Expert Marketing Strategies to Set Up New Offers for Success

By Jennie / July 16, 2024

Launching a new offer is a massive milestone in your business. No matter how much time and planning has gone into this new offer of yours, you’ve probably had a moment of worry about what happens if no one purchases it. So, today, I’m giving you some expert marketing strategies we implement for our clients, launching a new offer to set up for success. Let’s get into it.  Content Overview Create an Offer Your Customers WantEstablish Urgency and HypeCreate a FunnelOrganic MarketingPaid MarketingHow Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing Can Help Before the Launch DISCLAIMER: Launching a new offer should be a…

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6 Successful Ways to Batch Your Content Creation to Save Time and Money

By Jennie Lyon / June 18, 2024

Content creation helps people discover your brand, business, services, or products. It also helps you attract, engage and build a relationship with prospects and clients. Basically, it brings new eyes to your site and will ultimately generate revenue. So, if you aren’t creating content, you’ll get left in the dust of your competitors.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could finish all your content creation without ever breaking a sweat, and without feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Well, believe it or not – with content batching, that dream can become a reality. Batching is an incredibly…

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5 Powerful Steps To Selecting The Perfect Online Course Topic

By Jennie Lyon / September 12, 2023
5 Powerful Steps To Selecting The Perfect Online Course Topic

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, the power of online learning has never been more evident. I’ve been helping individuals like you unleash their potential through online courses for over a decade. Let’s dive into why choosing the right course topic is a game-changer for your online course journey. Content Overview: Selecting the ideal course topic is a cornerstone of your success in the world of online education. This decision is key to your audience’s engagement and the course’s overall impact. It all starts with understanding your audience – their dreams, desires, and aspirations. Online learning offers unparalleled flexibility and also,…

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Does SEO Really Matter? The Importance of Search Engine Optimization

By Jennie Lyon / September 5, 2023
Does SEO Really Matter? The Importance of Search Engine Optimization

Hey there! I’m excited to dive into the world of SEO with you. In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is a game-changer for small business owners like you. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is at the core of this digital success, a buzzword you’ve probably heard. But what exactly is SEO, and why does it matter? Content Overview: Understanding the Buzz around SEO and its Impact on Online Success In simple terms, SEO is all about optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) organically. This means we’re not talking about paid ads…

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Expanding Your Social Media Presence With Diverse Content Types

By Jennie Lyon / August 1, 2023
Expanding Your Social Media Presence: Unleashing the Power of Diverse Content Types

Hey there, fabulous entrepreneurs! You know as well as I do that social media is the heartbeat of your business. It’s where the magic happens, connections are made, and your brand shines bright like a diamond. But, hey, let’s be honest – you can’t just post anything and hope for the best. That’s where I come in! In today’s blog post, we’re diving deep into the world of social media content – all the juicy stuff that will make your audience swoon, share, and keep coming back for more. Buckle up because we’re about to unleash the power of different…

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Video Marketing: Boosting Your Brand with Engaging Visual Content

By Jennie Lyon / July 25, 2023
Video Marketing: Boosting Your Brand with Engaging Visual Content

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where attention spans are shrinking, video marketing has become a powerful strategy to captivate audiences and promote your brand effectively. With the rise of platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, incorporating video content into your marketing campaigns can lead to significant growth and higher customer engagement. This article delves into video marketing, uncovering its benefits, strategies, and tips to help businesses thrive in the visual content landscape. Instead of giving you the usual action list at the end of the blog, I will stop as we go through the content to provide you with actionable…

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6 Organic Social Media Strategies To Get To 10k + Free Social Media Calendar

By Jennie Lyon / March 8, 2022

What is organic social media? Organic social media is any social media without advertising. This means that people only use interacting with their audience to grow a following media following. By using free tools to communicate, organic marketing strategies are no less important than using paid advertising.  Social media is an important tool for any company, but it’s difficult to get the hang of. You need to establish a content strategy that focuses on creating and promoting posts engagedly. It’s also essential to remember that you are your best advertisement. After all, 92% of people trust peer recommendations above all…

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The Simple Digital Marketing Strategy Pillars for Business Growth

By Jennie Lyon / September 9, 2021
JLVAS-Blog-The Simple Digital Marketing Strategy Pillars for Business Growth

The marketing game has come a long way since its humble beginnings. Did you know that researchers and historians have found evidence of people using sales branding back in ancient Rome? I mean, it was joked about in Disney’s Hercules, the idea of using the titular hero to market products, but to know it was actually already in practice is neat if a bit crazy to think about! At any rate, commercial marketing as we know it came about later in the 19th century, evolving to what it is today – an inescapable part of growing your business. Now, knowing…

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5 Ways a Social Media Expert Can Grow Your Audience Quickly

By Jennie Lyon / March 5, 2021
JLVAS -5 Ways a social media expert can grow audience

Do you feel that your social media growth has stalled? One of the most frustrating parts about creating an online community is the feeling that it isn’t growing. Many small business owners start pages for their businesses on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and invest hours and hours into them, only to see their followers tick up one at a time in slow motion. Many social media “experts” will tell you that the trick to social media is perseverance, and I agree with that. However, it’s important to remember that spending hours every day on social media is NOT your job! And…

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5 Ways to Use a Virtual Assistant to Create Content

By Jennie Lyon / March 2, 2021
JLVAS -5 Ways to Use a Virtual Assistant to Create Content

What do you think when you hear the words “content creation.” Whenever you sit down at your desk to write something, you are arguably creating content. Whether that be a private email, a newsletter for your business, or a public blog, it’s all content. The only difference is the audience that the content is meant for.  Content creation is one of the most time-demanding aspects of being a small business owner. You can eat up an entire afternoon by writing a blog post, trying to fine tune every detail to get your message across to your audience. Or what if…

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