Yay, you’ve given your first webinar! Putting together a really fantastic webinar is no laughing matter. You have to do tons of research, write a script, create graphics, get together all of your slides, actually sign people up, advertise, and then finally present it. It can take a few months to get through all of that work and finally reach the big day. And once you do… then what? Hopefully, you got lots of people into your webinar and they opt into some of your services or buy your programs, but what about the webinar itself? You’ve done all of…
Read MoreAre you consciously aware of how you purchase products? I’m not talking about the process of paying for it, I mean the process that begins the moment you become aware of a product to the moment that you use it. This is known as a sales funnel and you need to be aware of it for any marketing strategy to work. No matter what your chosen method of advertising, whether it be Facebook Ads, email marketing, or social media, you need to have a sales funnel in place. A virtual assistant can help you build a sales funnel, writing all…
Read MoreFacebook is king. Don’t take my word for it, just ask someone if they have a Facebook account. Chances are that they will say “Yes!” Facebook and other social media channels have replaced our address books, photo albums, and even started to replace more traditional forms of advertising. By using Facebook as a marketing platform, you will be able to reach out to a huge group of potential clients for a fraction of the cost it would have just a few years ago. So let’s take a look at the reach, power, and ROI (Return-On-Investment) of Facebook Ads! The Reach…
Read MoreDo you have an Instagram account set up for your business? If not, you’re missing an incredibly valuable opportunity to connect with potential clients and customers in a way that is unique from every other social media channel. Instagram is currently the most used social media network out there today, with over 800 million monthly users. Even better, these are highly engaged users! They are actively looking for content, services, and products, all of which you and your small business could provide them with. So the 800 million dollar question is… Why aren’t you on Instagram yet? [Tweet “Is your…
Read MoreHave you ever heard the old saying, “Show, don’t tell”? Visual and graphic design is an absolutely essential part of any company’s branding. Without an attractive visual element, a brand is simply words on a page. With great graphic design, a brand can pop and get into the minds of potential clients and customers alike. Unfortunately, many companies tend to put the importance of graphic design on the back burner, either believing it doesn’t makes a huge difference or feeling that they can do just as good a job themselves. This kind of thinking can make or break a business.…
Read MoreIf you’ve been building a successful email list for your business, you’re probably wondering what is the best way to use it. If you have all of these people who want to hear about your business or product, how do you capitalize on it? Simple! You do it with a high-performing email campaign! A well-designed email campaign can be one of the most effective marketing tools in your arsenal, allowing you to reach your entire email list with a targeted message, informing your customers about a great sale or new product you’re offering. The trick is to get the email…
Read MoreFor a small business owner, taking a vacation often depends on staying ahead of clients’ needs. You can’t afford to let things slip or have radio silence reign in your absence. I’ve always found that clients appreciate an entrepreneur who makes every effort to maintain continuous service no matter what time of year it is. However, that doesn’t have to mean skipping your vacation(s)! Some clients are wonderful, and understand that everyone needs a break now and then. Others may have (unrealistically) high expectations and not want to see any break in the service they receive from your business. You…
Read MoreWriting can be daunting for many small business owners; you’re an expert in your field, but that doesn’t mean you’re also an incredible wordsmith! Even savvy entrepreneurs don’t always stop to consider just how much writing work is involved in running their own business. Aside from emails (and any other documents you send to clients), you also have to worry about website copy, advertisements, and branding collateral like brochures. That doesn’t even begin to cover all the regular blogging and social media posts a small business needs to appear active in this digital age! [Tweet “The quality of your copy…
Read MoreSocial media is an essential component of marketing for small businesses, but it can also put a huge strain on busy entrepreneurs. The “always on” nature of our modern, interconnected world may mean your clients expect to be able to reach you via any communication channel at any time. This is a recipe for overworking yourself and living under constant stress. As entrepreneurs, we need to be especially careful to take care of ourselves. Small business owners are more likely to try and do it all when it comes to running our companies! The current expectation to maintain active social…
Read MoreHave you paid much attention to Pinterest lately? It may not have the immediacy of Instagram, but it’s still a very important social media platform for small business owners! Pinterest combines visuals with powerful organizational and search capabilities. Content uploaded to it can still go “viral” like Instagram and Facebook posts, but also has more staying power and is easier to find months or years later. [Tweet “Pinterest is an incredible visual search engine that functions differently from other social media.”] I’ve personally used Pinterest to great effect for my businesses. I’ve gained followers on multiple social media platforms, and…
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