Everywhere you look on the internet, you find information flung at you from every direction and medium. We are awash in stimuli for most of our day on our mobile devices, laptops, and computer monitors. When you consider marketing your business amidst this deluge of content, it can seem pretty overwhelming! Thankfully, you can use a digital marketing tool that provides some evergreen content options and is super easy to digest: video! While you can certainly invest your money into a commercial that streams on YouTube or TV, that isn’t always possible for a small business owner. In the beginning…
Read MoreAs a small business owner, I really dislike being locked into a contract. I’ve heard horror stories from my clients who got locked into long-term contracts with a firm that didn’t deliver what they promised! Now, I’m not bad-mouthing my competitors here! The aim of countless virtual assistant firms out there is to help your business succeed. When you’re running a small business, you need to have flexibility, especially when you’re first starting out. Your income might not be predictable and having a big fixed cost can become a nightmare for your budget. With many reputable virtual assistant firms, you don’t…
Read MoreHave you taken the time to think about how people get to your website? A sales funnel is key. Even though we are firmly in the age of the internet, there are countless small businesses out there that maintain a “real world” focus on their company. The online part of their business isn’t given as much thought and focus as it should. First off, online IS the real world. Everything we do is online nowadays. Even before the pandemic hit, online sales and interactions were starting to outnumber in-person interactions. And now, well, there isn’t even a contest. Just look…
Read MoreIs your small business ready for some financial help? Well, good news! Stimulus help is on its way! COVID-19 has disrupted almost every aspect of American life, and I’m not just talking about stay-at-home guidelines. Individuals, organizations, and businesses have unexpectedly run into the economic equivalent of a brick wall. Financial hard times are tough enough to deal with when everything else is calm. But during a pandemic, pulling yourself out of that hole and protecting your brand can feel impossible. Thankfully at the end of March, the Federal government passed three landmark pieces of legislation to help Americans weather…
Read MoreAre you currently worried about your small business’s future? The coronavirus outbreak has turned the entire world upside down. There are times when it feels almost like a movie; it’s surreal. Many Americans are locked down in their homes, watching the news, wondering what’s next. But small business owners have even more worries. With social distancing becoming the norm and mandatory closure of non-essential businesses, entrepreneurs are trying to figure out how they can protect their businesses until we get to the other side of the crisis. The government is even providing help to small businesses with funding, grants, and…
Read MoreI’ve always been in awe of architects. They are like modern-day magicians. With math and an expert design sense, they design a blueprint that creates rock-solid structures that stand the test of time. And how do they do it? It all starts with a blueprint. After all, you can’t just start building a structure without knowing every single step you need to take. An architect designing a building will go through countless drafts of blueprints until they have a plan that is both functional AND beautiful. And once they finalize everything in the blueprint, they can finally start to get to…
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