The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

By Jennie Lyon / May 22, 2018
JLVAS The Anatomy of a Successful Launch

You’re launching a new product! Now what?Small businesses need to walk on the edge of innovation to keep up in the market nowadays. You can’t just sit back on your laurels, you need to keep providing your customers with new and updated products and services. You need to keep things fresh! When you are about to launch a new product, it’s a time of celebration. It’s exciting! But it can also be a tremendous amount of work. Designing and creating a new product already takes a massive time commitment, marketing it and getting the word out to your customers can…

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Content May Be King but Your Copywriting Has to Rule!

By Jennie Lyon / April 3, 2018
JLVAS content may be king but copywriting has to rule

Content marketing really is king! But only if your copywriting is high quality, personality-infused and engaging. By hiring a great virtual assistant who does copywriting along with other services such as graphic design, you can develop an entire library of blogs, social media posts, and eblasts that you can pull out at a moment’s notice whenever you need to provide your customers with content that rules! Blogs Blogs are basically the bread and butter as far as content marketing goes. If you instantly want something to boost your SEO, improve your social media engagement and prove to your audience that…

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Try, Try Again: Why You Should Give Digital Advertising a Second Chance

By Jennie Lyon / March 27, 2018
JLVAS why you should give digital advertising a second chance

Digital advertising is easy. Effective digital advertising, that’s hard. One of the most common things I hear from many of my new clients is that they have always gotten poor results from their digital marketing efforts. It just “doesn’t work” for them, so they tend to fall back on more traditional advertising methods. But here is the problem: digital marketing IS the standard form of advertising these days. Nowhere else can offer you the same ROI for your advertising dollars. It’s completely understandable why so many companies get less than their desired ROI their first time designing an online marketing…

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Digital Marketing in the New Year: Your Options Explained

By Jennie Lyon / February 6, 2018
JLVAS - Digital marketing in the new year your options explained

The march of technology continues onwards! Every year, there is more and more innovation in the realm of digital marketing. With all of this changing technology comes new opportunities to get your advertising dollar to go a little further. A virtual assistant can help you take advantage of these digital marketing platforms and get the word about your business out to a wider audience using personality-infused storytelling and tested digital marketing techniques. Social Media MarketingSocial media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The increased engagement on platforms like Twitter means that 280 characters are more relevant than ever. Facebook has completely…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can Help Kick Your Business into High Gear this Winter!

By Jennie Lyon / January 23, 2018
JLVAS - How a virtual assistant can help kick your business into high gear this winter

Has this winter given you the blues? It’s around this time of year when the winter weather can really start to wear you down. With stunningly cold temperatures all across the country, even in the states that are warmer during the winter, folks are really starting to miss the sunny days of the summer. Feelings of “hibernation” and depression are normal around the end of January/beginning of February. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder, and it can take a huge toll on your productivity and your business. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, you need to be able to give…

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Why You Need a Virtual Assistant in the New Year… And I’m Not Talking about Alexa or Siri!

By Jennie Lyon / January 9, 2018
JLVAS Why you need a virtual assistant in the new year

You know, the only bad part about taking a vacation during the holidays is when you return to work in January. You sit down at your desk and just feel… stressed. You might feel overwhelmed at the amount of work that has piled up while you were taking a well-deserved festive rest with family and friends. There are clients to take care of, blog posts and social media that need to be written, a ton of email marketing to send out… Happy New Year! Thankfully, you don’t have to do it all alone. If you had a virtual assistant working…

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Winter is the Time to Plant the “Seeds” of Success for Growing Your Business

By Jennie Lyon / January 2, 2018
JLVAS winter is the time to plant seeds for growing your business

Who in their right mind would plant seeds in the dead of winter? Smart small business owners, that’s who! The biggest hope for a new year is growing your business. That’s what most New Year’s Resolutions are about, people want to grow. Grow their business, grow their income, personal growth. Growing your business doesn’t happen by accident though, you need to plant seeds. For an entrepreneur, the seeds of growth are plans for the future, and January is the perfect time to make them. Seed #1: Make a New Year Business Plan Do you have a business plan, written down…

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How to Plan for the Upcoming New Year: Looking Ahead at Success

By Jennie Lyon / December 27, 2017
JLVAS How to Plan for the upcoming new year

The holidays are when everything can seem like it is spinning out of control for small businesses. Everyone wants to spend time with their family, but you still need to keep your customers happy while getting everything at the office finished by the end of the year. On top of all that, you should already be thinking ahead about the upcoming new year. By making some plans right now, you can get ahead of the game for your business and know exactly where you want to head starting January 1st. Here are a few ideas of things you can do…

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Looking Back On Your Year: What Business Lessons Did You Learn?

By Jennie Lyon / December 17, 2017
JLVAS-Looking back on your year what business lessons did you learn_

Boy, I remember my first few years of business… When I think back, I kind of cringe at some of the mistakes that I made in my first few years as a small business owner. Now, sixteen years later, I simply can’t believe that I ever made those silly errors. But the reason that I am still in business is because I learned from them. Every single mistake I ever made, I learned from. That’s how you make a small business thrive. December is the perfect time to take a good look back at your year, figure out what worked…

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How to WOW Your Clients During the Holiday Season with High Level Service

By Jennie Lyon / December 10, 2017
JLVAS-how to wow your clients during the holiday season with high level service

Is there anything worse than having a bad customer service experience during the holidays? The holidays are packed with stressful situations. You need to get everything at work finished before the holidays start. You need to buy presents. You need to decorate. And you need to go to all of those wonderful social occasions you’re invited to! Earlier this week, I got a quick reminder of how important good customer service is over the holidays. I had ordered a very special holiday gift for my husband that was supposed to arrive on Monday. Wednesday morning, two days later, I awoke…

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