you already have)…
Read MoreA discovery call is the first step to building a solid relationship with clients. The conversation touches on goals, challenges, and priorities that you can address in future interactions. It’s an opportunity for both parties to learn about each other, find commonalities, and determine if there’s a good fit. The rise in discovery calls seems to happen in waves. Small businesses, like ours, see a surge of discovery calls right around certain times of the year, for example New Year’s, at the beginning of spring, and just before the end of summer. By understanding the pattern behind the trend, you…
Read MoreWhen growing your business, probably the most vital component, second to, say, your product or service, is your clients. Where would you be without them? Home alone with a great coaching program you’ve rehearsed to yourself in the mirror countless times, that’s where! However, the process of getting and onboarding clients is a big undertaking, requiring savvy marketing and outreach to draw them to you. But let’s say you’ve done that part (as if you’ve been listening to my advice throughout my many, many blogs!) Clients are coming to you consistently. Great! So, now what? Well, if you’re going to…
Read MoreI’m a huge believer in going the extra mile to “WOW” my clients. And it all begins in the first interaction I have with them: the client onboarding! It goes back to the earliest days of marketing before I started this business! In high school, I was a manager at Nordstrom. Yes, high school! As you can imagine being the youngest manager at Nordstrom made me really, really want to shine! While I wasn’t wowing clients but instead customers, it was a huge deal to me! I wanted every customer to feel like LITERALLY the most important person in the…
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