Do You Need to Be on TikTok?

By Jennie Lyon / August 23, 2022
Do You Need to Be on TikTok?

Let’s find out.  Unless you are still living in the stone age, you are likely already aware that TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world. The TikTok stats consistently outperform almost every other mobile app and social media platform. This explosive growth has diverted attention away from dependable platforms such as Google, Meta, and Snapchat, as TikTok is now the most downloaded app of 2022. TikTok’s triumph is attributable to its unique and compelling content, which has struck a chord with users globally. As the social landscape changes rapidly, TikTok has managed to keep up…

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4 Ways To Grow Your Brand in the New Year for Business Success

By Jennie Lyon / December 22, 2020
4 Ways to Grow Your Brand in the New Year

Do you have big business plans for the new year? With the previous year in the rearview mirror, I’ve been putting a ton of thought into revamping my business plan. I’m a firm believer in coming up with a new business plan every January (And then of course, I revisit it quarterly to see if I need to tweak it). In this year’s plan, I’ve been specifically focusing on ways I can grow my brand through digital marketing.  Branding encompasses everything in a business, including your personality. Your personality, goals, business sense, beliefs, everything goes directly into your brand. And…

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Failure to Launch? The Secret Product Launch Formula

By Jennie Lyon / February 18, 2020
Failure to Launch? The Secret Product Launch Formula

There are few things more nerve-wracking for a small business than launching a new product. Believe me, I know how it feels! Since the early days of my digital marketing and virtual assistant business, I’ve expanded my offerings dozens of times. And every single time, I was filled with anxieties. I was worried that no one would be interested in that service, or that I spent all of that time and money for nothing.  Over time, I’ve come to realize that there is an art to launching a brand-new product or service. If you know the formula, you can significantly…

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Let’s Break Down a Strategic Marketing Plan with a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / January 21, 2020

Do you feel like you’re getting a little less “bang for your buck” from your marketing strategy plan lately? Digital marketing is one of the fastest moving targets on the internet. Things are constantly shifting and changing. New services appear and old ones disappear constantly. Google+, for example, was a “must” just a few years ago. Today? Uh, what’s Google+? This rapidly changing digital landscape means that you need to update your marketing plan every year (if not more often). If you’re basically doing the same thing you did in 2017, your digital marketing strategy is beyond ancient. But that’s…

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Boost your Online Business Success with this Blueprint

By Jennie Lyon / January 14, 2020

I’ve always been in awe of architects. They are like modern-day magicians. With math and an expert design sense, they design a blueprint that creates rock-solid structures that stand the test of time. And how do they do it? It all starts with a blueprint. After all, you can’t just start building a structure without knowing every single step you need to take. An architect designing a building will go through countless drafts of blueprints until they have a plan that is both functional AND beautiful. And once they finalize everything in the blueprint, they can finally start to get to…

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Stick With Your Goals with my FREE Planning Kit!

By Jennie Lyon / January 7, 2020

Happy New Year! Now that the parties, silly hats, and celebratory drinks are in the rearview mirror, it’s time to set your sights on what matters: your goals. I’m NOT talking about New Year’s Resolutions here. Those, for the most part, are more like general wishes for the new year. “I want to lose some weight,” or, “I want to earn more money.”  What I’m talking about here are your concrete business goals. The things that you’re going to be focusing on at your small business throughout the next 12 months. It’s time to get your thoughts in order. But…

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How to Build a Brand from Scratch

By Jennie Lyon / October 29, 2019

How exactly do you go about building a brand for your new business? Over the last few weeks, we’ve been taking a look at the various aspects of brand building. This included the basics of branding, graphic design, and how to rescue a struggling brand. But you might be wondering, but how do I start building a brand from scratch? Well, help is on the way! What is a Brand? As I’ve said before, a brand is like a container that holds all of the assets, both tangible and intangible, of your business. Everything from your logo and color scheme…

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How to Revive a Struggling Brand

By Jennie Lyon / October 22, 2019

What happens when a brand gets a “bad name?” I consider a brand to be a container that holds everything about a business, both tangible and intangible. From logo to customer service to reputation, your brand encompasses all of the qualities that your customers think when they see the name of your company.  The problem happens when some of those qualities are less than desirable. Maybe in the early days of your business, your customer service needed a little more work. Or that your prices were just a little too high. After enough time, many of those negative qualities got…

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Why Good Branding is So Important to Your Business Strategy

By Jennie Lyon / October 8, 2019

Ok, pop quiz time! What exactly is branding? I wouldn’t bother trying to look online for the answer. You look at 100 marketing websites, you’re going to find at least 100 slightly different ideas.  Why is it so difficult to nail down a single definition of branding? It’s because branding… is huge. It’s massive. It encompasses everything about your business. Trying to shrink that down to a single sentence is nearly impossible. So I’m not going to try! Instead, I’m going to break it down that massive concept into some smaller pieces, helping you understand what branding means for YOU…

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Give Your Brand a Facelift with Great Graphic Design!

By Jennie Lyon / October 24, 2017

Have you ever heard the old saying, “Show, don’t tell”? Visual and graphic design is an absolutely essential part of any company’s branding. Without an attractive visual element, a brand is simply words on a page. With great graphic design, a brand can pop and get into the minds of potential clients and customers alike. Unfortunately, many companies tend to put the importance of graphic design on the back burner, either believing it doesn’t makes a huge difference or feeling that they can do just as good a job themselves. This kind of thinking can make or break a business.…

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