Business Quiz: Is it Time to Hire a Virtual Assistant?

By Jennie Lyon / February 16, 2016

As an increasingly busy entrepreneur, how many hats do you wear? There are just so many aspects to the modern business world, it can often feel like you’re working 4, 9, 12, or even 15 or more different jobs. You’ve probably considered that eventually you’ll reach the point that you’ll need to get some help, or if you haven’t thought it about it yet, it’s a decision worth some consideration. It may be time to hire a virtual assistant. [Tweet “As an increasingly busy entrepreneur, how many hats do you wear? “] Here are some questions to ask yourself to…

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Grow Your Business While Doing More of What You Love

By Jennie Lyon / February 2, 2016

“Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.”Easy words, but infinitely more difficult in practice. No matter how much you enjoy your job, there will always be stresses, problems, conflicts, and setbacks. At times, you might even find yourself asking the question “Why do I do this again?”. Thankfully, you can have a fresh start whenever you like and with it comes the opportunity to refocus on what you love about your job and make positive changes to minimize unnecessary stresses in the future. [Tweet “Delegation and outsourcing are the key to finding more…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can End Your Endless To-Do List

By Jennie Lyon / January 21, 2016
How a Virtual Assistant Can End Your Endless To Do List

We all know the feeling: your inbox is overflowing, you have a half dozen separate to-do lists, online, on paper, and on your smartphone or tablet. That doesn’t include the mental one you’re constantly updating. The endless seeming slog begins to creep in and make a job you were once passionate about into something you dread. It’s time you made some changes, don’t you think? For small business owners and entrepreneurs, dealing with the endless stream of tasks required to keep your operation not just afloat but productive, thriving, and successful can be especially difficult. There are only so many…

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What does Partnering with a Virtual Assistant Really Mean? Why the Trend Towards Virtual Is Here to Stay

By Jennie Lyon / January 12, 2016
What does partnering with a virtual assistant really mean?

What’s your reaction when you hear the world “virtual assistant”? Do you think smart, strategic, cost effective, expertise, efficiency? Of, if you haven’t fully internalized the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant yet, is your gut reaction more along the lines of relinquishing control and even spending (unnecessary) money? If your associations are trusting, I get it. The idea of partnering a virtual assistant definitely requires an archetypal leap, particularly for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are used to doing everything themselves. The concept requires a shift in perspective in order to really understand why and how partnering with…

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Take a Break After the Holidays to Launch Your Business to the Next Level

By Jennie Lyon / January 5, 2016

For many, the holiday season is a time to relax, be with family, and take a break from the ins and outs of the workplace. However, for small business owners and entrepreneurs, the holidays can be the busiest time of year. It’s an excellent time to reach out to clients, wish them good cheer, and keep them in the loop as to how your business is doing, and what you’re planning for the upcoming year. With all those potential customers and clients opening their wallets for Christmas, the stress of keeping them coming back can be a bit much. This…

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The Difference Between Managing & Micro-Managing your Business

By Jennie Lyon / December 18, 2015
The Difference Between managing and Mirco Managing Your Business

Are you investing your energy in the right parts of your business? As a business owner and entrepreneur, of course it’s very important to be engaged in your business. However, there is a crucial distinction between managing the big picture to make sure that your business is growing and moving forward, and getting tied up in the nitty gritty day-to-day details. Micromanaging does not necessarily mean that you’re micromanaging a person; it could be that you’re micromanaging the business itself. Really, the way to be successful is to step away from the minutia to shift your perspective and priorities. Nobody…

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Light Bulb! Realizing A Virtual Assistant Could Do It Better

By Jennie Lyon / December 11, 2015

Have you had that “aha” moment yet? You know the kind I’m talking about; that moment of sudden insight or discovery when you realize something important that shifts the entire paradigm of how you think and view an assumption? In this case, the light bulb moment that I’m talking about is one that’s so important for business owners and entrepreneurs – the realization that you can’t do it all yourself and, more importantly, there are actually people that could do some things even better than you can. The “aha” moment is about realizing your true value. At some point, we…

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How Automation and Outsourcing Can Grow Your Business Overnight

By Jennie Lyon / December 4, 2015

Efficiency. Productivity. Sustainability. Growth. These are important buzz words for any business, and particularly for small business owners and entrepreneurs. We’ve all heard it before; time is money. When the repetitive day-to-day tasks take up your valuable time, all of your effort is being funneled into sustaining your business, rather than growing it. To really grow your business, make improvements and engage new clients, you must free yourself up from those repetitive tasks that are bogging you down. Luckily, technology has made it possible to seamlessly delegate and automate your repetitive business tasks, giving you more time to focus on…

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4 Reasons Why a Virtual Assistant is the Key to Growing Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / November 20, 2015

As an entrepreneur, you are your most valuable asset. You are an expert in your field, and you’re great at what you do. You’re a high functioning and very capable individual and it’s natural that you’ll need to overcome the feeling that no one else can do the work as well as you could do it yourself. At some point you’ll overcome that hurdle and you’ll start to realize that your time is a limited resource and your biggest asset. The time will come when finding great help will be the only way for your business to expand and thrive…

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Follow these 8 Steps to Get a Handle on your Calendar

By Jennie Lyon / November 13, 2015

How often do you look at the clock and wonder where the day has gone? How often do you look at the back-to-back blocks of bookings in your calendar and feel overwhelmed? In this busy digital age filled with the distractions of email, social media and apps, it’s easy for our days to become filled with tasks that distract from our potential productivity. Maybe your day becomes filled with administrative tasks that need to be done, but they aren’t the best use of your time. You might be too accessible, and your day is filled with too many email and telephone…

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