Partnering With a Virtual Assistant Saves You Time and Money

Despite the growing popularity of virtual assistants and employees, many business owners have never even considered hiring a virtual assistant because of budgetary fears, a desire to be the only steering their company, or one of many other reasons. The truth is that partnering with a virtual assistant can not only increase profits but can also offer you even more control over your company’s future.

While US-based virtual assistants charge higher hourly rates than you’d pay an in-house employee, they also work less and work faster, so in the end you’re paying less money for better work. A virtual assistant may charge $50+ an hour but complete three business blog posts for your company in that hour. While some business owners may balk at the idea of taking on a contractor at $50+ an hour, in the long run they will pay their virtual assistant far less than a salaried employee. If you have doubts about this, consider a salaried employee’s total compensation package, which includes salary, vacation and sick time (being paid while not working), staff parties and lunches, parking passes, 401k’s, profit-sharing, office space, liability insurance, gym memberships, and of course medial, dental, and health benefits. The cost of all these things adds up! When you divide the amount of an employee’s total compensation package by the hours they work in a year, the likelihood is that you’re paying them much more than their hourly rate, after all!

[Tweet “In the long your business will pay a virtual assistant far less than a salaried employee.”]

Additionally, virtual assistants only charge you for time they actually work, versus a salaried employee who is paid during slow times and lunch breaks—no matter what. A good virtual assistant is an expert in her field and can work quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Plus, if your business hits a slow patch you are not obligated to keep a virtual assistant on.

Virtual assistants typically turn out higher quality, more targeted work than an in-house employee. Because they are specialized in their fields, their job is to make your business look better in whatever capacity you’ve hired them: business blogging and content creation, your social media presence, and more. Plus, most virtual assistants will be able to help you spot ways in which you could be more effective in your efforts, thus increasing your productivity and your profits while saving you tons of time.

[Tweet “A virtual assistant’s job is to make you look better while saving you time and money.”]

Partnering with a virtual assistant may be easier and more affordable than you imagined! Stop by Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services to learn more about what virtual assistants offer and how partnering with a virtual assistant can save you time and money.

About Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon is the founder of Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services. Jennie specializes in helping busy entrepreneurs organize, manage, develop and promote their brand! She is devoted to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs with social media, content creation, email marketing, client relations, website management, and administration services. If you are a small business owner, coach or self-employed entrepreneur struggling to find enough time in your day to focus on what you really love - schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Jennie.


  1. Anonymous on September 25, 2015 at 2:11 am

    You are right. Hiring a Virtual Assistant and outsourcing some business task can save your time and energy. It will give you free time to look after your main business goal and business promotion.

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