Launching a New Product or Program? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

Launching a new product or program? A Virtual Assistant can help!

One of the most exciting times for a small business is when they launch a new product or program. Small businesses rarely have unlimited capital for product/program development, which makes the success of a launch absolutely imperative. This can make it a very tense and stressful time in the office, as everything involved in the launch needs to be executed flawlessly. If you’re doing everything on your own, it can consume every bit of your bandwidth, pulling your focus from other, still important projects and clients.

By partnering with a Virtual Assistant, you can instantly relieve this stress on you and your workforce. A Virtual Assistant, such as myself, who is experienced in all aspects of launches, from digital marketing to e-commerce, will give you confidence that your product is in excellent hands. Here are some of the ways that a Virtual Assistant can help with your company’s launch:

Product/Program Development
Product or program development is often the most expensive part of creating a new product for your customers. Hiring professional copywriters and design specialists who are experienced in creating new products can be a huge hit to your budget. Hiring a Virtual Assistant who is a master of writing engaging copy and developing attractive and sharp graphics can be a very cost-effective method of product development, giving you the same (if not better) results at a much reduced price.

Webinar Design
A webinar is an example of a remarkably cost-effective product for small business owners and other entrepreneurs. By packaging older material together to create an entirely new product or program, you can get a chance to show off your experience and attract new clients. The development of a webinar has many steps, and mastering them can take years. So why invest that time and effort when you can hire a Virtual Assistant who can handle all aspects of your webinar development? We can help you with everything, from your content, to your slides, to all of the technical design elements.

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Email Marketing & Facebook Ads
A major part of any launch’s success is the marketing push behind it. Although print media still plays an important role, it’s digital marketing that often connects you to the most potential customers for your launch. There are two major avenues of digital marketing you can pursue: Email Marketing and Facebook Ads.  

By promoting your launch through email marketing strategies, such as ezines, newsletters, and simple email ads, you can reach out to your entire email list, informing them about your important launch announcement. A Virtual Assistant can handle the details, writing and designing the copy of the emails. They can also handle when the emails are sent out, creating a schedule designed to maximize engagement with your customers and keep your email out of the trash folder.

Facebook is one of the most popular social media services in the world, and getting a well-crafted Facebook ad in front of a large, captive audience can ensure your product launch is met with enthusiasm. Crafting a Facebook ad can be tricky, as you have a very limited number of words and graphical space to work with. A Virtual Assistant who has mastered Facebook ad copy can make sure that your launch reaches the eyes of your target demographic, getting you the most bang for your buck.

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Press Releases
Crafting the perfect press release is an art. A well-written press release, sent to the press, bloggers and other media, is a fantastic way to build buzz about your new product or program. The issue is that a press release needs to have the proper journalistic tone, which can be difficult to duplicate if you’ve never written one before. Experienced Virtual Assistants, on the other hand, have written many press releases and know exactly how to create one that will help build anticipation for your launch.

So, you’ve created your new product or program, you’ve announced it to the media, you’ve marketed it online, now the big question… how are you going to sell it?

If you don’t have a functional, easy-to-use shopping cart system built into your website, it is going to be difficult for you to get your product out to your customers. I have experience setting up clients with, a fantastic e-commerce solution. I can integrate it into your website, customize it, brand it, and make sure that your product is available with professionally written sales copy explaining its virtues.

As a small business owner, you know that there are only so many balls you can keep in the air before you start to drop a few. The steps above are only a few of the necessary things you need to keep in mind when you launch a new product. When you take in all of the essential steps, you can’t afford any mistakes. That’s why hiring a Virtual Assistant can help guarantee that your new product will be launched without a hitch! If you’d like to chat about how I can help you develop or launch a new product, please drop me a line!

About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie.


  1. […] marketing content gets way, way more exposure than it otherwise would. So, the next time you are launching a new, exciting product, don’t underestimate the power that online engagement can have to get the word […]

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