Watch Out Facebook! New Social Media Kids on the Block!

By Jennie Lyon / September 16, 2019
New Social Media kids on the block

Do you remember MySpace? How about Friendster? Or a more recent example, Google Plus? These were some major players in the social media scene but today? They’re gone, replaced with newer, better social networks. It’s incredible how even giants can be worn down by time and innovation. Perhaps even… Facebook? Facebook is still the king of social media and should be a key component of every small business’s social media strategy, but it isn’t the only one out there. Other social media networks are popping up every year, looking to dethrone the king. As a marketer, I need to be…

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Adapt Your Social Media Content Across Every Social Media Channel

By Jennie Lyon / September 10, 2019
JLVAS How to adapt your social media content across every social media channel

Cross-country marketing can be a fascinating thing. Companies can take the exact same product but market it entirely differently depending on the country they are in. For example, there might be completely different advertising campaigns for a product like Pepsi in Mexico, Canada, and the United States. This is despite the fact that they’re all located on the same continent, two of them primarily speak English, and it’s the same product. It all has to do with local conventions of the media, cultural differences, and values when it comes to marketing. Marketing on social media is a little bit like…

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How to Create a Core Lead Magnet that Converts

By Jennie Lyon / September 3, 2019
How to create a core lead magnet that converts

Does your website have a core lead magnet attached? Imagine this: You’re looking for a digital marketer (a pretty big stretch, huh?) You go onto a website, but the only things that are offered on it are paid products. There is no real way to see what kind of content they create for free. Instead, you have to go in blind and hope that they can meet your content creation/social media/email marketing/ funnel creation/ technical needs etc. And for some, that can be too high a price. Now, when you come to my website, I offer free content right off…

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Why My Dogs Get 1,000+ likes on Social Media!

By Jennie Lyon / August 27, 2019

Do me a favor. Go onto your Instagram or Facebook account and see how long it takes you to find a picture of a cat or dog. Don’t worry; I’ll wait. My guess is that it happened WAY faster than you expected. Pets have taken over the social media world. We might be torn apart by world events, pop culture, and trolling on social media, but there is one thing that brings us all together: Cute pictures of animals. So, the big question is, how can you harness the awesome power of pets to put a spotlight on your small…

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Ignite Your Business with My SEO Tips!

By Jennie Lyon / August 20, 2019

I’m sure that you’ve visited websites that read… a little bit oddly. They keep mentioning the same word or phrase over and over again. “If you’re looking for the best car repair in West Palm Beach, Florida, then you will want to visit our West Palm Beach car repair shop. We offer the best car repair service in West Palm Beach, Florida. WEST PALM BEACH!!!”  This kind of search engine optimization is a holdover from the early days of search engines. Back then, they could be fooled into thinking that your site was a leading one simply by stuffing it…

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GROW Your Social Media Following in 20 Minutes a Day

By Jennie Lyon / August 13, 2019

Get as much work done in as little time. This is the overriding goal in your head when you’re a small business owner. Time is money. If you only have a few hours every day to get everything done, you’re going to need to be super-efficient. Unfortunately, there are a ton of little, but essential tasks that can get in the way of your efficiency. For example, social media. Why You NEED Social Media Social media is a crucial part of every digital marketing strategy. Being on all of the major social media networks is how you reach out to…

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6 Steps to Creating an Onboarding System that Wows Your Clients!

By Jennie Lyon / August 6, 2019

Congratulations, you’ve landed the client of your dreams! Now the trick is to keep them!  Being a small business owner is a series of ups and downs. One minute, you’re on top of the world, doing the work you want to do with tons of clients. The next minute, some of those clients drop off, leaving you scrambling to find new ones. (Unless of course, you are ALWAYS marketing in the background!)  However, at times, it can be like the world’s most un-fun roller coaster. As you gain more experience. You realize that the trick is to build up a…

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Client Onboarding Automation is the Key to Business Success!

By Jennie Lyon / July 30, 2019

For some small businesses, getting a new client is “Good news, bad news” time. The good news is that you have a new client! The bad news is that if you don’t have an automated onboarding system, it can be a massive headache.  There is the first consultation, the follow-ups, sending/signing the contract, convincing them of the importance of filling out their client information form, invoices, scheduling your kick off call, learning their habits and preferences… It’s a ton of work! Of course, you can make things go much smoother by streamlining your entire client onboarding sequence. And a big…

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Webinars 101: Get a Virtual Assistant to Run Tech Support

By Jennie Lyon / July 21, 2019

Oh, the joy of tech support… Just about everyone has had the experience of their computer dying in the middle of an important project, only to have to spend the rest of the day wrestling with tech support. Listening to hours of “Your call is important to us” hold music and low-level clueless employees whose advice basically boils down to “Turn it off and then on again.” Then, if you don’t mysteriously get disconnected, you MAYBE might get to someone who can actually help you with your problem, if you’re lucky. So imagine trying to deal with tech support while…

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How To Create A Winning Webinar Slide Deck!

By Jennie Lyon / July 16, 2019

Do you remember sitting in school as a kid, vaguely staring at the walls as your teacher droned on and on about geography, history, or math… You were kind of paying attention. Maybe take a note every now and then, but the sad reality is that your attention is elsewhere. The material just wasn’t engaging you. But why? What your teacher was saying might have been interesting, but without a visually engaging element, your attention was lost. What if the teacher had a winning slide deck? We like to think that, as adults, we have more focus. That we can…

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