Your Customers are Online – Is Your Marketing?
When was the last time that you went to the mall? Didn’t it seem just a little emptier than it used to be? That’s because it is. eCommerce is quickly eating up much of the market share of big and small brick and mortar companies alike. If your business sells either products or services, you should be making a huge push online. By doing so, you will be able to reach so many customers that you otherwise would never have met.
The Importance of a Digital Shopping Cart
If you want to be able to make sales online, it needs to be as easy as possible for your customers. If they keep running into roadblocks and long loading times while trying to buy your products on your website, they are simply going to look elsewhere. After all, there is no shortage of eCommerce opportunities online.
Your customers and clients should be able to easily make payments directly through your website. So, you are going to need an easy-to-use and reliable digital shopping cart to be integrated into your site. There are many all-in-one solutions that can handle purchases, memberships, subscriptions, recurring billing, and much more. I’ve used them many times in the past to build customized and branded eCommerce sites for my clients. If you’re interested in selling products on your website, you should hire a virtual assistant with eCommerce experience as soon as possible!
Promote Your Brand Through Your Clients
The beauty of using social media as a form of marketing is that, if you do it properly, the people you are targeting might spread the word for you! When you post something on Facebook, Twitter, or any other kind of social network, you are hoping for high levels of engagement. With every like, comment, retweet, #hashtag, or shared by your customers, your marketing content gets way, way more exposure than it otherwise would. So, the next time you are launching a new, exciting product, don’t underestimate the power that online engagement can have to get the word out!
[Tweet “To get customers, you have to go where the people are: online! eCommerce is your gateway!”]
What Are You Really Trying to Sell?
You’re trying to sell a product/service, right? Well, it’s not quite that easy.
When you are marketing a product online, you don’t simply want to have a boring photo of the item, a short description, and hope that will sell. You need to create a story! You need to involve your customers in the selling of the product. Don’t just show the product, show them how they could use it. Show them how this product could change their lives. You want to tug on their heartstrings or excite them about the possibilities. What is the experience that comes along with the product? If you can answer these questions, you are well on your way to developing an effective online marketing campaign. If you need some help to focus your thoughts, you could always hire a virtual assistant to help. We could design an entire email marketing campaign that could help you sell both your product and the story behind it.
You Need to Get Their Attention
On the internet, attention spans are crazy short. When someone lands on a website, the page only has a few seconds to capture their attention before they move somewhere else more interesting. When you are trying to sell a customer something online, you will be in a constant fight for their attention. So, how can you keep their attention long enough to make the sale?
It Needs to Be Entertaining!
Everyone looks forward to the Superbowl every year, even people who aren’t huge football fans? You know why? The commercials! The commercials during the Superbowl are some of the funniest and most entertaining short films made each year. The reason why these companies pay huge amounts of money for a minute long slot, not to mention the millions that actually goes into making the ad, is because they know the value of entertainment. If they can entertain their audience, then they can capture their attention and sell them their products.
Now, you probably don’t have the budget to put together a Superbowl commercial, but you can create quite a bit of entertainment value for your customers online. First, when you are looking to write marketing copy, it should never be dry and boring. Who wants to read that? Instead, it should be fun, conversational and personality infused! It should engage your customer, not lecture to them. By lightening up the tone of your blog posts, by posting more fun graphics on your sales pages and social media channels, by offering them a measure of entertainment, you can begin to build a relationship with them that will translate into bigger online sales!
[Tweet “Customers are online, not at the mall! A VA can help you build your eCommerce website!”]
When you are working in online commerce, you need to learn how to effortlessly engage with your customers. This actually isn’t too dissimilar to how it was in the days when brick and mortar stores ruled commerce. Store owners would need to develop relationships with their customers to sell their wares. It’s pretty much the exact same thing nowadays, the only difference is that relationship building is primarily online.
In fact, let me do you a favor, download my free workbook that walks you through partnering with a virtual assistant! If you need help getting your marketing strategy in place, collaborating with a virtual assistant can be a huge help!

If you need some help figuring out how to reach out with your online marketing and build a powerful eCommerce site, please feel free to message me today. As a virtual assistant, I have a ton of experience helping my clients boost their sales and bring their eCommerce to the next level!