Writing can be daunting for many small business owners; you’re an expert in your field, but that doesn’t mean you’re also an incredible wordsmith! Even savvy entrepreneurs don’t always stop to consider just how much writing work is involved in running their own business. Aside from emails (and any other documents you send to clients), you also have to worry about website copy, advertisements, and branding collateral like brochures. That doesn’t even begin to cover all the regular blogging and social media posts a small business needs to appear active in this digital age! [Tweet “The quality of your copy…
Read MoreFor entrepreneurs who own a small business, a marketing strategy has to be successfully developed and implemented in-house. We don’t have the luxury of being able to hire marketing firms or often even have an entire team at our disposal for marketing our business! However, with the right components, a marketing strategy for a small business can be very successful. [Tweet “A good marketing strategy can provide fast growth with little monetary investment.”] As a long-time, successful small business owner who does her own marketing and develops marketing campaigns for clients, I’ve learned a lot about what you should focus…
Read MoreFor a small business, building up a large mailing list of people interested in your products and services is one of the best marketing tactics you can invest your time in. An email list can consist of current and previous clients, but the majority of it should be made up of prospective clients. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways of reaching a targeted audience, because potential clients will only sign up if they’re interested in something you’re offering. [Tweet “For small businesses, email marketing is a high-impact, low-cost way of getting your message heard.”] I know when…
Read MoreDo you have the right team in place to support your business? Your goals probably involve the growth of your business, taking on new clients, expanding your services or product line, tackling more and larger projects, etc. No small business owner wants to get stuck in a rut or have their business stagnate. However, growth means more work. A lot of small business owners view hiring an additional person to work on their business as a scary prospect. They worry about paying a salary, whether their need for support will remain consistent enough to warrant the commitment of a new…
Read MoreIt’s Thanksgiving week, which means it’s a good time to focus on the things in our lives that we’re grateful for. Owning and running a small business can sometimes be challenging or draining, but there are so many wonderful things about it that make the trials worthwhile. I always try to remember to think on all the parts of running my own business that fill me with gratitude and appreciation for the work I do and the people I work with. Especially around holiday time, when the themes of thankfulness and love are so prevalent, I find it makes me happy…
Read More“Copy” refers to written information that will be published in a book, newspaper, magazine, website, ad, or on social media sites. Copy is a silent but powerful medium through which clients, prospects, and other businesses are introduced to and stay connected with your business. Without this written content, your business’ ability to represent itself would be limited to images, your brick-and-mortar store (if you have one), and personal interactions. As you have probably guessed, professional copy is an important part of your business! Many small business owners are experts in their own right, but few are also talented, effective copywriters.…
Read MoreStaying in touch with your clients via email marketing tools ensures that you are always top of mind. Email marketing includes every email sent to build a relationship with your audience. There are many ways that email marketing tools can help your small business maintain professional, profitable contact with clients. At Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services, we are very familiar with a handful of great email marketing applications. The following are the 5 software we use when partnering with clients on email marketing. [Tweet “Email marketing includes every email sent to a customer or potential client.”] 1. MadMimi MadMimi is a…
Read MoreSmall businesses need to utilize these digital marketing tips—period! In the days before the internet, companies spent huge sums on visual campaigns. Nowadays, this type of marketing is not only old-fashioned and expensive but becoming irrelevant, too. The majority of consumers read, shop, and communicate on their devices. The average adult’s attention span is around 6-8 seconds, so you have to grab their attention quickly. Today’s small business owners can benefit from a wide, growing variety of platforms to market their businesses. You now have the ability to learn so much more about your target audience and market specifically to…
Read MoreThe decision to go into business for yourself is an exciting, liberating one that often sparks an endless stream of creative, imaginative business ideas. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, the brainstorming process is a fun and important step in making your dream of independent business ownership a reality. In the end, though, you’ll have to settle on one—at least to start with! Because entrepreneurs tend to be high-energy, inventive people, it can be a challenge to settle on one idea and to make sure the one you’ve chosen is the right one. By following these five steps, you’ll be well…
Read MoreFor those who are unfamiliar, ezines are electronic newsletters or magazines that you email periodically to customers or clients who have opted in (signed up for the e-zine). Ezines allow you to stay in contact with your customers/clients while building a relationship of trust and interest. At Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services, newsletter services are one of my specialties. If you are a small business owner who is new to ezines, here are a few basic do’s and don’t’s: DO: Include blog posts, special offers, and coupons Offer the ezine weekly or monthly, making sure that your business can stay…
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