How to Write a Business Plan for Entrepreneurs + Free Template

By Jennie Lyon / January 17, 2017

Probably the single most helpful tool any entrepreneur can use to ensure the success of their venture is a business plan. Think of it as your road map to successfully running a small business. It will help you clearly envision your goals, and show you how to reach them from where you are. A business plan is essential for those starting a new business, but it is also helpful for established businesses to make one. You may gain new insights into how your business is running, and where you can make changes to improve efficiency and make more room for…

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Still Haven’t Made Goals for the New Year? A Virtual Assistant Can Help!

By Jennie Lyon / January 10, 2017

The start of a new year always gets people motivated to make changes in their life, work on personal and professional development, and try new things. Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle to stay on track with their resolutions, and most get broken or forgotten by the time February rolls around. Maybe you broke them already? The last thing you want as a small business owner is for your new business goals to meet the same fate as that resolution to lose 5 pounds or eat more vegetables! [Tweet “It’s a new year, full of new opportunities to grow your…

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Put Yourself First this Year and Your Business Will Soar

By Jennie Lyon / January 3, 2017

If you make just one resolution this year, let it be to put yourself first. Too many small business owners work themselves to the bone, burning the candle at both ends, sometimes for years at a stretch. Your body and mind need time to recover from a hard day’s work, and there’s no shame in taking care of yourself. I know how tempting it can be to try and “do it all” when you’re in charge of everything about your work. Trust me when I say I have been there before. I have learned to resist the urge to spend…

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Steps to Make the Coming Year the Best Business Year Yet

By Jennie Lyon / December 20, 2016

Well, we’ve almost made it through another year! I hope it was as good for your business as it was for mine, although I have some great suggestions if you didn’t meet all of your business goals this past year. The perfect time is coming up, in the lull between holiday gatherings and the new year starting in earnest, for you to take some steps for envisioning your next year in business. [Tweet “Come up with concrete plans and goals to make the New Year, your best year yet!”] One of the key practices you should adopt if you want…

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Don’t Forget to Take Care of Your Clients This Holiday Season

By Jennie Lyon / December 6, 2016

With the holiday season in full swing, your focus should be on offering clients the same great, reliable service you give them year-round, to help reduce the stress of this time of year. For most small businesses, the last two months of the year can be very busy. However, they’re also one of the best times to show your clients how invaluable you are to them, and how much you appreciate their business. By taking a bit of extra time to ensure that your seasonal client care is top notch, you’ll be sure to avoid ending up on any “naughty…

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It’s Almost a New Year: Build Your Virtual Team Now

By Jennie Lyon / November 29, 2016

Do you have the right team in place to support your business? Your goals probably involve the growth of your business, taking on new clients, expanding your services or product line, tackling more and larger projects, etc. No small business owner wants to get stuck in a rut or have their business stagnate. However, growth means more work. A lot of small business owners view hiring an additional person to work on their business as a scary prospect. They worry about paying a salary, whether their need for support will remain consistent enough to warrant the commitment of a new…

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Gratitude: What are You Thankful for in Your Business?

By Jennie Lyon / November 22, 2016

It’s Thanksgiving week, which means it’s a good time to focus on the things in our lives that we’re grateful for. Owning and running a small business can sometimes be challenging or draining, but there are so many wonderful things about it that make the trials worthwhile. I always try to remember to think on all the parts of running my own business that fill me with gratitude and appreciation for the work I do and the people I work with. Especially around holiday time, when the themes of thankfulness and love are so prevalent, I find it makes me happy…

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Are You REALLY Hearing Your Clients? How to Listen Well as a Business Owner

By Jennie Lyon / November 15, 2016

Do you know how to listen well as a business owner? Really, I’m not asking this facetiously; a lot of people don’t actually have well-developed listening skills, and that can hold them back in the world of small business ownership. Communication is the key to running a successful business, and listening should be the bulk of your communication! In a world of constant distractions, where we’ve been taught to multi-task as often as possible, many people have difficulty keeping their attention focused on a single conversation for any length of time. This can be a huge source of miscommunication between…

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How a Virtual Assistant Can Keep You in the Game While You Enjoy the Holidays

By Jennie Lyon / October 25, 2016

The holidays are fast approaching, Halloween is a little over a week away! Like many other entrepreneurs and small business owners, I’m sure you’re looking forward to them. After all, who doesn’t love spending time with family, enjoying the change of season, and attending celebrations and holiday dinners? Unfortunately, this is often also a busy time for small businesses, and all the extra workload can keep you from enjoying your holidays. Entrepreneurs, especially those working solo and/or from a home office, need to carefully protect their work-life balance. Do you need a vacation or some time working fewer hours in order…

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The Importance of Visual Branding and How a Virtual Assistant Can Help

By Jennie Lyon / October 18, 2016

Branding encompasses all the ways a client or customer views and understands your business, including the visual presentation of your company’s website and print materials. Humans are visual creatures by nature, and one of the first judgments a potential client makes when interacting with your business for the first time is whether it looks trustworthy, current, and consistent. Visual branding goes beyond just logo design. Especially for a small business, using the same visual identity standards/style guides (fonts, colors, graphics) across your website and social media channels is key. Setting out these standards and making sure your company can be…

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