Essential Elements for Your Small Business Website

By Jennie Lyon / July 10, 2015

Your business website is your online storefront, and the first impression you offer visiting and prospective clients. Obviously, it’s of utmost importance that your site is one that invites clients to visit and one they enjoy returning to. Here are my essential elements to include in your small business website. Functional and Easy to Use Your website MUST be easy to navigate and use and, of course, needs to be fully functional. Your shopping carts need to work and be free of bugs, links need to work, and your contact forms must send messages to the right place. Additionally, if…

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3 Ways to Build and Maintain a Positive Brand Reputation

By Jennie Lyon / July 3, 2015

As entrepreneurs, we put enormous amounts of time, energy, and money into creating and building our businesses and creating a positive brand reputation. So why does our business sometimes struggle or experience unexpected dry spells? If you’ve stopped receiving inquiries from prospects and repeat business from existing clients, your brand reputation may be to blame. Despite our hard work and daily toil, even one bad review or negative comment on a blog can prove very detrimental to our reputation. Brand Reputation is Important As amazing as it seems that one or two pieces of negative information online or via word…

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6 Ways to Stay Inspired as an Entrepreneur

By Jennie Lyon / June 26, 2015

I would venture a guess that there hasn’t been a successful entrepreneur, athlete, world leader—anything—who didn’t want to throw in the towel at some point. Venturing out on your own and pursuing your dreams and passions is huge; it’s risky, new, exciting, and at times extremely challenging. The ability to stay inspired as an entrepreneur is absolutely essential to your success because, let’s face it, if being a lone wolf in the business world were easy a lot more people would be doing it successfully! Fortunately, some superhero entrepreneurs have gone before and paved the way for those of us…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can Make Your Business Blog a Success

By Jennie Lyon / June 19, 2015

Posting at least one article a week to your business blog is a great way to build your expert reputation and engage your target market through professional insights and useful information about your business. Most small business owners have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with their clients about their industry and what they sell, but not everyone knows how to craft an engaging, relevant blog piece using this information. I love to write, and have partnered with many entrepreneurs and large businesses alike to create original content on a variety of topics (you can learn more about…

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Why Every Small Business Needs an Active Social Media Presence

By Jennie Lyon / June 5, 2015

If your small business isn’t active on social networking sites, it should be! Active participation in social networking sites draws more traffic to your website, increases sales, deepens trust in your brand, and provides almost endless networking opportunities. Social networking is more than just Facebook; successful businesses also need professional, active profiles (that they post to at least once daily with a combination of visual content, text posts, conversational links, and referrals) on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest. Depending on your brand and client base, you may also consider accounts with Instagram and YouTube, as well. If you are not…

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6 Organization Tips for Small Businesses

By Jennie Lyon / May 29, 2015

Being organized, especially as a small business owner with a long to-do list, keeps your business productive, focused, and profitable—and keeps you sane. Spring is the perfect time of year to re-focus your energies and get your space and task list in order. Here are 6 great organization tips for your small business. 1. Use the CloudStoring documents in the cloud is a great way to protect them from computer crashes or viruses. Additionally, it’s a much cleaner, faster way to share files and information if you work with a virtual team. Applications to consider include Google Drive and Dropbox.…

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3 Steps For Determining Your Worth as a Business Owner

By Jennie Lyon / May 22, 2015

Determining your worth is important and empowering. All professionals should conduct salary research every year or two, and small business owners are no exception. Knowing what to charge for your time and services is important if you want to stay competitive and satisfied. Nailing down the numbers as an independent business owner, however, requires more steps and consideration than would be required of an in-house employee. Because you are your own boss, it can be difficult to objectively determine how much you should make. Additionally, small business owners have to consider more factors when determining what to charge than HR…

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4 B2B Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

By Jennie Lyon / May 15, 2015

One of the best ways to generate new business is by tapping into your target market through another business that caters to it. I am not talking about poaching clients from a fellow business, but strengthening your network of small businesses in your market so that together you can offer clients a complete package of services and/or products, which results in a win-win-win for you, your clients, and your fellow business owners. Business to business, or B2B, networking offers all kinds of benefits for entrepreneurs including increased brand exposure, greater professional credibility, and more efficient marketing leading to higher profits.…

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4 Tools to Keep Busy Entrepreneurs From Procrastinating

By Jennie Lyon / May 8, 2015

When there is SO much to do that there’s barely enough time to do it in, we have an odd tendency to put off doing anything at all. Procrastination is tempting for many reasons: overwhelm, fear of failure, disorganization, or simply not knowing where to start. As an entrepreneur, it’s best to nip your procrastination habit in the bud before it derails your budding enterprise. Here are a few tools I’ve picked up that can help keep entrepreneurs from procrastinating. 1. Get OrganizedIf your workspace is a mess and pens, papers, and wires don’t have their own designated space, you…

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4 Tools for Strategically Branding Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / May 1, 2015

“Branding”, a term that once meant simply stamping your business logo on everything, has evolved into the process of building a company’s identity and personality. While branding still involves developing a name and symbol or design that sets your business apart from the rest, it is so much more than that. Effective, strategic branding gives you an advantage over competitors and makes it possible for your company to target markets as tight or broad as you like. Because branding is so foundational to success, I thought I would offer a few more tips for creating a strong brand that I’ve…

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