How To Attract An Audience With The Best Copywriting Tips

By Jennie Lyon / September 22, 2020
How to attract an audience with the best copywriting tips

Copywriting is at the heart of most marketing strategies. Everything from writing ads to crafting webinars to coming up with taglines requires a certain amount of copywriting skill. As a small business owner, you need to effectively communicate your brand’s key messages through compelling copy that converts people to paying customers.  But how do you do this? If you don’t know the different types of copy, proven strategies to get customers to engage, and ways to deal with writer’s block ( a particular nightmare for all writers out there), you’re likely going to be stuck staring at a blank page…

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Facebook & Instagram Ads Not Converting? Get an Experienced Virtual Assistant!

By Jennie Lyon / July 15, 2020
Facebook & Instagram Ads Got You Down? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

The Reach of Facebook and Instagram Ads Do you know how many people use Facebook every month? Over 2.6 billion users! And 1.73 billion of those users are on it daily. How about Instagram? Instagram has 1 billion users every month with over 500 million accounts using Instagram stories every day. Wow! These are staggering numbers. Let’s break it down and simplify a bit to dig into some details, let’s get a little more local… There are over 221.6 million Facebook users and 112.5 million Instagram users in the U.S. only. Now that’s a significantly more useful number! For Facebook,…

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How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / July 7, 2020
How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

So let me ask, how many years have you been building your email list? Time and time again on consultation calls, I hear from potential clients who want to focus ALL of their marketing efforts on social media. But here’s the thing: you don’t “own” your social media followers. I’ve tragically seen clients’ accounts closed down by Facebook & Instagram (sometimes for no reason, just a simple mistake), meaning that they lose those followers forever or at least until they can get a hold of someone who can help! Plus, as you know, Facebook likes to choose who sees your…

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4 Easy Steps to Pivoting Your Business Online

By Jennie Lyon / June 30, 2020
Step-by-Step Guide to Pivoting Online

How much of your business is currently online? I think we can all agree that the last few months have been incredibly hard for small businesses. As someone who works with entrepreneurs every day, I’ve seen this firsthand, and I’ve had the great privilege of standing alongside small businesses through this crisis! So, I wanted to share what I’ve seen over the past few months with my current and new clients. After this experience, I have a ton of tips about how your small business can survive, and even thrive, during a crisis by pivoting to online business models.  Now…

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How to Create a Month’s Worth of Social Media in 1 Day

By Jennie Lyon / June 23, 2020

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? That’s usually what I hear from most small business owners. They start the day ready to blow through their to-do lists, but still have half the list left at the end of hours. That’s usually because their time gets used up by small, time-consuming tasks like creating and scheduling social media as part of their digital marketing strategy. Personally, I write/design/schedule a month’s worth of social media content on Saturday or Sunday morning. I’ve developed a system over the years where I get up early and have it…

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The Anatomy of a Facebook Ad

By Jennie Lyon / October 1, 2019

Writing a Facebook Ad is easy, right? You throw together some text with an image and watch the clicks roll in! Uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s a surefire way to end up with a Facebook Ad disaster! Social Media Ad creation is an art onto itself. Much like writing all kinds of social media, it’s a unique mixture of both marketing copy, target research and graphic design meant to attract the eye, intrigue the mind, and eventually, lead the user to your Website or Landing Page. There are a total of seven elements…

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Try, Try Again: Why You Should Give Digital Advertising a Second Chance

By Jennie Lyon / March 27, 2018
JLVAS why you should give digital advertising a second chance

Digital advertising is easy. Effective digital advertising, that’s hard. One of the most common things I hear from many of my new clients is that they have always gotten poor results from their digital marketing efforts. It just “doesn’t work” for them, so they tend to fall back on more traditional advertising methods. But here is the problem: digital marketing IS the standard form of advertising these days. Nowhere else can offer you the same ROI for your advertising dollars. It’s completely understandable why so many companies get less than their desired ROI their first time designing an online marketing…

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