How Getting Real on Social Media Can Grow Your Business (+ Free Social Media Bundle)

By Jennie Lyon / July 19, 2022

Are You Sharing Your Authentic Self With Your Audience? Followers online are fickle creatures, and they can sense when they are being sold inauthenticity. To maintain trust with your audience, you must learn to bring your most authentic self to everything you post on social media. People don’t like being kept at arm’s length and do not like being lied to. So is it possible to cultivate authenticity for your audience when sharing yourself so openly online might not be second nature to you? Absolutely! Today’s Blog Overview  Today we’re going to cultivate authenticity online and show you how to…

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My Best 5 Grow-Your-Business Tips From 100 Episodes of Digital Marketing Made Simple!

By Jennie Lyon / May 31, 2022

A 100 Episode Retrospective  Business advice is EVERYWHERE. What advice is worth listening to? Which advice is appropriate to consider for your specific business? I’m celebrating 100 episodes of Digital Marketing Made Simple! I’ve gone back through my previous podcasts to find the advice that resonated with the broadest pool of you beautiful listeners for a bit of a retrospective of the top advice I can give you to triage your business today! Podcast Overview  Today I’m going to highlight some of my absolute best business advice from my past 100 episodes of Digital Marketing Made Simple. You can click…

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How Growing And Cultivating Your Email List Generate New Leads

By Jennie Lyon / May 10, 2022

Time to Spice Up Your Email List!  An email list doesn’t have to feel boring to them: Everybody has one. Everyone’s asking you to sign up for theirs. They stuff our inboxes to the point where we wonder why we signed up in the first place.  Email lists are STILL one of the most direct and vital ways to connect with your audience. As well as grow your business. Even in this age of TikTok, most marketing these days hopes to funnel people into email lists!  So how is your email list? Do you have one? Do you know what…

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6 Organic Social Media Strategies To Get To 10k + Free Social Media Calendar

By Jennie Lyon / March 8, 2022

What is organic social media? Organic social media is any social media without advertising. This means that people only use interacting with their audience to grow a following media following. By using free tools to communicate, organic marketing strategies are no less important than using paid advertising.  Social media is an important tool for any company, but it’s difficult to get the hang of. You need to establish a content strategy that focuses on creating and promoting posts engagedly. It’s also essential to remember that you are your best advertisement. After all, 92% of people trust peer recommendations above all…

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Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into A High Powered Lead Magnet

By Jennie Lyon / March 1, 2022

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful free tools on the web. It’s a great way to network, get noticed, and meet new people. But it’s only as good as its profile. You can’t update your profile unless you know how to use it right. And you need to know a few things before you begin. The first thing you need to do is set yourself apart from everyone else, no-brainer right. I mean, everyone has a LinkedIn profile. They’re all there, but yours needs to stand out.  People are searching for you. When they find you, they’ll think about…

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The Art of Social Media Marketing: 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid + Free Hashtag Calendar

By Jennie Lyon / December 21, 2021
The Art of Social Media Marketing: 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are undoubtedly a lot of opportunities for an entrepreneur. I know; you’re probably overwhelmed with excitement! But the truth is, if you want to be successful in business, you’ll have to face one reality: social media is one of the most important tools in a modern entrepreneur’s marketing arsenal. Social media marketing has changed the way businesses reach their customers’ hands down. Social media marketing is the rocket fuel that makes your content go viral. The problem? It can be pretty difficult for many entrepreneurs to strike a balance between engaging consumers and to be focused on their core…

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How to Handle the Natural Slowdown of Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / December 14, 2021

It’s inevitable: at some point, every business experiences a natural slowdown. I have it happen myself, and to be honest, every single time it happens, I’m shocked! My husband teases me saying, yes – it happens, use that extra time to your advantage!  Many people are navigating their business through what has become known as the “new economic landscape.” Some have seen a dramatic loss of traffic and sales; others have had to deal with other challenges that slow down or disrupt an organization’s productivity – but it doesn’t mean you can’t make lemonade out of these situations! Regardless if…

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The Machine Learning Strategy That Makes Facebook Ads More Profitable

By Jennie Lyon / November 30, 2021

Facebook is king. Don’t take my word for it; just ask someone if they have a Facebook account. The chances are that they will say “Yes!” So, let’s talk about Facebook ads! What used to be a simple way for brands to reach their customers is now a complicated mess of algorithms and machine learning. Running Facebook ads is no longer just about whether or not you can afford it. But also if your targeting strategy ranks you high enough to be seen by the right audience. Chances are that your company will pay just as much money for fewer…

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7 Holiday Marketing Tips to Increase Revenue + Workbook

By Jennie Lyon / November 23, 2021
7 Holiday Marketing Tips to Increase Revenue

Is your business ready for the holiday season? It’s here! Whether your business is large or small, you need to be prepared for one day (hello, Black Friday!) or the entire holiday season. It’s not enough to have a “great product” or even a great price.” You must also be prepared to offer exceptional customer service and build long-term relationships if you expect to do well during this particular time of year. Now is the time to get serious about improving your marketing skills. In this issue, we’ve outlined seven powerful (but easy) strategies you can use to supercharge your…

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How the iOS15 Update will Impact Email Marketing

By Jennie Lyon / October 26, 2021
How The iOS 15 Update Will Impact Email Marketing

Apple has done it again. Every small business owner and entrepreneur is well aware of the iOS14 updates and its impact on tracking paid marketing. Now, it’s time for email marketers to feel the same pain and panic that ensued between media buyers and ad agencies with the iOS15 update. We all remember the scramble to change our marketing plans and figure out the new way to have insights into our audience’s preferences and actions. Apple is taking it to the next level.  According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Apple believes that privacy is “one of the top issues of the…

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