8 Ways to Repurpose One Piece of Content + Free Template

By Jennie Lyon / August 11, 2020
8 Ways to Repurpose One Piece of Content

When it comes to food, my family are big believers in having as little waste as possible. Jayson, my husband, LOVES to cook (and I love LETTING him cook). We love to pull inspiration from the Native American idea of using EVERY part of the animal. So, when he is making mashed potatoes, he saves the skin peels to make delicious, crispy potato skin chips in the oven. When we eat chicken, he always saves the bones and tiny bits of meat and boils it down to make a tasty chicken noodle soup. It doesn’t just make economic sense; it’s…

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5 Tips for Building Long-Term Client Relationships

By Jennie Lyon / September 19, 2017

What would your company be without your clients? One of the keys to a successful small business is to develop long-term client relationships. For a business to become truly successful, you need to build a foundation of repeat customers and clients you can rely on. This can require a tremendous amount of time and effort, just like developing any other lasting relationship in your life. Here are some tips on how you can get started strengthening your client relationships, with the goal of eventually converting them into regular, long-term clients: Communication is the KeyAll of my long-term client relationships have…

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5 Online Tools That Could Double Your Income

By Jennie Lyon / August 29, 2017

Being a small business owner is a little bit like juggling, you have to keep all of the balls in the air. The trick is when your business grows and you are expected to catch more and more balls until finally… some of them are dropped. There are a ton of online tools out there that can help you better manage your business and relieve some of that stress. By unloading much of your workload, you might even be able to double your income! Here are some incredibly useful online tools that I recommend you check out to help keep…

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Launching a New Product or Program? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

By Jennie Lyon / August 22, 2017
Launching a new product or program? A Virtual Assistant can help!

One of the most exciting times for a small business is when they launch a new product or program. Small businesses rarely have unlimited capital for product/program development, which makes the success of a launch absolutely imperative. This can make it a very tense and stressful time in the office, as everything involved in the launch needs to be executed flawlessly. If you’re doing everything on your own, it can consume every bit of your bandwidth, pulling your focus from other, still important projects and clients. By partnering with a Virtual Assistant, you can instantly relieve this stress on you…

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4 Fantastic Tips For Hiring A Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / August 15, 2017
4 Tips to Hiring the Right Virtual Assistant For Your Business

Does this situation sound familiar? You’re a small business entrepreneur, doing it all yourself. You have a big project due by the end of the day that only you can work on. Unfortunately, you also have to post your company’s social media, finish up writing a blog post, sort through your emails, and build a sales page. And that isn’t even counting the hundreds of distractions that can occur throughout the average business day. How on earth are you going to get your big project finished with all of those little, non-specialized tasks in your way? The answer is that you…

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How to Choose the Best Virtual Assistant Company for Your Business Needs

By Jennie Lyon / August 1, 2017
How to Choose the Best Virtual Assisant for Your Business Needs

If you do a search online, you will find that there are countless Virtual Assistant companies out there, each with their own specialties and strengths. There are Virtual Assistant firms that cater to huge, multi-national corporations and ones that specialize in specific industries like finance. When you are looking for a Virtual Assistant company as a small business entrepreneur, you need to make sure that you are getting one that can handle all of your business’ needs, has a solid amount of experience, and charges a reasonable price. You also want to make sure that they are flexible enough to…

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6 Steps to Designing a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

By Jennie Lyon / July 5, 2017

If you’ve been building a successful email list for your business, you’re probably wondering what is the best way to use it. If you have all of these people who want to hear about your business or product, how do you capitalize on it? Simple! You do it with a high-performing email campaign! A well-designed email campaign can be one of the most effective marketing tools in your arsenal, allowing you to reach your entire email list with a targeted message, informing your customers about a great sale or new product you’re offering. The trick is to get the email…

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Are you Staying in Front of Your Clients during Vacation Season?

By Jennie Lyon / June 20, 2017

For a small business owner, taking a vacation often depends on staying ahead of clients’ needs. You can’t afford to let things slip or have radio silence reign in your absence. I’ve always found that clients appreciate an entrepreneur who makes every effort to maintain continuous service no matter what time of year it is. However, that doesn’t have to mean skipping your vacation(s)! Some clients are wonderful, and understand that everyone needs a break now and then. Others may have (unrealistically) high expectations and not want to see any break in the service they receive from your business. You…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Launch a Successful Webinar

By Jennie Lyon / April 25, 2017
How A Virtual Assistant Can Help You Launch a Successful Webinar

Seminars are a staple in the business world. The problem is that seminars are expensive and somewhat inconvenient affairs that, although useful and informative, sometimes only attract limited audiences. But today, thanks to the power of technology, anyone can reach a much wider audience around the world! Using a real-time video conference, known as a webinar, small business owners can give a much more cost-effective talk. A webinar is basically an online seminar. It offers your clients a real-time connection to you; they actually hear you speak and can respond through chat. With the option for anyone in the world…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can End Your Endless To-Do List

By Jennie Lyon / January 21, 2016
How a Virtual Assistant Can End Your Endless To Do List

We all know the feeling: your inbox is overflowing, you have a half dozen separate to-do lists, online, on paper, and on your smartphone or tablet. That doesn’t include the mental one you’re constantly updating. The endless seeming slog begins to creep in and make a job you were once passionate about into something you dread. It’s time you made some changes, don’t you think? For small business owners and entrepreneurs, dealing with the endless stream of tasks required to keep your operation not just afloat but productive, thriving, and successful can be especially difficult. There are only so many…

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