Content May Be King but Your Copywriting Has to Rule!
Content marketing really is king! But only if your copywriting is high quality, personality-infused and engaging. By hiring a great virtual assistant who does copywriting along with other services such as graphic design, you can develop an entire library of blogs, social media posts, and eblasts that you can pull out at a moment’s notice whenever you need to provide your customers with content that rules!
Blogs are basically the bread and butter as far as content marketing goes. If you instantly want something to boost your SEO, improve your social media engagement and prove to your audience that you are an authority in your niche, well-written and thoughtful blogs are the perfect place to start.
When you decide to start a blog on your website, you need to consider a number of things: Who is your audience, how complex are your blog topics, and how often do you want blogs posted? Generally, one blog a week will give you plenty of material for regular social media posts and constant website updates.
The main reason why some small business don’t have a blog is because there is simply no time. If you aren’t a professional copywriter, it can take hours to write and polish a blog tailored to your audience. This is where a virtual assistant can come in handy. All you need to do is brainstorm blog topics with them, provide a bit of feedback on an editorial calendar and you will have a professional written blog sitting in your inbox every week, ready to be sent out to your audience. It’s a simple way to develop a huge library of content that you can pull out and offer to your online customers at any time.
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An infographic pretty much serves the exact same purpose as a blog, it just does it in a different way. With an infographic, you are still providing your audience with valuable information, you are just doing it in a more visual manner. Infographics are a fun, quick way to communicate complex ideas in an attractive and engaging graphic.
Another advantage to infographics is that they don’t require the same time and focus commitment to engage with them. Even if your customers are quick readers, it can still take a few minutes to get through a blog. With an infographic, you can communicate the same message as the blog pretty much instantly. This can be a lovely change of pace for your audience, especially if they are used to getting a blog post every week.
Even more so than with blogs, hiring a virtual assistant is a must when making an infographic. You not only need to write the short amount of copy that goes with it, you also need fantastic graphic design skills to make an attractive infographic that will educate and entertain! A virtual assistant with graphic design experience can provide you with an infographic that can do both!
Newsletters + Eblasts
Striking the right balance between email marketing and content marketing can be tricky. You never want your customers to feel like you are “selling” to them, but you also want your email marketing to, well, sell! It’s something that I call stealthy-selling. A weekly newsletter can often hit that sweet spot and give them something they will look forward to getting on a regular basis and hopefully they will buy something from you too!
Newsletters can be made up of a number of different pieces of content. You should start them with an introduction letter addressed to the recipient. This is a great place to keep your customers updated about any news, talk a bit about any upcoming events or specials, and thank them for their business. It doesn’t need to be long, but should be enticing and tease what is to come in the newsletter.
Newsletters can feature your weekly blog and visuals as a way to make sure your best customers don’t miss them. You can also include things like special offers, or even testimonials. It can take a while to put together an attractive newsletter design, which is something else that a virtual assistant skilled in graphic design can help with. You may also want a virtual assistant’s help to make sure that your newsletter is sent out regularly at times of highest engagement.
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So, you want people to sign up for your email list but you just can’t get them to give you their info? Maybe it’s about time you added an incentive of some kind!
Offering your online customers a completely free piece of content if they sign up for your email list can be a great way to rapidly expand your email outreach potential. This piece of content should be consistent with your brand and work to advance the business of your ideal client. For example, a “how to” guide, checklist or a short eBook can be terrific freebies. A virtual assistant can help you write them!
Another freebie could be a special offer for your services or products or a free chat with you. The word “free” has tremendous power and it could be the key to opening up your email marketing to hundreds of new customers!
Over the last few years, content marketing has massively altered the way that we market to clients and really, isn’t that for the better? Who wants to be bombarded with constant, annoying ads? When companies instead offer value to their customers, they advance their brand awareness while increasing customer engagement.
Well, I’m here to give you a leg up with my free Blog Breakdown Workbook! In it, I will break down all of the parts of a perfect blog into an easy-to-follow template you can use whenever you’re feeling stuck with writer’s block! Using it, you’ll get through your blog post in no time!

Of course, writing might not be where your talents lie. Running your small business is taking up the vast majority of your time. Outsourcing your copywriting to a virtual assistant or digital marketing expert might be an excellent investment. Please feel free to contact me today and we can start developing the masterful content marketing strategy you need to give extra value to your customers!