Over the past 22 years, we’ve worked with thousands of small business owners, helping them craft the perfect free offer! And while having a fantastic free offer is the first step in capturing and converting leads, it’s only one small piece of the puzzle. Lead conversion isn’t just about getting eyes on your website; it’s about grabbing their attention (and email address!), nurturing them, and converting them into paying customers. It’s about creating an incredible customer journey and user experience that’s so compelling that leads can’t help but come back for more! Before you can get into converting a visitor…
Read MoreAs a small business owner, I really dislike being locked into a contract. I’ve heard horror stories from my clients who got locked into long-term contracts with a firm that didn’t deliver what they promised! Now, I’m not bad-mouthing my competitors here! The aim of countless virtual assistant firms out there is to help your business succeed. When you’re running a small business, you need to have flexibility, especially when you’re first starting out. Your income might not be predictable and having a big fixed cost can become a nightmare for your budget. With many reputable virtual assistant firms, you don’t…
Read MoreBeing a small business owner is a little bit like juggling, you have to keep all of the balls in the air. The trick is when your business grows and you are expected to catch more and more balls until finally… some of them are dropped. There are a ton of online tools out there that can help you better manage your business and relieve some of that stress. By unloading much of your workload, you might even be able to double your income! Here are some incredibly useful online tools that I recommend you check out to help keep…
Read MoreOne of the most exciting times for a small business is when they launch a new product or program. Small businesses rarely have unlimited capital for product/program development, which makes the success of a launch absolutely imperative. This can make it a very tense and stressful time in the office, as everything involved in the launch needs to be executed flawlessly. If you’re doing everything on your own, it can consume every bit of your bandwidth, pulling your focus from other, still important projects and clients. By partnering with a Virtual Assistant, you can instantly relieve this stress on you…
Read MoreGet contacted by any Nigerian princes lately? How about being sent an exclusive offer for cheap Canadian drugs? Or a free trip to Jamaica if you just fill out a survey? Spam email is an epidemic that has existed since the earliest days of the internet, and, despite promises every few years, it doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon. There are few things more annoying than spam email filling your inbox with unsolicited offers or attempts to scam you. As an entrepreneur, there is a good chance you know the frustration of your carefully crafted, targeted emails being…
Read MoreSeminars are a staple in the business world. The problem is that seminars are expensive and somewhat inconvenient affairs that, although useful and informative, sometimes only attract limited audiences. But today, thanks to the power of technology, anyone can reach a much wider audience around the world! Using a real-time video conference, known as a webinar, small business owners can give a much more cost-effective talk. A webinar is basically an online seminar. It offers your clients a real-time connection to you; they actually hear you speak and can respond through chat. With the option for anyone in the world…
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