The Top 3 Reasons WordPress is King of Websites
If you’re an avid blog-reader or have ever started your own blog, you’ve probably heard of WordPress, the most popular and arguably most practical blogging platform available. What you may not know about WordPress is that it’s not just for bloggers; it’s a popular platform for small business sites and is even the platform behind huge corporate websites like eBay and Forbes.
1. User-Friendly Yet Advanced
WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for beginning bloggers as well as small business owners who want to create a full website. The reason is that WordPress’ tutorials, themes, and multitudes of plug-ins make it super easy to set up a moderately advanced website even if you’re not familiar with CSS or HTML. If you are familiar with coding or have tinkered with back-end site work, however, WordPress gives you access to the site’s style sheet for altering and offers an HTML view of posts and pages in the creation stage.
[Tweet “WordPress is the perfect platform for techies and novices alike to create dynamic business sites.”]
2. Versatility
As I mentioned, WordPress themes number in the thousands, making it the most versatile of the popular hosting platforms around. Users can search themes based on the criteria of business type, blog type (if using a blog—like all smart business owners should), color, layout, and more. In fact, there are even site designers and coders who specialize in custom WordPress themes that you can purchase if you don’t like one of the thousands of free options you can choose from when you sign up for WordPress. Additionally, WordPress themes can usually be modified to suit your brand and personality.
3. Plugins & Widgets
From spam-blockers to SEO optimizers to e-commerce tools, WordPress offers tons of plugins and widgets that allow you to personalize the way your website operates. Some simply make it easier for customers to connect–like social media widgets that let users click on an icon to be directed to your social pages—while other, more advanced and intelligent plugins like SEO optimizers help ensure that your website gets found.
[Tweet “WordPress has tons of widgets and plugins to help personalize and SEO optimize your website.”]
These are just a few of the endless benefits WordPress has to offer your small business. I have been using WordPress for years and have tons of experience with creating, managing, updating, and optimizing WordPress sites. Contact me for a free consultation to learn more about how I can utilize WordPress to help your business’ website work better for you and your clients.

Your website should be the keystone for your entire digital marketing strategy. All social media, emails, landing pages, and promotional material should be funneling your customers to your site. This can be a problem if it looks out of date or lacks modern website functionality. Check out this free workbook and see if your website is up to par.