Light Bulb! Realizing A Virtual Assistant Could Do It Better

By Jennie Lyon / December 11, 2015

Have you had that “aha” moment yet? You know the kind I’m talking about; that moment of sudden insight or discovery when you realize something important that shifts the entire paradigm of how you think and view an assumption? In this case, the light bulb moment that I’m talking about is one that’s so important for business owners and entrepreneurs – the realization that you can’t do it all yourself and, more importantly, there are actually people that could do some things even better than you can. The “aha” moment is about realizing your true value. At some point, we…

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How Automation and Outsourcing Can Grow Your Business Overnight

By Jennie Lyon / December 4, 2015

Efficiency. Productivity. Sustainability. Growth. These are important buzz words for any business, and particularly for small business owners and entrepreneurs. We’ve all heard it before; time is money. When the repetitive day-to-day tasks take up your valuable time, all of your effort is being funneled into sustaining your business, rather than growing it. To really grow your business, make improvements and engage new clients, you must free yourself up from those repetitive tasks that are bogging you down. Luckily, technology has made it possible to seamlessly delegate and automate your repetitive business tasks, giving you more time to focus on…

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4 Reasons Why a Virtual Assistant is the Key to Growing Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / November 20, 2015

As an entrepreneur, you are your most valuable asset. You are an expert in your field, and you’re great at what you do. You’re a high functioning and very capable individual and it’s natural that you’ll need to overcome the feeling that no one else can do the work as well as you could do it yourself. At some point you’ll overcome that hurdle and you’ll start to realize that your time is a limited resource and your biggest asset. The time will come when finding great help will be the only way for your business to expand and thrive…

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5 Steps to Prepare for a Successful Virtual Assistant Partnership

By Jennie Lyon / November 6, 2015

When the time comes to grow your business, partnering with a virtual assistant can be one of the most beneficial, life changing steps that you can take on the path to your entrepreneurial success. A well-matched virtual assistant should be like a business partner who is invested in the success of your business. Investing in the proper systems and making time for the on-boarding process can be the key to accomplishing your business goals. When you prepare and invest in the partnership with your virtual assistant, it can be like joining forces, increasing your productivity by more than 50%. When…

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The Small Business Launch Checklist

By Jennie Lyon / October 13, 2015

If you’ve ever started your own business, you know that there are—or at least seem to be—an endless amount of steps to take to get your business up and running. If we listed them all, this blog post would quickly turn into a book! In this post, I am taking for granted that you already know what services or products you want to offer and how to finance your venture, and are ready to get the ball rolling. The following is my small business launch checklist. 1. “Paperwork”All small business owners need to go through the “paperwork” process of starting their…

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6 Signs It’s Time to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / September 22, 2015

If you’re anything like me, you’re an ambitious entrepreneur who—at one point or another—has felt sure that no one else can do your work better than you. Or that if you just work a little harder and a little longer you can get it all done. I have news for you: if you want and expect your business to expand, thrive, and be successful and sustainable, at some point it will (and should) become too much for one person to handle alone. Growth is great—burnout and overwhelm are not. Here are 6 signs that it’s time to outsource your work…

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The Top 3 Reasons a Business Blog is a Must

By Jennie Lyon / September 15, 2015

Blogging isn’t just for emotional college kids and foodies any more! If you are serious about taking your business to the next level, you need to blog regularly via a professional, polished business blog. Here are my top 3 reasons why. 1. Blogging Makes You Visible OnlineConsistent blogging populates the web with your business name, the types of services you offer, and topics that appeal to your target market. This is important because when clients and other businesses conduct searches for these things, the likelihood of your business showing up in search results (and earning high rankings) goes up the…

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Partnering With a Virtual Assistant Saves You Time and Money

By Jennie Lyon / August 25, 2015

Despite the growing popularity of virtual assistants and employees, many business owners have never even considered hiring a virtual assistant because of budgetary fears, a desire to be the only steering their company, or one of many other reasons. The truth is that partnering with a virtual assistant can not only increase profits but can also offer you even more control over your company’s future. While US-based virtual assistants charge higher hourly rates than you’d pay an in-house employee, they also work less and work faster, so in the end you’re paying less money for better work. A virtual assistant…

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3 Hidden Benefits of Partnering With a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / July 17, 2015

Most small business owners go it alone—for a while. You probably spent (or are still spending) all of your free time, money, and energy working because you haven’t felt you could afford an employee. If you’re finding yourself burned out, it’s time to partner with a virtual assistant!   Virtual assistants can actually save you time and money, making it possible to grow a successful business without neglecting your personal life. In previous blog posts, we’ve discussed the big reasons why you need a virtual assistant. Also, how partnering with one can strengthen your foundation. And don’t forget how a…

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Essential Elements for Your Small Business Website

By Jennie Lyon / July 10, 2015

Your business website is your online storefront, and the first impression you offer visiting and prospective clients. Obviously, it’s of utmost importance that your site is one that invites clients to visit and one they enjoy returning to. Here are my essential elements to include in your small business website. Functional and Easy to Use Your website MUST be easy to navigate and use and, of course, needs to be fully functional. Your shopping carts need to work and be free of bugs, links need to work, and your contact forms must send messages to the right place. Additionally, if…

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