As a digital marketer, I have to admit that I’m a little surprised at how many people don’t know what a podcast is. Especially given their rapidly increasing visibility. The word “podcast” is a combination of the words “broadcast” and “iPod.” Over the last decade, podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of spoken-audio entertainment. Replacing radio as the background noise during our morning commutes. There are countless podcasts out there in hundreds of different genres, including true crime, technology, fiction, comedy, and, of course, marketing. You can check out some of my favorite productivity podcasts here! So,…
Read MoreFinally, some good news! States all over the country are in various stages of reopening after more than two months of COVID-19 quarantine, including Florida. While physical distancing guidelines and the use of masks won’t be going away, this does mean that businesses of all sizes can reopen again! But after being closed for weeks, you likely can’t just reopen your doors without doing a ton of prep. Things have changed. New health and safety policies are in place. Your physical location will likely need to go through some changes to make it ready for customers again. That’s going to…
Read MoreIs your small business ready for some financial help? Well, good news! Stimulus help is on its way! COVID-19 has disrupted almost every aspect of American life, and I’m not just talking about stay-at-home guidelines. Individuals, organizations, and businesses have unexpectedly run into the economic equivalent of a brick wall. Financial hard times are tough enough to deal with when everything else is calm. But during a pandemic, pulling yourself out of that hole and protecting your brand can feel impossible. Thankfully at the end of March, the Federal government passed three landmark pieces of legislation to help Americans weather…
Read MoreAre you experiencing remote work for the first time in your professional life? Maybe you’ve heard, there have recently been some significant changes in the way the average American does their job. With physical distancing rules in place, many small business storefronts needed to close for health reasons. And even though some of them are opening back up, it will still be months until things are close to normal. Moreover, some of the big changes will likely stick around indefinitely: working from home, for example. Before COVID-19, only 1-2% of people worked remotely. Now, businesses all over the country have…
Read MoreAre you worried about your small business brand right now? Many small businesses are, understandably, concerned about their cash flow and staying open during the COVID-19 crisis. The burden social distancing has put on businesses of all sizes is unmatched in modern times. Even the strongest of companies are struggling with them. But it’s not only the financial side of your business you need to consider. Maintaining your brand over the next few weeks is going to be tricky. There are some ways that you can avoid any damage to it. In fact, you might even be able to strengthen…
Read MoreDo you use LinkedIn to connect with clients? When you ask most people about LinkedIn, they think it’s only a place to post your resume online. Wrong! LinkedIn has become so much more than a repository of work histories and references. Now, it’s a full-blown social media network, just like Facebook. With that in mind, this makes LinkedIn the perfect platform for finding new clients. Unlike other social media services, LinkedIn is entirely focused on your professional life. That means active users are trying to connect with like-minded people in their industry. It’s the perfect place for you to reach…
Read MoreDo you have the right tools to run your online business? With countless businesses shifting to online-only, many long-time small business owners are worried that they might not have the tools they need to manage their business effectively. Keeping on-track when you’re working from home can be challenging, and without the right resources, it’s much, much harder. Thankfully, I’ve been working from home for years, so I can help. Here are some of what I consider to be indispensable tools for any online business, small, medium, or large. What’s even better is that most of them are 100% free for…
Read MoreAre you worried about your revenue stream? Right now, small business owners everywhere are wondering how they can increase their revenue (or hold it even) during the coronavirus crisis. We currently don’t know how long this period of social distancing will last or if things will get even worse. What we do know is that most physical locations are closed, meaning that many small businesses have needed to pivot to online only. Thankfully, there are some ways you can create multiple online streams of income. It might require you to go slightly out of your comfort zone, but these strategies…
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