Print is NOT Dead: You Need Print Media in Your Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / March 26, 2019

Back in the early 80s, there was a saying that gained tremendous popularity in computing circles. Today, we would call it a meme. “Print is dead.” It was so popular that it was even used as a joke in Ghostbusters. Back then, the concepts of the paperless office and electronic mail was just starting to pick up steam. Of course, we know now that it wouldn’t be until the mid-90s that email would really take off, and decades until the paperless office became a reality. So, here is the question: now that digital technology has reached the point where we…

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Is There a Secret to Writing the Perfect Blog Post?

By Jennie Lyon / March 11, 2019

Do you hate writing? With content marketing on the rise as one of the most effective ways to reach out to customers, having strong writing skills is more important than ever. Being able to come up with a compelling and well-written blog post is often the cornerstone of any content marketing strategy. Not everyone enjoys writing. You might have had a bad experience back in school, where writing every single word could be an exercise in frustration. Because of this, many people have no idea how to write a great blog post. Well, good news because I’m here to help.…

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DIY Your Social Media with the Help of a Virtual Assistant!

By Jennie Lyon / March 6, 2019

When you’re a small business owner, your whole life is DIY! I remember as a kid, DIY usually meant fun “arts and crafts!” Boy, those days are long gone. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I’ve learned that DIY means precisely that: do it yourself. Since you are often the only employee at your business, everything falls to you. For a lot of small business owners, that’s more than okay! People like us can be kind of “control freaks.” I know that I love having control over all aspects of my business! Not only does it save on the…

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The Best Free Tools to Monitor Your Blog’s Performance

By Jennie Lyon / February 19, 2019

How much engagement is your blog getting on your website? If you don’t know the answer to that question, then you might be in trouble. Many small business owners spend hours and hours every week writing the perfect blog that will get them clicks. If you’ve followed me in the past, then you know I am hugely in favor of this! Having a blog on your website is one of the best ways to keep it active and updated regularly. It also gives you lots of material to work with on social media and through email marketing. But here’s the…

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Having Trouble Keeping Your Website Alive and Active? Try Adding a Blog!

By Jennie Lyon / February 5, 2019

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. Imagine you are looking for a virtual assistant to help with your small business (a fairly good bet, seeing as you’re here right now). You narrow your choices down to two VAs. To make your decision, you bring up their websites. Both of the sites look good. They are cleaned and polished, not looking dated at all. There are lots of services offered, some solid testimonials, and the graphics and copy are all high quality. Ah, but then you visit the “Blog” sections. In one of them, you see that they haven’t updated…

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Put Me In Coach! Why Coaching Can Help Your Business Succeed!

By Jennie Lyon / January 28, 2019

Have you ever heard the old saying, “Those that can’t, teach?” Personally, I always thought that is absolutely ridiculous. It’s not just disrespectful to teachers, who sacrifice so much for their students, but it’s also just flat out wrong. There can be a similar perception about coaches in sports. “Those that can’t play, coach.” Again, ridiculous. The wealth of knowledge and experience that a talented coach can bring is incalculable. With their watchful and experienced eye, they can help shape an athlete or team into the best they can possibly be. That takes talent! Thankfully, there isn’t a negative perception…

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How to Grow Your Business Using Free Webinars

By Jennie Lyon / January 21, 2019

One of the most common questions that I get asked in free consultations is, “How do I grow my business?” And boy, is that a loaded question! As a virtual assistant, there are a ton of ways that I can help you grow your business, ranging from taking advantage of my digital marketing services to business coaching. But I have always found that one of the most effective methods is to host a webinar. A webinar is essentially an online seminar, and there are so many benefits to creating one! Figure Out What Aspect of Your Business You Would Like…

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Your Webinar Slidedeck can Make or Break Your Webinar!

By Jennie Lyon / January 15, 2019

What draws our eyes to beauty? When we see a lovely painting, or a sunset, or a stunning view, why do we instinctively think, “Wow, that’s beautiful?” Here is the thing: aesthetics matter, even in places that you wouldn’t expect. For example, when you are reading a big block of text (like this blog), you probably don’t think of it as “visual,” but it is. There is the choice of font, the width of the spaces between words, the length of paragraphs. Attractive visual choices make the process of reading much more enjoyable, even when the reader doesn’t quite realize…

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Be Seen as An Expert in Your Field with Webinars

By Jennie Lyon / January 3, 2019

Do you want to know one of the biggest problems for new small business owners? Being seen as an expert in their field. The longer that you’re in business, the more credibility you build. Back when I first started out as a virtual assistant, it was much more challenging for me to find clients than it is today. Back then, I already had extensive digital marketing skills, a passion for the work, and all of the knowledge that I needed to succeed. The problem was that no one knew that for sure. And when you want to hire someone for…

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How Have Things Changed Over the Course of Your Year?

By Jennie Lyon / December 18, 2018

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching, and that means a brand-new year will be starting soon. Around this time, I tend to start looking back on everything that I’ve accomplished over the last 12 months and everything that has changed.

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