How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / July 7, 2020
How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media Marketing

So let me ask, how many years have you been building your email list? Time and time again on consultation calls, I hear from potential clients who want to focus ALL of their marketing efforts on social media. But here’s the thing: you don’t “own” your social media followers. I’ve tragically seen clients’ accounts closed down by Facebook & Instagram (sometimes for no reason, just a simple mistake), meaning that they lose those followers forever or at least until they can get a hold of someone who can help! Plus, as you know, Facebook likes to choose who sees your…

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4 Easy Steps to Pivoting Your Business Online

By Jennie Lyon / June 30, 2020
Step-by-Step Guide to Pivoting Online

How much of your business is currently online? I think we can all agree that the last few months have been incredibly hard for small businesses. As someone who works with entrepreneurs every day, I’ve seen this firsthand, and I’ve had the great privilege of standing alongside small businesses through this crisis! So, I wanted to share what I’ve seen over the past few months with my current and new clients. After this experience, I have a ton of tips about how your small business can survive, and even thrive, during a crisis by pivoting to online business models.  Now…

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How to Create a Month’s Worth of Social Media in 1 Day

By Jennie Lyon / June 23, 2020

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? That’s usually what I hear from most small business owners. They start the day ready to blow through their to-do lists, but still have half the list left at the end of hours. That’s usually because their time gets used up by small, time-consuming tasks like creating and scheduling social media as part of their digital marketing strategy. Personally, I write/design/schedule a month’s worth of social media content on Saturday or Sunday morning. I’ve developed a system over the years where I get up early and have it…

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We’re Your One-Stop Digital Marketing Stop!

By Jennie Lyon / April 28, 2020
We're Your One-Stop Digital Marketing Stop!

What does the word “marketing” mean to you? Over the last few weeks, countless companies have been in a scramble. Trying to figure out a way to communicate with their customers during COVID-19. Their marketing used to be focused on big money spent on billboards, posters, and other traditional forms of marketing. Unfortunately, that would be money wasted while everyone is under stay-at-home orders. So, now they are putting their money into a highly-effective form of advertising that small businesses have been using for years: Enter digital marketing. Digital Marketing is an umbrella term that covers all aspects of marketing…

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How to Use Pinterest Search to Get Free Traffic

By Jennie Lyon / March 4, 2020
How to Use Pinterest Search to Get Free Traffic

Do you have a personal Pinterest account? Pinterest is one of those companies often left out of the conversation when it comes to social media marketing. Unlike Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, it isn’t about collecting followers or posting viral content that will get buried in less than a day (if not less than an hour). Instead, Pinterest gives its users a very different experience, along with astonishingly personalized content. To a digital marketing expert, Pinterest offers some incredible opportunities to connect with an engaged and passionate audience that might be tailor-made for your business. While Pinterest only has about 320…

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Embracing Instagram Stories as a Small Business Owner

By Jennie Lyon / May 14, 2019

If there is one thing that I’ve learned doing digital marketing over the years, it’s that yesterday’s fad is today’s “next big thing.” A perfect example is SnapChat. When SnapChat debuted a few years ago, it was treated with scorn from many marketers. Heck, even the general public looked at it with suspicion. Why on earth would you only want to take super-short, 15-second videos of yourself? And then share them? Who would watch them? Just a few years later and SnapChat-like functionality has been integrated into countless apps and social media networks: Facebook among them. But probably the most…

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Put Me In Coach! Why Coaching Can Help Your Business Succeed!

By Jennie Lyon / January 28, 2019

Have you ever heard the old saying, “Those that can’t, teach?” Personally, I always thought that is absolutely ridiculous. It’s not just disrespectful to teachers, who sacrifice so much for their students, but it’s also just flat out wrong. There can be a similar perception about coaches in sports. “Those that can’t play, coach.” Again, ridiculous. The wealth of knowledge and experience that a talented coach can bring is incalculable. With their watchful and experienced eye, they can help shape an athlete or team into the best they can possibly be. That takes talent! Thankfully, there isn’t a negative perception…

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The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

By Jennie Lyon / May 22, 2018
JLVAS The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

You’re launching a new product! Now what?Small businesses need to walk on the edge of innovation to keep up in the market nowadays. You can’t just sit back on your laurels, you need to keep providing your customers with new and updated products and services. You need to keep things fresh! When you are about to launch a new product, it’s a time of celebration. It’s exciting! But it can also be a tremendous amount of work. Designing and creating a new product already takes a massive time commitment, marketing it and getting the word out to your customers can…

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Digital Marketing in the New Year: Your Options Explained

By Jennie Lyon / February 6, 2018
JLVAS - Digital marketing in the new year your options explained

The march of technology continues onwards! Every year, there is more and more innovation in the realm of digital marketing. With all of this changing technology comes new opportunities to get your advertising dollar to go a little further. A virtual assistant can help you take advantage of these digital marketing platforms and get the word about your business out to a wider audience using personality-infused storytelling and tested digital marketing techniques. Social Media MarketingSocial media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The increased engagement on platforms like Twitter means that 280 characters are more relevant than ever. Facebook has completely…

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Give Your Brand a Facelift with Great Graphic Design!

By Jennie Lyon / October 24, 2017

Have you ever heard the old saying, “Show, don’t tell”? Visual and graphic design is an absolutely essential part of any company’s branding. Without an attractive visual element, a brand is simply words on a page. With great graphic design, a brand can pop and get into the minds of potential clients and customers alike. Unfortunately, many companies tend to put the importance of graphic design on the back burner, either believing it doesn’t makes a huge difference or feeling that they can do just as good a job themselves. This kind of thinking can make or break a business.…

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