Adapt Your Social Media Content Across Every Social Media Channel

Cross-country marketing can be a fascinating thing.
Companies can take the exact same product but market it entirely differently depending on the country they are in. For example, there might be completely different advertising campaigns for a product like Pepsi in Mexico, Canada, and the United States. This is despite the fact that they’re all located on the same continent, two of them primarily speak English, and it’s the same product. It all has to do with local conventions of the media, cultural differences, and values when it comes to marketing.
Marketing on social media is a little bit like cross-country marketing. Every social media channel is a little bit different, catering to a variety of audiences looking for different kinds of content. While your marketing voice and message can be similar across social media platforms, there are some ways that you need to adapt to each in order to effectively reach your desired audiences.
[TWEET “Want to increase the effectiveness of your social media? You need to customize each post to each channel!”]
Let’s start with Facebook.
Facebook is the “default” social media channel. Everyone is on Facebook, whether they want to be or not. It’s an indispensable platform for reaching directly out to your audience and interacting with them across chat and comments. Whether you are using Facebook ads, boosted posts, or simply your regularly posted content, Facebook is where it’s at for digital marketing.
In terms of your Facebook posts, you want them to have a fun, snappy tone. This isn’t the place for ponderous, boring copy. Instead, you want to hit your audience with marketing copy that will grab their attention. Another way that you can help with this is to have social media graphics that instantly catch their eye.
While there isn’t a character limit like on some other social media channels (Looking at you Twitter), you still only want to use as many words and hashtags as you need to convey your message. This isn’t the place for a blog. (Mind you, there IS a place for your blog, and it’s on your website!)
Here is an example of some great Facebook copy:
Core lead magnets, freebies, opt-ins, whatever you want to call them, you need them! With focused, valuable, FREE content, you allow your dream clients to see just what you can do—leading them right to your inbox for more. ✨
Tap the link & let’s dive in! #onlinemarketing #onlinemarketingstrategy #smallbiztips #savvybusinessowner
Some people call Instagram the new Facebook, and that’s true in many ways! First, Facebook OWNS Instagram, so there’s that. But also, Instagram harkens back to the days when Facebook was just about sharing photos. There’s not a whole lot of political or controversial content on Instagram. Instead, it’s a social media channel where you can feel good about scrolling to see what your friends are up to. In other words, Instagram is on the rise!
As such, you want to be sure to keep a conversational tone. With Instagram’s more personal touch, it allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. You can also be a little more free with the length of your marketing copy here, including TONS of hashtags. And while you can’t include URLs within photo descriptions, there are ways around this limitation called Link In Bio!
Here is an example of great Instagram copy:
How will your potential clients get a sense of what you have to offer before signing up for your services?
Sure, they can tell a lot about you just by reading through the copy on your website. And of course, they can scroll through testimonials and accomplishments to check out what you’ve done in the past.
But how do they get a real feel for the VALUE you bring? ✨It’s time to start thinking about how you’ll offer FREE content that will make your dream clients go, “Wow! This is exactly what I need.”
Tap the link in bio & let’s take a look at how you can lead your audience right to your inbox!
#onlinemarketing #onlinemarketingstrategy #smallbiztips #salesfunnel #socialmediaforbusiness #buildyourbusiness #entreprenuerher #marketingadvice #allthethings #solopreneurs #virtualassistant #virtualassistants #internetbusiness #marketingideas #marketingstrategies #savvybusinessowners #creativebiz #femalepreneur #femalebusinessowner #fempreneur #ladyboss #onlinebusinessmanager #smallbiz #marketingtips #smallbusiness #getorganized #vapost
The funny thing about LinkedIn lately is that it decided to copy Facebook. Take a look at your LinkedIn profile page. Now, look at your Facebook profile page. Hmmm, familiar? Despite this, LinkedIn serves a very different purpose than Facebook does.
Chances are that you use LinkedIn for business networking reasons. Maybe you have your entire resume up there, just in case someone comes along with your dream job! Or perhaps you use it to recruit new talent for your small business. Either way, LinkedIn offers you a more professional social media channel for your posts.
The nice thing about LinkedIn is that you are likely to attract an audience who already knows what you’re talking about. Unlike the casual audiences offered on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you’re dealing with a more professional crowd here. As such, your content can have a more professional tone while also using the usual hashtags and URLs.
Here’s an example of some excellent LinkedIn copy:
When’s the last time you combed through the data for your business blog? There’s a treasure trove just waiting to be discovered!
Take a good look at the blog topics your audience loves. Now, think about how you can give them more value in the form of core lead magnets! Tap the link & let’s dive in. #onlinemarketing #onlinemarketingstrategy #smallbiztips #savvybusinessowner
People say that creativity comes out of constraints, and that’s undoubtedly true of Twitter. While they’ve lifted their famous 140 character limit in recent years, you still have to be smart about the length of the copy. You might think that 280 characters is generous, but you’ll use it up quick!
With Twitter, you will be reaching a similar audience as Facebook. As such, the tone and style of your copy can be similar as well, just much shorter. As always, it’s essential to use effective hashtags and URLs. If you need some extra space, you can always use a URL shortener. Alternatively, I can do that for you!
Here is a perfect example of some Twitter copy:
When’s the last time you combed through the data for your business blog? Take a good look at the blog topics your audience loves. Now, think about how you can give them more value in the form of #coreleadmagnets! #onlinemarketing #onlinemarketingstrategy
[TWEET “Want to know the difference between a Facebook post and an Instagram post? You can find out here!”]
Need Help Getting Started?
As you can see, creating copy for your social media can be quite time-consuming. You can’t just write a single post and spread it over every single social media channel. If you want it to be effective, you need to customize it to the audiences that you’ll find on each. If you’ve never created a social media campaign before but want to learn, I can help you with this free $10/Day AD Strategy. In it, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started creating fantastic Facebook marketing campaigns!

On the other hand, if all of this just seems like a massive, productivity-destroying headache, I can help there too. I’ve created countless social media marketing campaigns that have gotten results for small businesses all over the country. If you’re interested in learning how I can expand your reach all over social media, I invite you to contact me today for a free consultation. I can do a social media audit, so you know exactly what to do to supercharge your social media posts!