We Have Big Plans for 2020!

Do you already have exciting plans in place for your small business in 2020?
One of the smartest things you can do as a small business owner is to always think about the future. You should constantly have something on the horizon. Whether it’s planning a webinar, starting a podcast, developing a new product or service, or building a spectacular website. It also can make for the perfect time to completely revamp your brand. And as we’ve almost reached the end of 2019, I’ve started to put some real thought into the services that I’m going to be offering you in the upcoming year.
Don’t worry; we aren’t going to be getting rid of any of your favorite virtual assistant or digital marketing services that you rely on to keep your business running smoothly! But we will be fine-tuning some of those services to keep up with new developments and innovations. As well as provide brand-new services designed to make your life easier as a small business owner.
Let’s take a look at what’s in store!
[TWEET “With the new year on the horizon, it’s time to announce some of my plans for 2020! Big things are afoot!”]
If you’re anything like me, you love podcasts. Recently, podcasting has gone from being a niche market into something that businesses like Spotify are spending massive amounts of money. Not only are they outstanding entertainment for your commute or to listen in the background while you’re doing repetitive work, but they can also teach you a ton.
That’s one of the reasons why I have a big announcement to make. I’m starting a brand-new podcast in 2020!
I’m still in the early stages of figuring out the podcast, but I can share the broad strokes. I will be hosting it, of course, focusing on simple ways that you as small business owners can make huge advances in your business. If you’ve read any of my blogs (like you are right now), then you will know what to expect. I will also likely have experts on the podcasts as guests, interviewing them to learn all of their productivity secrets!
As I said, we are still nailing down the details (the title, for example, any suggestions?). You can expect more information to come up early next year. I’m super excited about moving into podcasting, as it’s an area ripe for innovative marketing possibilities. And if you’d be interested in starting a podcast of your own, I help my clients with this all of the time, so let me know!
Weekly Videos
One of the best ways to advance personality-driven marketing is to feature yourself at the center of it. That’s why you can expect weekly videos from me soon.
These videos will take up much of the same mental real estate as my blog. But rather than reading it yourself, it will be me on video. I will be sharing my expertise, and helping you create new systems and processes at your small business. Again, we’re still in the process of figuring out the details. You can expect me on your screens before you know it!
Revamping Services
As a virtual assistant and digital marketing expert, I pride myself on keeping on the cutting-edge of the industry. Whenever there are innovations on the horizon, you can bet that I will be investigating them, determining whether or not my clients can use them to expand their reach and grow their audience.
With that in mind, we’re going to be taking a close look at our own social media services in the future. We’re not getting rid of writing Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts, don’t worry! But we will be putting an enhanced emphasis on the “Story” functions in these social media networks.
For example, if you use Instagram, then you have probably watched countless Instagram Stories. These stories can be considered almost a “mini social network” within Instagram. Stories are short and sweet videos that expire after 24 hours. That makes for a constant supply of new content for Instagram users, but it also means that you need to generate a steady amount of content if you want to keep up.
That’s where I come in. I can create this content for you on a regular basis. Making sure that you are appearing daily in your followers’ stories. On top of that, we can create content for Facebook Stories (basically the same feature, but on Facebook) and other similar future social networks. You also have the opportunity to create dedicated digital marketing ads for Stories. This can be useful to expand your brand to new customers who aren’t already followers.
[TWEET “I’m super excited about the big plans I have coming up in 2020! Read all about them here!”]
Updated Newsletter
While I’m not a big believer in change for change’s sake, I do recognize how an occasional shake-up can make things a bit fresher for audiences. It keeps things interesting, attracting attention from your audience and igniting curiosity about what you’re up to at your company.
With this in mind, you can expect a significant redesign coming to my newsletters in 2020. Don’t get me wrong; I’m a fan of my current design! But I’ve been exploring ways that I can revamp it to offer you my content in a more accessible way. I am thinking video, audio, projects we are working on, tools you can use to grow your business and more. Also, it gives me a chance to experiment a bit with traditional digital newsletter design. And if any of those discoveries work out well, then I can bring those same innovations to you and your digital marketing efforts!

An essential part of being a small business owner is the ability to adapt. So if any other exciting opportunities present themselves, you can bet that I will be incorporating them into my 2020 plan. One of the ways that I’m able to free up the time to explore new ways to grow my business is by using a virtual assistant. (Yes, the virtual assistant has a virtual assistant of her own. I’m a true believer)! If you want to free up some time of your own in 2020, you can download my free How to Use a Virtual Team to Grow Your Business and Get Your Life Back workbook. It’s full of tips on how you can best use a virtual assistant / digital marketing expert to streamline your small business!
The new year can be a crazy time for small businesses, catching up after the holidays. If you find yourself in need of a hand to make sense of the 2020 chaos, please contact me today. Together, we can figure out how to bring some more order into your life. Giving you the room you need to grow your business in the new year!
[…] to help. Not only have I written up business plans and updates every year for my own business, (Check this out for my 2020 plans!), but I’d done it for dozens of others as well! So, contact me today and let’s talk […]