4 Simple Weekly Online Marketing Strategies to Attract Customers

By Jennie Lyon / October 24, 2023

Hey there, lovely entrepreneurs! Having a robust online presence is an absolute game-changer for any business eager to make waves and attract customers. Who doesn’t want to stand out in the digital crowd, right? And you need some solid online marketing strategies to make that happen! But let’s be real, my friend, the digital marketing universe is a vast, swirling galaxy of tactics and strategies. It’s like trying to choose your favorite flavor at an ice cream parlor with too many options.  The good news is, I’ve got your back! There are some tried-and-true techniques and weekly game plans that’ll help…

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How To Build A High-Converting 3 Blog Post Funnel + Blog Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / March 22, 2022

https://share.transistor.fm/s/cee32768 Blogging is an exciting place to be right now. With the ability to reach a massive audience at no cost, it seems like everyone and their mom is starting up a blog. But it’s not as easy as it looks. Most bloggers make money by displaying ads or affiliate products on their blogs. However, it’s challenging to sustain a business like this. The key to either monetizing your blog or building a successful blogging business is to develop and create your own product(s) that you can sell. This will give you more opportunities for success and the chance to…

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7 Secret Steps to Successful Content + Free Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / December 7, 2021

If you want to become a successful content creator, you must write engaging content. Captivating readers and keeping them interested is key to continued and repeat traffic. Maybe this sounds overwhelming, or you hit writer’s block consistently, luckily writing content is easier than you think. It’s like riding a bike. Once you’ve got a system, you’ll never fret over it again.  Boosting productivity is an important goal for many e-commerce businesses and online entrepreneurs. Many of us know that by keeping it simple and focusing all our efforts on one thing at a time, we will streamline our outputs and…

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8 Easy Ways to Create Passive Income Alongside Your Business!

By Jennie Lyon / August 24, 2021
JLVAS-8 Ways to Create Passive Income Alongside Your Business!

As a business owner, you know you gotta’ hustle to keep it all going. There’s so much on your plate, from marketing to hiring staff to planning and refining your strategy! Figuring out the work/life balance can be a struggle when you feel stressed about making ends meet. So, what if you looked into other revenue streams? Like, one’s that you don’t have to work at consistently? I’m talking passive income for your business. These are the side-hustles that earn you money with less work than your steady 9-5. They still require work, but most of that is done upfront…

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Blast Through Your Writer’s Block with a Virtual Assistant!

By Jennie Lyon / June 14, 2021
JLVAS-Blast Through Write Block

Have you ever sat down at your computer to write an email or social media and feel… stuck? For some reason, nothing comes to mind! You stare at a blank screen, knowing what you want to say but not being able to put it into words. Congratulations, you’re experiencing the bane of countless novelists, scriptwriters, and digital marketers: writer’s block. Writing can be daunting for many small business owners. You’re an expert in your field, but that doesn’t mean you’re also an incredible wordsmith! Even savvy entrepreneurs don’t always consider just how much time they spend writing while running their…

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5 Ways to Use a Virtual Assistant to Create Content

By Jennie Lyon / March 2, 2021
JLVAS -5 Ways to Use a Virtual Assistant to Create Content

What do you think when you hear the words “content creation.” Whenever you sit down at your desk to write something, you are arguably creating content. Whether that be a private email, a newsletter for your business, or a public blog, it’s all content. The only difference is the audience that the content is meant for.  Content creation is one of the most time-demanding aspects of being a small business owner. You can eat up an entire afternoon by writing a blog post, trying to fine tune every detail to get your message across to your audience. Or what if…

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How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Batch Your Content

By Jennie Lyon / November 3, 2020
How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Batch Your Content

You want to know the real problem with content creation? It’s like being on a treadmill.  Every single week, you need to have a new blog or a new podcast ready. This is accompanied by social media posts, an email campaign, and all of your other digital marketing content. It never ends! That’s one of the reasons why so many small business owners fall off the content creation train after just a few weeks. They start out strong, keeping up with the pace. But soon, they start to fall behind, maybe missing a single week. Then it’s two weeks. And…

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How To Attract An Audience With The Best Copywriting Tips

By Jennie Lyon / September 22, 2020
How to attract an audience with the best copywriting tips

Copywriting is at the heart of most marketing strategies. Everything from writing ads to crafting webinars to coming up with taglines requires a certain amount of copywriting skill. As a small business owner, you need to effectively communicate your brand’s key messages through compelling copy that converts people to paying customers.  But how do you do this? If you don’t know the different types of copy, proven strategies to get customers to engage, and ways to deal with writer’s block ( a particular nightmare for all writers out there), you’re likely going to be stuck staring at a blank page…

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6 Steps to Creating Viral Content

By Jennie Lyon / May 26, 2020

Have you ever been sent a viral video? Creating a piece of content that goes viral is every small business owner’s dream! Not only does the free exposure exponentially increase the ROI on that content, but it also will dramatically grow your audience and raise awareness of your brand. There’s no perfect formula for viral content, and frequently luck and timing play a huge part in a piece of content becoming popular. However, there are a few things that all popular content have in common!  If you’re here, you’re probably looking for some advice on how to make content that…

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Binge-Worthy Content for Viral Success

By Jennie Lyon / February 11, 2020
Binge-Worthy Content for Viral Success

Do you love watching Netflix? How about Hulu? Or Amazon Prime? Do you know what all of these streaming services have in common? They offer binge-worthy content! Sometimes, there’s nothing better than sitting down with family or friends and binging a few episodes of your favorite tv show. Maybe it’s a classic, like The Office. Jayson, Eben and I have been binging it for a bit now. Or you might want to try something new, like the hit docuseries Cheer on Netflix. Either way, binging on TV can be a great way to unwind and relax after a hard day…

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