How Automating Your Client Onboarding Can Change Everything + A Free Workbook!

By Jennie Lyon / October 23, 2018

One of the most time-consuming activities for a small business is client onboarding. There are so many steps necessary to give your customers your full focus and attention. By automating the process, you can free up SO much time that you can better spend actually serving their needs. If you are a small business owner with a limited, or non-existent staff, onboarding can take up a ton of your time. While larger businesses can afford to assign someone to handle these responsibilities, your onboarding process entirely relies on you. But what can you do? Well, the solution is automation! By…

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How A Virtual Assistant Helped Me Grow My Own Small Business

By Jennie Lyon / October 2, 2018

I like to think of myself as a veteran small business owner. Ever since my twenties, I’ve felt the drive to create my own work. It’s something that comes from within me, to create a business from nothing. I’m sure that many of the small business owners and entrepreneurs reading this blog can relate! I’ve been through ups and downs and have learned many lessons along the way. One of the most important lessons was the necessity of needing help. For the first ten years of my business, I did everything myself without any help. Not even a virtual assistant.…

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Balance Parenthood and Your Small Business with a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / September 11, 2018

Recently, there have been a number of stories in the news that a record number of pregnant women are running for political office, more than at any other point in our country’s history. This absolutely remarkable shift was foreshadowed just a few short months ago when the sitting Prime Minister of New Zealand gave birth to her daughter. Can you imagine being the leader of a country while at the exact same time balancing the responsibilities of being a new parent? For many small business owners out there, it’s easy because they are going through something very similar. It’s time…

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Find Extra Hours in your Day with the Help of a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / August 28, 2018

When was the last time that you got a really good night’s sleep? As a small business owner myself, I know what it’s like to have to have to work 12 to 14 hour days. Back when I first started my business, I would get up in the morning, work all day, and then go to sleep. It’s rewarding, no question, but also exhausting. And what choice do we have? As a small business owner, you’re responsible for everything and, if something doesn’t get done, the only person that you can blame is yourself. But what if it didn’t have…

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Is Your Small Business on Instagram? If Not, It’s Time!

By Jennie Lyon / July 3, 2018
JLVAS -is your small business on instagram

Do you have an Instagram account set up for your business? If not, you’re missing an incredibly valuable opportunity to connect with potential clients and customers in a way that is unique from every other social media channel. Instagram is currently the most used social media network out there today, with over 800 million monthly users. Even better, these are highly engaged users! They are actively looking for content, services, and products, all of which you and your small business could provide them with. So the 800 million dollar question is… Why aren’t you on Instagram yet? [Tweet “Is your…

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Small Business, Big Team: How a Virtual Assistant Can Double Your Income

By Jennie Lyon / May 15, 2018
JLVAS How a virtual assistant can double your income

One of the biggest challenges that small businesses can run into is a lack of funds to hire new employees. If your business is rapidly expanding and you need an extra hand, hiring someone to help out might be unavoidable. Unfortunately, you have to pay for their training, their sick days, holidays, etc. With a Virtual Assistant, you can get the same, if not an even better result for much less overhead. AdministrationIf you are in the business of providing services to customers, then client care probably takes up a great deal of your time, especially if you have few…

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Business Planning 101: A Simple Checklist to Ensure Success

By Jennie Lyon / January 16, 2018
JLVAS Business Planning-A simple checklist to ensure success

Do you have a comprehensive business plan? If you don’t have one in your drawer, you should get to work! I’m a big believer in planning ahead. A business plan can give you direction, something to aim towards throughout the year. If you already have a well-thought-out business plan, then the new year is a perfect time to update it with your new goals for the new year! If you are thinking about starting out on a new endeavor, then figuring out a plan for your proposed business is a must. Here is my personal updated 8-step process, along with…

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Looking Back On Your Year: What Business Lessons Did You Learn?

By Jennie Lyon / December 17, 2017
JLVAS-Looking back on your year what business lessons did you learn_

Boy, I remember my first few years of business… When I think back, I kind of cringe at some of the mistakes that I made in my first few years as a small business owner. Now, sixteen years later, I simply can’t believe that I ever made those silly errors. But the reason that I am still in business is because I learned from them. Every single mistake I ever made, I learned from. That’s how you make a small business thrive. December is the perfect time to take a good look back at your year, figure out what worked…

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How to Grow Your Business and Sell Your Products with Facebook Ads

By Jennie Lyon / October 17, 2017

With the advent of social media, the world of advertising has been blown wide open. It used to be that small businesses would have to pay through the nose to get print ads in major publications. I mean, how else could they get the attention of new customers? But social media and the internet changed all that. Now, small businesses can run specifically targeted ads on social media platforms, and best of all, they can do it at a price point that is WAY cheaper than it used to be. One of the best advertising platforms today is an app…

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5 Tips for Building Long-Term Client Relationships

By Jennie Lyon / September 19, 2017

What would your company be without your clients? One of the keys to a successful small business is to develop long-term client relationships. For a business to become truly successful, you need to build a foundation of repeat customers and clients you can rely on. This can require a tremendous amount of time and effort, just like developing any other lasting relationship in your life. Here are some tips on how you can get started strengthening your client relationships, with the goal of eventually converting them into regular, long-term clients: Communication is the KeyAll of my long-term client relationships have…

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