Hire a Virtual Assistant To Boost Your Social Media Engagement

By Jennie Lyon / December 1, 2020
Hire a Virtual Assistant to Boost Your Social Media Engagement

How much time every week do you spend on your social media? I’m not just talking about writing it. Creating compelling content is only one of the keys to social media marketing success. So much more needs to go into it if you genuinely want to build your audience and convert your followers into paying customers! Here’s an admission for you: I’ve been spending WAY too much time recently growing my Instagram! But I genuinely believe that it’s worth every second. Social media channels like Instagram and Facebook offer small businesses an invaluable (and remarkably cheap) advertising platform to reach…

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5 Ways to Show Client Appreciation with a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / November 23, 2020
Show Client Appreciation This Holiday Season with A virtual Assistant

In some ways, this year feels like it has dragged on and on. And in other ways it feels like it’s zipping by! I realized this week is Thanksgiving! Then, I started to think how I haven’t started my holiday shopping yet! As a small business owner, there is nothing like shopping for client gifts to make the holiday stresses pile up! With Black Friday and Cyber Monday in front of us, small business owners are starting to think about finding the right gifts for their family and friends and CLIENTS too. You’re probably one of them and if you’re…

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How to Find and Work with a Virtual Assistant

By Jennie Lyon / November 17, 2020
How to Find and work with a virtual assistant

Wouldn’t it be great to have an assistant at your beck and call? All you’d need to do is hit the intercom on your desk, and like a flash, they appear!  Unfortunately, that’s beyond the means of most small business owners. Many of them work out of their home. Unless they draft their kids into the role, (take it from me, this isn’t a great idea! haha!) having an assistant might seem like it simply isn’t possible.  Or is it?  The Internet Created Countless Jobs The internet has created countless brand-new types of jobs over the last twenty years, including…

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How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Batch Your Content

By Jennie Lyon / November 3, 2020
How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Batch Your Content

You want to know the real problem with content creation? It’s like being on a treadmill.  Every single week, you need to have a new blog or a new podcast ready. This is accompanied by social media posts, an email campaign, and all of your other digital marketing content. It never ends! That’s one of the reasons why so many small business owners fall off the content creation train after just a few weeks. They start out strong, keeping up with the pace. But soon, they start to fall behind, maybe missing a single week. Then it’s two weeks. And…

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Is It Time For a Website Redesign?

By Jennie Lyon / October 27, 2020
Is it Time for A Website Redesign

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Aging gracefully?” While I personally think that aging gracefully is a virtue, I can tell you one place where age really does matter: your website. After just a few years, even the most cutting-edge, beautiful, and well-designed website starts to look a little dated, or even worse, doesn’t function properly anymore! In fact, many websites look like they’ve gone without any updates for over a decade! Although, to be 100% honest, there are far fewer of them than there used to be. Over the last few months, COVID-19 has pivoted millions of small businesses…

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How to Create a New Subscriber Nurture Sequence

By Jennie Lyon / October 20, 2020
How to Create A New Subscriber Nurture Sequence

Are you the kind of person who finds it easy to make new friends? Or are you more the type that prefers to meet and chat with people online? Either way, your skills are going to come in handy if you’re creating an email nurture sequence to entice new subscribers to become paying customers!  In business, it’s critical to always follow up on things. If you leave potential customers and clients to their own devices, the chances are that they will get distracted by their daily lives. To keep them as active prospects, you need to nurture the relationships. A…

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Biggest Mistakes I’ve Made in 20 Years of Business

By Jennie Lyon / October 13, 2020
Biggest Mistakes Ive Made in 20 Years of Business

You know the old saying that mistakes are why they put erasers on the end of pencils? Well, that might do the trick when you’re in the 6th grade, but when you’re a small business owner, mistakes have slightly higher stakes! As a small business owner, I’ve faced countless difficulties throughout my career. Heck, like everyone else in the world in 2020, I’ve faced incredible challenges over the last few months! The good thing is that I’ve learned how to take those mistakes and learn from them. But trust me, that wasn’t easy!  I’ve always found that the next best…

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How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Launch Your Webinar

By Jennie Lyon / October 6, 2020
How To use a Virtual Assistant to Launch Your Webinar

Everyone needs a helping hand, now and then. A webinar launch is no different. No matter what business you work in, you can’t do everything yourself. Sometimes, you need to bring in specialists who have experience, skills, and knowledge you don’t currently possess.  Many small business owners might want to hire an accountant/bookkeeper to take care of their finances and taxes, so they don’t need to deal with all of those numbers. If you can’t answer the phone all day, perhaps hiring a receptionist could be a good idea. And if you don’t have time to write content for your…

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How to Create a Lead Magnet Funnel (+ Free Workbook!)

By Jennie Lyon / September 29, 2020
How to Create a Lead Magnet Funnel

The Dangers of Relying on Social Media One thing that I say to my clients over and over again is how important it is for them to be building up their own email list. And countless clients come back to me with, “Jennie, I don’t need an email list. I have thousands of followers on Facebook!” So many people focus solely on building their social media following. They end up forgetting that they don’t actually OWN their followers. You’re at the mercy of Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram. If something happens, you’re out of luck. That is exactly what happened…

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How To Attract An Audience With The Best Copywriting Tips

By Jennie Lyon / September 22, 2020
How to attract an audience with the best copywriting tips

Copywriting is at the heart of most marketing strategies. Everything from writing ads to crafting webinars to coming up with taglines requires a certain amount of copywriting skill. As a small business owner, you need to effectively communicate your brand’s key messages through compelling copy that converts people to paying customers.  But how do you do this? If you don’t know the different types of copy, proven strategies to get customers to engage, and ways to deal with writer’s block ( a particular nightmare for all writers out there), you’re likely going to be stuck staring at a blank page…

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