How a Virtual Assistant Can Help with Your Next Big Launch

By Jennie Lyon / April 18, 2017
How a Virtual Assistant Can Help with Your Next Big Launch

Product launches are exciting for small business owners, whether they’re for a new webinar, e-book, online course, or physical product. Seeing the results of your labor being used and appreciated by dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of people, is extremely satisfying! However, it’s also a lot of work to get to the point of launch, especially if you’re doing everything on your own. [Tweet “Make a big deal about your launch! Think Facebook ads and online promotions to mark the occasion.”] Have you ever looked at other entrepreneurs and wondered how they get new products ready to launch so quickly?…

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5 Steps to Creating a Focused, Inspiring, Energizing Work Space

By Jennie Lyon / April 11, 2017
5 Steps to Creating a Focused, Inspiring, Energizing Work Space

Whether you work from a small office, co-working space, or home, having an inspiring work space is important for entrepreneurs. I mean, part of why we start our own small businesses is to follow our passions and escape the gray, dreary cubicle life, right? Your work space should get you energized and excited to get down to business each day! I know that for me, coming into my home office and seeing everything from favorite photos to slick branding collateral sitting neatly in its place makes me want to do my best work and get my business out there! [Tweet…

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Goal Check-In: How is Your Business Doing?

By Jennie Lyon / April 4, 2017
Goal Check-In: How Is Your Business Doing?

Have you been meeting the goal or goals you set for your small business this year? Is something holding you back from making progress? Back in January, I talked about the importance of setting actionable goals and checking in on them regularly. Consider this your check-in if you’ve fallen off the wagon already! Even if you’re sticking to and completing your goals, I hope you’ll find this article useful for the goal revision strategies. Plus, at the end of this post, you can download my Goal Check-In Worksheet to help guide your check-in process. [Tweet “Hard data shows that business…

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5 Strategies for Successful Advertising on Facebook + Free Ad Template

By Jennie Lyon / March 21, 2017
5 Strategies for Successful Advertising on Facebook

For small businesses on a tight budget, it’s important to only run ads that successfully bring in new clients. Ubiquitous ad blocking software and general marketing oversaturation makes potential clients far less likely to see or click on your online ad. That’s why Facebook is currently one of the best places online for small businesses to do their advertising. Because ads show up in the newsfeeds of Facebook users just like any other post, and often get viewed on mobile devices where ad blocking is less commonly used, you can get far more eyeballs on your ad! An effective Facebook…

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How to Automate Your Social Media Presence + Free Social Media Calendar

By Jennie Lyon / March 14, 2017
JLVAS How to Automate Your Social Media Presence Free Social Media Calendar

Staying on top of all your business’ social media accounts can be extremely time consuming. Luckily, much of your social media presence can be automated for a “set it and forget it” experience. Automating various social media-related tasks eliminates the need for spending a sizeable part of each day on small, fiddly tasks that take up your valuable time. [Tweet “Your social media presence is only valuable if it is consistent. Automation helps with this!”] As a virtual assistant who specializes in social media marketing for small business, I have quite a few strategies for streamlining these tasks! Today I’d…

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8 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account This Month + 15 Free Graphics

By Jennie Lyon / March 7, 2017

For small businesses, Instagram represents an incredible opportunity to reach out to new potential clients. However, in order to successfully take advantage of what the app has to offer, you’re going to need to build up your follower list. Instagram is currently the hottest social media platform out there because it allows people to connect with more than just friends. Celebrities and companies are just as easy to access on Instagram as on Twitter, and the platform offers a lot more engagement than Facebook. The trick for small business owners is to grow their number of followers and turn them…

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How to Decide Which Social Media Platforms Your Business Should Use + Free Checklist

By Jennie Lyon / February 25, 2017

Social media gives a small business the opportunity to get noticed like nothing else before it in the world of advertising. Social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram offer multiple ways to promote your business. Free options abound, like posting status updates and photos for your followers to see, and if you’ve made them really compelling, share them with their followers. Social media platforms also represent one of the most effective places to spend your advertising budget, thanks to their sophisticated targeting algorithms. I always recommend making social media marketing a pillar of any small business’ plans for attracting…

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How to Build Your Business with Great Client Care

By Jennie Lyon / February 7, 2017

Clients are the single biggest determining factor in the success of your small business, so you need to show them how valued they are. Your client care approach should focus on both attracting new clients, and retaining current ones for repeat business. In order to grow your business, you’ll need to make clients happy so they’ll return to work with you again, and so they’ll recommend you to their colleagues. [Tweet “Determine what you need from your client care system and implement technology that will provide it.”] I know that most of my clients find Jennie Lyon Virtual Assistant Services…

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How to Get More Ideal Clients to Your Website

By Jennie Lyon / January 31, 2017

Attracting new clients is essential for the success of all small businesses, and the majority of new clients you get will find you online first. That means your business needs to have a strong online presence, starting with its website. As someone who runs a business entirely online, I can guarantee this makes a difference! Think of your website as the “store window” of your online business. It needs to be attractive, up-to-date, and interesting enough to draw potential clients in to engage with your business on a deeper level. [Tweet “Not attracting the right kinds of clients? Your website…

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7 Steps to Automating Your Client Onboarding + Free Checklist

By Jennie Lyon / January 24, 2017

Onboarding new clients is one of the most time-consuming and important tasks for any small business. Ideally, your onboarding system should run smoothly and leave clients feeling taken care of, but in the messiness of real life, that doesn’t always happen. I find that the best way to manage onboarding successfully is to automate as much of the process as possible. Of course, you still need to give the prospects and new clients your personal time and attention! However, if you can leave all the details to be dealt with according to a set of basic procedures, it frees up…

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